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Pioneer Press
  What's behind Molnau fray?
The Minnesota Senate rarely rejects a member of the governor's cabinet, so it was a surprise last week when Senate Democrats recommended removing Republican Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau from her second job as state transportation commissioner.


Q&A; with Mike Vekich, the interim lottery director
The interim lottery director says promoting the games is the thorniest of problems identified in a legislative audit report.
Mike Vekich, named interim director of the Minnesota State Lottery on Feb. 2, came aboard in stormy weather.

What does it mean? A recap of political news
A brief recap of the week's political news in Minnesota — with a dose of analysis from our veteran state Capitol reporters.
On a 117-13 vote, the Minnesota House passed an anti-crime measure Wednesday that would increase punishments for meth makers, send violent rapists to prison for life and lengthen sentences for other sex offenders. A similar Senate anti-crime measure is making its way through the committee process and will likely go before the full Senate soon.

Monday at the Capitol
Crime bill: The Senate Finance Committee takes up the omnibus crime bill. HF2028 sentences the worst sex offenders to life in prison and lengthens prison terms for other sex and methamphetamine-related crimes. The bill also limits the sale of over-the-counter products used to make meth and adds a law punishing those who endanger children while manufacturing the illicit drug (8 a.m., Room 123, Capitol).

Business Beat: Election winnings
Minnesota TV stations could cash in on the 2004 campaign season.
The first splashes from what could be a gusher of 2004 political advertising are beginning to brighten the financial statements of commercial television stations serving the Twin Cities market.

Bill tracker
Bills in the news: where they've been, where they're going
Stadium: The House Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs Committee passed HF3089, which outlines funding options for a new baseball and football stadium. It also creates the Minnesota Stadium Authority — a group that will select the location of future sports stadiums. The bill next goes to the House Taxes Committee.

 Time to tune in
Review the Pioneer Press' daily background reports that make complex issues understandable. This seven-part series was published Jan. 25-Feb. 1, 2004.
 Be prepared: 2004 Legislature convenes
The 2004 Legislature convened Feb. 2 and external pressures are driving its policy and political agenda. Read up on the issues the politicians face.
»What is a bill?
»Watching from afar
»All Politics Primer Topics


Capitol ideas
Read the Quinlivan Political Report -- a recap of the week's legislative and national political news updated every Friday.


ARCHIVE: Rule designed to keep bills on topic
The Minnesota Senate voted Thursday to scuttle "scuds." Last session, the House morphed bland Senate bills into three measures dealing with controversial issues. The House attached a major tort reform law onto a bill dealing with property and mortgages, a long-awaited anti-abortion bill onto a measure dealing with circuses around State Fair time and a sweeping gun permit law onto legislation dealing with ice houses.

ARCHIVE: Board votes to admonish Pfizer
When a shareholder who owns less than two-tenths of a percent of a company's stock gets riled, it usually doesn't make headlines. But when the stockholder is the state of Minnesota and the company is the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc., things are different.

ARCHIVE: Tactics used on divisive bills sting DFL
Amendments link icehouses to guns, abortion to circus law
First, a bill lifting a circus ban during the State Fair morphed into the biggest new abortion law in Minnesota in two decades. Now, an innocuous bill setting new identification requirements for icehouses is expected to expand dramatically access to concealed weapons permits in the state.

ARCHIVE: Roseville considers instant runoff
Ireland uses the process to elect its president, Australia its House of Representatives and London its mayor. Roseville could be next to adopt instant-runoff voting.

ARCHIVE: Disability payouts rise for police, firefighters
A growing number of cops and firefighters in St. Paul and throughout Minnesota are using loosely written laws to gain lucrative disability benefits, straining a taxpayer-supported pension fund and threatening local government budgets across the state.

ARCHIVE: The Meth effect
Methamphetamine, a highly addictive illegal drug, ensnares more Minnesotans each year. Its growing use ruins lives, strains public budgets and spreads hazardous waste.

ARCHIVE: Education chief backs 'No Child Left Behind'
The nation's top education official used his visit to a St. Paul school Wednesday to defend the federal No Child Left Behind law and dismiss attempts by some states to avoid the law's requirements.

ARCHIVE: Senate panel snubs 'No Child Left Behind'
On the eve of U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige's tour today of a St. Paul school, a Minnesota Senate panel signaled strong distaste for the federal No Child Left Behind Act, which has been trumpeted by the Bush Administration.

ARCHIVE: Hatch issues warning on schools' equipment deals
An offer of free exercise equipment to Minnesota's financially struggling school districts may be too good to be true, authorities warned Thursday.

ARCHIVE: Doyle promises Web links — maybe
MADISON, Wis. — The governor said Friday he'll probably redesign Wisconsin's prescription drug Web site within weeks to include links to Canadian pharmacies if the federal government doesn't go after Minnesota for offering similar services.

ARCHIVE: Poll finds voters are evenly divided over death penalty
Minnesotans are split on the death penalty — about half support it and about half oppose it, according to a new statewide poll.

ARCHIVE: Death penalty proposal unveiled
Before unveiling his death penalty proposal Tuesday, Gov. Tim Pawlenty asked James Stuedemann to share his story. His voice a little unsteady, Stuedemann told of his 18-year-old daughter's rape, beating, stabbing and murder in the family's Woodbury home three years ago.


Poll: Kerry leads Latin voters
Sen. John Kerry holds a wide but not necessarily comfortable lead over President Bush among Hispanic voters nationwide, according to a new poll.
 »  Schedule of primaries and caucuses
 »  Full Election 2004 coverage


  Of the People archive
Reporter Jim Ragsdale chronicles how decisions at the Legislature are affecting real people.


Kerry campaign projects him as the better fiscal manager
WASHINGTON — Looking to claim the mantle of fiscal integrity, Sen. John Kerry's campaign on Sunday accused President Bush of recommending or enacting tax cuts and spending proposals that would cost more than $6 trillion dollars over the next 10 years.

Both sides accuse other of exploiting 9/11
WASHINGTON — Although they had promised they would not exploit the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks for political advantage, Republicans and Democrats are using them extensively in their presidential campaigns.

Kerry wants to choose running mate early
WASHINGTON — Sen. John Kerry has told associates that he wants to select a running mate within eight weeks, an accelerated schedule intended to help him raise money and respond to a bombardment of attacks from President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney that worries party leaders, Democratic officials say.

Dems strive for fragile balance
WASHINGTON — For John Kerry, taunting is out. Big tent is in. Pivoting from primary campaign to general election tactics, Kerry is alternating the partisan Bush bashing that Democrats love with moderate proposals that appeal to swing voters in a few make-or-break states.

'Traditional' label riles Laura Bush
WASHINGTON — Laura Bush hates "The Box." She dislikes being boxed and packaged by others as a "traditional first lady" in the mold of Bess Truman and Mamie Eisenhower, presidential wives from the "Leave It to Beaver" 1950s. She's also curious about a historian's recent survey of first ladies that describes her as "average" and ranks her 20th.

Nader's campaign lonelier this time
WASHINGTON — When Ralph Nader is amused about something, a crooked smirk creases his somber face, the shoulders beneath the pin-striped suit start to quiver, and the abrupt, shrill laugh that escapes his mouth can best be described as a strangulated giggle.

Top liberals beg Nader to bow out
WASHINGTON — Prominent liberals are pleading with third-party candidate Ralph Nader to abandon his "quixotic and destructive" presidential bid, warning that his presence in the race could ensure the re-election of President Bush.

Bush credits his tax cuts for job gains
HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — President Bush sought political momentum Friday from the largest gain in U.S. employment in four years, saying the creation of 308,000 new jobs in March was proof that his tax cuts and other economic policies are succeeding.

Democrats stuffing cozy cash cushion
WASHINGTON — The Democratic Party finds itself in its most confident and comfortable financial position in years, though it still trails Republicans in almost every fund-raising category.

Kerry has rotator cuff repaired as outpatient
BOSTON — Democrat John Kerry had complication-free outpatient surgery Wednesday for rotator cuff repair and will be back shaking voters' hands soon — although not too forcefully.

Search Minnesota Senate bills
Search Minnesota Senate bills by bill number, author or subject and also track their progress.
Search Minnesota House bills
Search Minnesota House of Representatives bills by bill number, author or subject and also track their progress.


9/11 Panel Expects to Pass Security Check

White House Sticking to Iraq Timetable

Bush to Promote Job Training in N.C.


Kerry camp charges Bush spending, tax cuts would top $6 trillion

Bush promises more and better job training

U.S.-backed Iraqis provided questionable info

MN Political Resources

 •Budget Crisis -- Archive of Pioneer Press Stories
 •State Senate -- Search Bills by Subject, Author and Bill Number
 •State House -- Search Bills by Subject, Author and Bill Number