The Wayback Machine -

April 01, 2004



I feel so damn good today. It was an errand kind-o-day... took dad-in-law around, took Mumsy shopping and set up her cute new vacuum cleaner, but most importantly, I declare today a "Kitty Vacation Day!" yessirree bob, not doing a stitch o' work today.

Have to save lives tomorrow and I'm the trauma mama to boot, so I'm chillin' today. I also bought a can of Dinty Moore beef stew for the dad-in-law's din-din, so that's taken care of. Damn, doesn't get much better than that.

One nice thing about taking Mumsy shopping, especially if I don't need anything (and don't want to be tempted into buying anything), I wait for her in the car and catch up on my magazine reading. I know that it makes her kind of nervous to have someone waiting for her, but I really, really don't mind. Especially today, I got my new HOW issue in the mail the other day and I enjoy reading that one out of all of them. Lots of useful info.

I'd reeeally like to attend the conference in San Diego this year, but it's pretty pricey. poopie. I'd love to meet a lot of the people that are going to be speaking there. Oh well. Maybe next year.

Okee doke... a few links that I ran across last nite...
My Pet Fat - I just skimmed the site, trying to get a better idea of the whole thing... I leave that to you.
Typographic Illustration - Turn on your speakers and watch. Very different.

Let's see, what else... hmm. Can't remember now... but they're out there.
OH! I remember what I was going to say - stopped at Yankee Candle yesterday on my way home from the dentist (which was fine btw) and picked up a couple new flavors - most delish, they have a "Pink Grapefruit" which is extemely yummy! *drool*

Okeeeee people, that's it for now. c'yall later.

March 31, 2004

let there be light


I've just stumbled on some track lighting that you can put up really easy without being an electrician (so they say)... I put a pack in my basket (it's cheaper here), but haven't pressed the "buy" button yet. I just don't need something else laying around here waiting to get put up, assembled, framed, or unpacked in this room. I have waaay more than my share of that stuff in here now, ya know? But it does look pretty cool. I love the way track lighting looks.

Ohhh poopie. I have to get going and go to the dentist. yuk. But it shouldn't be that bad, he's just putting the crowns on 2 of my teeth. Wonder if I'll need more Percocet? ya, I think I will. :) Seriously, I've been going to bed earlier now that I'm not taking pain pills anymore. weirdo.

okee... c'ya later.


Just a quickie... have you guys seen this?

A "treemap" of google news... to put it simply. But it makes everything so much more interesting to read! I was just playing around with it.

But I'm going to bed now. yay for me.

March 30, 2004


Every time I lean forward a little bit in my chair, it squeaks. That's annoying. And my tongue is really dry. My whole mouth is really dry. So I'm sitting here with a mouthful of water. Mouthful... mouth. full. Why is it "mouthful" - all one word - as opposed to mouth. full. Two words? Looks weird to me.

ANYhoo... what's happening? Probably nothin' cos you all are sleeping right now. Except for Dan.

I should probably go to bed too. Have to meet with that guy in the morning.

I did put that gnu set up at FMG... still not happy with it.
ok. I'm outta here.

March 29, 2004


I feel like doing something. Something WEIRD and WILD. Something to move my body all over the place and contort and twist and sweat. Dance. Exercise. ya, something physical.

I always feel this way after I've been working a lot. *Here* that is, certainly not after I've saved lives. I get enough twisting and turning when I do that.

You know when I said I was making something for myself the other day? Well, I did, but I don't like parts of it, so maybe I'll redo that later tonite.

Just got a call from someone that will put me "on the front page of all major search engines!" for only $4,000 (for Ink2Art) Wow, such a deal! *snort* - I told him that I have all of the business that I need, thank you very much.

hohum. Going thru that transition thing right now. From one site to another. I can't show you the one I just finished 'cos the client is an online store that they still have to set up... but I'll let you know when it is, k?

doodeedooo... ok. That's all for now.


Why is it that the clients who pay the least, are the most picky and demanding? I know that I don't word my contracts to cover situations such as, "after the 368th image redo, you must make a decision," but I need to.

Actually, the above client is finally happy. I just have to make a few more items and they're done... then onward etc etc...

Going to meet a new client in person. woah. A real life meeting where I have to get dressed and everything. But at least it's at Starbucks, so that's cool.

I bought a new poster yesterday. I like Nate's stuff... browsing around his site makes me want to redo FMG. Ooooh noooo... nah, that ain't gonna happen. If anything, I need to redo Ink2Art. Mainly 'cos I don't really like the black, as far as reading content on a black background. Of course no time's a good time for that.

Well, I shuppose. Back to work.
love you.

March 27, 2004

Got his rocks off

So now we have TWO TONS of boulders in our yard. Hubby just unloaded 2,600 more pounds off of the truck and carried them to border the right side of our house. Yup, that's his project this year. Then he'll plant... I can't think of the name of the perenials that he's putting in there... anyway, should look loverly when he's done. I'll try and remember to take pictures, k?

Just taking a little break here. Made another pot o' coffee, and I'm in an MTV mode while I work today. You know, the whole line-up. Newlyweds, Road Rules/Real World challenge, etc... nice morning so far.

You know when I got my hair cut last week, she cut it pretty short. Well, we also had a few kind of humid/warmish days the last two days, and all of a sudden my hair has reverted back to being totally tight & curly. Oh my! Looks like I have a little 'fro goin' on. pee-U-ie. Looks funny. But, no one is going to see me anyway, so it's no biggie. I was just surprised to see it going into that mode again. Seemed like I was losing the curl a bit when my hair got rather thin from my newer eating habits, but it's all fresh n' gnu now.

So what's everyone doing today? Anything fun?


I am forced to watch David Letterman, since as usual, there is nothing on. piss me off.

BUT, I am happy to be here. Comfycozy. No saving lives for a week (since I worked a whole 3 days this week), and I plan on catching up once and for all on my web work. Yes indeedy! Besides, I have more sites on deck - new ones & current client updates. yahooo!

Speaking of saving lives... I had two unrelated patients that were almost identical in their illness - they both have necrotizing fasciitis ("flesh-eating" bacteria) (*warning* - graphic images shown). Very, very sick. And so sad for everyone involved because it's so fast acting and sudden, and doesn't always have a good outcome. They kept me quite busy today.

But that's done for now. Onward.

Some odd linkages for your browsing pleasure...
- The American Gallery of Psychiatric Art - I want this antidepressant! (from 1963)
- Ex Playboy Bunny photos
- and a ga-roovy retro-ish design site. fun.

What else... hmm... I forgot. OH. I didn't stay up all nite last nite. That would have been silly, I know.

Ok then, I think I'll finish that new FMG set now, k?
Have a great weekend all!

March 26, 2004

to sleep or not to sleep

Ya, sure wish I didn't have to... sleep that is.

I passed out so hard after dinner tonite, so now of course I'm wide awake, but have to get up in about 4.5 hours to save lives. damn. I have half a mind to just stay up, but I don't know how I could "fake it" for hubby's sake.

Hop in the shower about 4:30, get ready, and then when he gets up at 5:00 and wonders where the hell I was, I could just look confused and say "why, what do you mean darling? I was right there next to you as always!" and since he'll still be waking up himself that he'll fall for it. ya think?

hmm... have to decide soon or I'm going to pass that magic time frame of getting a few hours sleep...

Of course this idea is born out of the need to get some of this web work DONE before the next millennium...

decisions decisions.