April 11, 2004
If you liked Firefox...

I've been using GAIM for instant messaging at work and have come to love having tabbed IMs (to go with my tabbed browser). I liked it so much that I dumped AOL instant messenger and started using the Windows version of GAIM at home, too. I don't have to look at AOL's stupid ads anymore, and I can be signed on to AIM, ICQ, and YahooIM all from the same client. Give it a try.

Posted by Xkot at 09:35 AM | Trackback (0) | Comments (6)
April 07, 2004
Mr. Show season 4 DVD

I was talking tonight with my friend Jason about the Mr. Show season 4 DVD set and if it would ever be released. Tonight I learned, via a community on Orkut, that it should be out this year. See? Those Friendster type things aren't completely useless.

Posted by Xkot at 03:37 AM | Trackback (0) | Comments (1)
April 06, 2004
Mmmm... tasty

Can't get enough of posts about eating only marginally edible items? Check out the Produce Label Taste Test, which was partial inspiration for my pseudopizza post.

Posted by Xkot at 09:35 PM | Trackback (0) | Comments (0)
Xkot's Psuedo-Pizza

I'm on a very low fat diet due to my gallbladder, and I haven't had pizza in three months, so I'm conducting an experiment tonight. I'm going to see if I can make a tasty pizza that's also low in fat.

The ingredients:

Mia pre-made pizza crust: 2g fat per serving
Pizza sauce that came in a pack with the crust: 0g fat
Kraft Free mozarella "cheese" food product: 0g fat
Diced onions: 0g fat
Frozen fajita chicken strips: 2.5g fat

I microwaved the frozen chicken strips for 3 minutes so they'd be mostly cooked and preheated the oven to 425. I added sauce to the crust and topped it with a single layer of "cheese" slices. On top of that went diced onions and the chicken strips. Here's what it looked like on my camera phone:

I put that in my oven for 10 minutes at 425 degrees. Here's what it looked like when I took it out:

It actually looked better than that in person - chalk it up to me using a camera phone instead of a real camera. One thing you can tell from the picture, though, is that the fat-free "cheese" doesn't melt or brown the same way regular cheese would. There were a couple brown areas, but for the most part it was a rather sickly white. The "cheese" also gains a plastic-like appearance when it melts, a reminder that what you are about to consume was not produced by any natural process. Here's a closeup:

The end result? Well... it was edible. It was vaguely reminiscent of pizza, but it wasn't great. The biggest problems were the texture of the cheese, which had a glue-like consistency, and (surprisingly) the crust. It was dry and tasteless. If I were to do it again I would try a different brand of crust, put some fat-free butter flavored spray on it, and sprinkle it with seasonings. For the cheese, I'm going to look for a very low fat option instead of the Kraft Free stuff that's mostly man-made.

Overall it's not a bad change from my usual diet of grilled chicken and rice or pasta, but it's got nothing on Papa John's. I'll continue to work on variations to see if I can come closer to getting it right.

Posted by Xkot at 12:46 AM | Trackback (0) | Comments (8)
April 05, 2004
Comment Spam Hell

I'm so sick of deleting porn spam comments from my weblog that I'm thinking about just taking it offline. Does anyone know of a quick way to mass-edit all of my old posts (we're talking 1710 of them, so a manual process is out) so that they no longer accept comments?

I already use MT-Blacklist but having to run it for 20 comments a day becomes tedious. I know I should probably install the MT alpha because of the comment features, since I got an invite and all, but they say you shouldn't use it for real sites at this point. I may just back up my blog and give it a try anyway. Comment spammers are working my last nerve.

Posted by Xkot at 11:22 PM | Trackback (0) | Comments (5)
April 03, 2004
Indecency run amok!

Now you can make any woman in your life feel like she's at the superbowl.

(Thanks to Jason for the link)

Posted by Xkot at 10:17 PM | Trackback (0) | Comments (0)
April 01, 2004
50/50 split

I'm torn as a movie geek. I don't care for the "monster truck sodomizing a Lamborghini" look of the new batmobile but the new bat logo, which looks like something from an old propaganda poster, makes me break out into a silly grin.

Posted by Xkot at 09:48 PM | Trackback (0) | Comments (5)