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·Birnbaum v. Francesca Delbanco
·Letters from London: New Fidelities
·Excerpts from <i>The Moonlight Chronicles</i>
·Letters from Edinburgh: Lazy Sunday Afternoon
·The Housewife&#8217;s Hay Market
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Nazis at UT Austin
Posted by:  on Saturday, December 20 @ 02:11:09 GMT
politics Ecco Confederatus
"Confederate, All Too Confederate"

I have created a website about "The Erotic History of Vampires," not to be controversial or to shock people's sensibilities, but to protest my dismissal from graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin a semester short of getting my PhD in Aerospace Engineering. The Vampire theme, although it fits many of the facts, is done as much in the spirit of protest as in the spirit of accuracy. As soon as the University found out I was disabled, with what the VA kindly calls a "stress disorder" I was history. Overnight I went from being a shining star of the program to being a black hole. They broke every rule in the book to expel me.

All of my technical research is on the web site, plus six more websites: an expose' of a 10,000 year old civilization that wrote the oldest book in existence - the Book of Job, in the Bible; a look at honor during the later Roman Empire, when the Vampire myth first began; a few natural healing practices which were purged as witchcraft by the Inquisition; a free novel about the Archangel of Light during the Civil War; book reviews in a small library; and excerpts from my gothic romance novel from First Books Library called Behold Leviathan.

Thanks in advance for your support in my war against the University - alas, against the whole establishement!

(reads: 6 times) (comments? | Score: 0)
this is so much more than a blog ...
Posted by: zenmother on Tuesday, May 20 @ 16:23:45 GMT
everything we could make this an amazing place. look at the features! articles, polls, downloads, private & public journals, RSS newsfeeds, webmail, chat ... it's a portal, for a community. want features? ask. i bet you there's a module somewhere i can install.
(reads: 35 times) (Read More... | 394 bytes more | comments? | Score: 0)


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zenofiniquity: the new surreally?

changing URLs is fun! i do it all the time!
what's the point?
dude. rock. this is perfect.
naked crisco twister.
ooh! pretty shiny things!


Votes: 14
Comments: 0
·resourceful blondeness
·lest we forget the peking relief thingy
·on a technicality
·boring general updatey thingy
·blogging in notepad, part deux
·notepad blogging, part one
·please send money thank you
·even though our skulls rot in our flesh, we can build a laser, tear the mesh

·in which i bought the propaganda
·At It Again
·The Fast Food Project
·Heisenberg's world's about to be rocked.
·You Get What You Deserve
·The decadence of youth
·different vigilance

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