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July 3, 2003

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June 28 / 29, 2003

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July 4, 2003

Bring 'Em On

"Bring 'em on. We've got the force necessary. . ."
Pres. Bush, about Iraqi attacks on our soldiers, July 2, 2003

C'mon you fuckers
we'll kill you suckers

Blood and circuses
the emperor will be amused
the good ol' boy
never in combat
ace who combs his hair behind the plane
before you snap his prance

peppy, preppy, pious, pugilist

Diane Christian is SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at University at Buffalo. She can be reached at: engdc@acsu.buffalo.edu



Each blossom, each flower
Flicked on its light-jets;
Opened nozzles--
Some to a fine spray,
Others full-throated.
Hosed down the jailers
And torturers; washed
The streets clean
Of grief and blood.

William Witherup's most recent collection of poetry is Down Wind, Down River: New and Selected Poems. West End Press, 2000. He can be reached at: moolmool27@msn.com


Long Hot Summer

Wives going nuts
maybe their husbands
are coming back killers
if they come back
from Iraq.
Knowing high divorce
came after Gulf War 1
and wanting
and fearing
the father
of their baby to be.

Dubya likes the fight
he can see it on the tube
read the insider reports
and Ye-haw the conquests.
Nation Building ain't my thing
he assured us
and straight shooting cowboy oath
he told the truth.
Dubya loves Destroying nations
and some families in Georgia.

Generals say we're still at war
too much coordination
too much killing
and put $25 million
on Saddam's head
like Bob Ford killing Jesse James
but the bucks would be wasted.

Saddam's beside the point
cause anyone's
gonna hate the guy
who took away
his water and history
and when it's 120 degrees in the shade
wouldn't you just kill
the refrigeration bandit
who shut off your air conditioning.

Stew Albert manages the Yippie Reading Room. He can be reached at: stewa@aol.com


Rococo Revolution

No one understands Fragonard
Anymore. No one takes the time.
In certain circles even his name
Must not be mentioned. For it
Will surely invite abuse, physical
Violence even. It's happened.

Is it fear of abandon-your wild
Fragrance of fun--that strikes them
As uncouth and causes them
To revolt in front of the canvas?

Would it shock them all
To discover Robespierre loved
You and cached your paintings
In a flat on the Rue Monge,
Visiting them during timeouts
From his administration
Of the Terror, crawling
Over those canvases,
Splayed to the floor,
As if he could smell them,
After all those decades.
I wonder: Did you
Save lives or draw blood?

Or has the prim lawyer
Too turned to dust
In their eyes, as
Kaput as Condorcet
Or Lautreamont--basking
In his hotels, feverish
With black visions
And opiated myths?

You caught the cusp
Of an age when marble
Cornices began to crack,
As Primaticcio's bright frescoes
Sooted over and then flaked
Away to ghostly images,
The secret treasuries
Of loot raided, Versailles
Mortgaged to the hilt:

Though few knew it, which,
For you, must have been
A big part of the beauty.
Breughel would have done
It all differently. But these
Weren't his kind of people.

Robespierre kept coming back
To one large canvas, a forest
Tryst: Tall spindly oaks frame
The scene, like part-open shutters,
A voyeur's invitation,
The foliage lush, and so dark,
Past prime. The air whips
With anticipation of autumn,
The grass rudely trampled,
The ground lurches and thrusts
As if the very Earth had hips.
These salmon-skinned lovers
Are wired, haven't slept in
Days, coming together
Like flagellants. Pre-lapsarian,
Perhaps, but the transgression
Has happened and happened
Again. And soon they will
Pay. Fragonard, your
Greatest irony is decay.

Weekend Edition Features

M. Shahid Alam
Bernard Lewis: Scholarship or Sophistry?

Jeffrey St. Clair
Meet Steven Griles: Big Oil's Inside Man

Laura Carlsen
Democracy's Future: From the Polls or the Populace?

Alan Maass
You Call These Democrats an Alternative?

C.Y. Gopinath
Bush and Kindergarten

Noah Leavitt
Bush, the Death Penalty and International Law

Joanne Mariner
Rehnquist Family Values

Ignacio Chapela
Tenure, Censorship and Biotech at Berkeley

Bob Scowcroft
Bush's Squeeze on Organic Farmers

Jon Brown
Tom Delay: "I am the Government"

Kam Zarrabi
Keep Your Hands Off Iran, Please!

Ron Jacobs
Big Bill Broonzy's Conversation with the Blues

Julie Hilden
Fear Factor: Art, Terror and the First Amendment

Adrien Rain Burke
The Anarchists' Wedding Guide

Adam Engel
US Troops Outta Times Square

Poets' Basement
Witherup, Guthrie, Albert, Hamod


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