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April 2, 2004   
Under God and Over
by Leon Wieseltier
What religion, and conservatism, and America can learn from the atheists among us. A report of a stirring morning at the Supreme Court.


The Editors:
What Israel did--and didn't--accomplish by killing Sheik Yassin.

A double tragedy in Spain.

Does Iraq's provisional constitution lay the foundation for civil war?

What's so conservative about the gay marriage amendment?

Blacks dislike gay marriage, but not as much as they dislike the GOP.

Bush's tax cuts versus the war on terrorism.

Why 9/11 families shouldn't have veto power over Bush's ads.

Al Sharpton, Dennis Kucinich, and the art of being snubbed.

The World:
The EU botches its response to the Madrid bombings.

Did Al Qaeda win its first election in Spain yesterday? Only if the incoming Socialist government allows it to.

After their split on Iraq, Schroeder and Bush are unlikely allies. But they need each other now more than ever.

Microcredit may be America's best hope for reviving the Iraqi economy.

Chicago School:
Divide foreign-policy thought into four quadrants. Note Bush and Kerry's positions. Account for the hidden influence of the other two squares. Now pick your candidate. Choose wisely.

Critics decry Iraq's provisional constitution for decentralizing power. But that's exactly what the country needs.

What Samuel Huntington gets wrong about Hispanic immigration.

The Federal Marriage Amendment would subvert civil unions and the authority of state governments. But states' rights defenders apparently can't be bothered.

That's Life:
Porn Apart
How did family activists and free-speech types manage to unite against an Internet porn proposal--and still both be wrong?

New research suggests women could give birth at a more advanced age. That's too bad.

Turns out Americans make surprisingly lousy libertarians.

Critics insist Janet Jackson's Super Bowl stunt will galvanize a movement for decency on TV. Don't count on it.

On the Hill:
Strike Out
Senate Republicans want to hurt John Kerry. But they keep hurting themselves.

Congressional Democrats don't have logical arguments against the Bush administration's $87 billion request for Iraq.

On the stump, Dick Gephardt says he tried to stop President Bush from going to war without the United Nations. The historical record suggests the opposite.

Conservative Republican Curt Weldon keeps a nuclear bomb in his office. So why are his dovish foreign policy antics driving the White House crazy?

White House Watch:
Run On
Bush's reelection bid begins.

The '04 contenders share a stage.

Ryan Lizza on how Bush sells his budget.

The politics behind dividends.

Two Deaths
Sheik Yassin yearned for death and martyrdom, and he got them. George Khoury, a recent victim of Palestinian terrorism, did not yearn for either.

The nation's top women's colleges are superior in spite of, not because of, their single-sex status.

Rwanda again defeats Congo, this time on the soccer field.

"If all those people up north are so damned smart, how come they're not living where it's sunny and 75 degrees every day?"
Distant Relations by Tim Luckhurst
Why is Blair keeping his distance from Kerry? web only

Nota Bene by Spencer Ackerman
Why Pentagon officials should thank the aide who left his notes in Starbucks. web only

All Talk by Jason Zengerle
Why Al Franken's new radio show won't work. web only

Brooks Shield by Noam Scheiber
David Brooks is under attack. His critics are wrong. web only

The Surrogates by Reihan Salam
The strategy behind Terry Holt's bland persona. web only

Split Decision by Clay Risen
Why Europe needs to buckle under to America's antitrust philosophy. web only

Civil Rites by Andrew Sullivan
Shelby Steele is a subtle, brave writer. But he gets gay marriage wrong. web only

Same Motown Song by David Kusnet
In Detroit, Kerry borrows liberally--that is, moderately--from Clinton. web only

Red All Over by Jonathan Cohn
Cheney is right that Kerry's budget doesn't add up. And wrong that anyone should vote Republican because of it. web only

Trade Imbalance by Spencer Ackerman
Offer Rice, spare Bush and Cheney: Not a bad deal for the White House. web only

Run Around by Massoud Ansari
How did Ayman Al Zawahiri get away? web only

Frist Responder by Spencer Ackerman
Bill Frist claims Richard Clarke lied to Congress. All evidence suggests Frist is wrong. web only

Loud Speaker by Michael Crowley
Why is Dennis Hastert newly emboldened? web only

Swear Off by Spencer Ackerman
The White House floats a false compromise on Rice's testimony. web only

Departmentalism by Spencer Ackerman
In the hoopla over Richard Clarke's book, one thing has been lost: His account of Bush's 2002 about-face on the homeland security department confirms Democrats' worst suspicions. web only

Pop Dream by Jeremy McCarter
The RNC shows up on MTV. Can Republicans be cool? web only

Pipe Dream by Josh Benson
The DNC rents out a nightclub in DC. Can Democrats be cool? web only

Honest Mistake by Jonathan Chait
The White House has a problem. Its new press secretary doesn't know how to lie.

World of Difference by Lawrence F. Kaplan
Why the administration's most successful "neoconservative" isn't really a neocon.

Credibility Gap by Spencer Ackerman
You can believe Richard Clarke or Condoleezza Rice. Yesterday's testimony suggests the smart money is on Clarke. web only

Quiet Please by Jeffrey Rosen
Antonin Scalia's descent into punditry.

Road Block by Spencer Ackerman
Will Americans ever see the 9/11 Commission report?

Two for One by Mark Mazzetti
The White House says the United States must be ready to fight two simultaneous wars. But it has made it impossible for the military to do so. by Joshua Kurlantzick
The myth that the Internet will utterly transform capitalism has died. The myth that the Web will destroy tyranny should perish as well.

Pride and Prejudice by Michael Crowley
GOP senators stay away from the FMA hearings. Smart move. web only

Without Distinction by Spencer Ackerman
Colin Powell's intellectually dishonest testimony before the 9/11 Commission. web only

Chutzpah by Lawrence F. Kaplan
Democrats are using Richard Clarke's book to rehabilitate Clinton's terrorism policy. That's bad history--and bad politics. web only

Logic Jam by Ryan Lizza
The administration's efforts to discredit Richard Clarke would make more sense if they didn't contradict one another. web only

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