Dynamic Drive DHTML code library!

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Rollover buttons 

Turn regular form buttons into rollover menus with this script!


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-Contact Us for script help:

If you require help with a particular script, be sure to first browse our "Top script related FAQs", which may already address your question.

Important Note: Before you contact us for script help, understand that we receive many many emails daily, and cannot possibly answer all of them. Please bare that in mind as you email us, with the understanding that your email may not get read/responded to. To help us get to as many legitimate questions as possible, the following types of questions will be ignored: 

-Request to modify a script for a different or added functionality from the original.
-Request to get two or more scripts to work concurrently on one page.
-Request for a script not in our existing archive.

In other words, we can only support questions/bugs having to do directly with the script itself, not its derivatives. We do offer custom programming as a paid service, which can be found here.

With all that in mind, please send your email to the following address: .

-Non script inquries and business development:

To contact us regarding non-script related comment/inquiries, and for business proposals and alliances, please send an email to

Advertising inquiries

If you wish to contact us regarding exposing your product(s) to tens of thousands of web developers on DD, please send an email to .

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All- Script works with Netscape 4 AND Internet Explorer 4+
NS- Indicates script works with Netscape 4 (NOT NS 6 yet)
IE- Indicates script works with Internet Explorer 4 and above
NS6!- Temporary index set up on script category pages to indicate script works in NS6

Copyright © 1998-2004 Dynamic Drive. Please read Terms Of Use here before using any of the scripts.
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