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Whole Ten Yards, The (2004)

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cover Directed by
Howard Deutch

Writing credits (WGA)
Mitchell Kapner (characters)
Mitchell Kapner (story)

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Genre: Action / Comedy / Crime (more)

Tagline: They missed each other. This time, their aim is better.

Plot Outline: Jimmy the Tulip's (Willis) quiet new life is shaken up by his old pal Oz (Perry), whose wife (Henstridge) has been kidnapped by a Hungarian mob. The Tulip and his wife Jill (Peet) spring into action. (view trailer)

User Comments: Not nearly as neatly thought out as the original, but about as unfunny... (more)

User Rating: awaiting 5 votes. Vote Here

Credited cast:
Bruce Willis .... Jimmy 'The Tulip' Tudeski
Matthew Perry .... Nicholas 'Oz' Oseransky
Amanda Peet .... Jill St. Claire
Kevin Pollak .... Lazlo Gogolak
Natasha Henstridge .... Cynthia Oseransky
rest of cast listed alphabetically
Carl Ciarfalio .... Goon #1
Frank Collison .... Strabo Gogolak
Jessica Flaherty .... Birthday Guest #2
Elisa Gallay .... Anya
Christopher Gerse .... Young Jimmy
Lily Kravitz .... Birthday Guest #1
Irene Lopex .... Mexican Woman
Julie Lott .... Bar Patron
Johnny Messner .... Zevo
Caitlin Morrison .... Birthday Guest #3
Amy Pietz .... Waitress
McNally Sagal .... Maitre D'
Tasha Smith .... Julie
Tallulah Belle Willis .... Buttercup Scout
George Zapata .... Guy in Trunk #1

Also Known As:
Whole Nine Yards 2, The (2002) (USA) (working title)
MPAA: Rated PG-13 for sexual content, some violence and language.
Country: USA
Language: English
Color: Color (DeLuxe)
Sound Mix: DTS / Dolby Digital
Certification: UK:12A / USA:PG-13


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User Comments:

the unemployed critic

Date: 7 April 2004
Summary: Not nearly as neatly thought out as the original, but about as unfunny...

The Whole Ten Yards

When the evil Lazlo Gogolak (Kevin Pollack) desires payback for the murder of his son, he orders Cynthia Oseransky (Natasha Henstridge) kidnapped by his goons, hoping that her husband, hapless dentist Oz (Matthew Perry), will lead him to his ultimate goal: notorious hitman, Jimmy `The Tulip' Tudeski (Bruce Willis). When Oz travels down to Mexico to retrieve the presumed-dead Jimmy and fellow killer/wife, Jill (Amanda Peet), Oz gets caught up in their domestic drama instead, which interferes with the whole `wife kidnapped and about to die' situation.

Sure, there have been sequels that nobody asked for. But `Whole Ten Yards' is a sequel that literally no one asked for. A follow-up to `The Whole Nine Yards,' a medium hit (at best) from 2000, `Ten Yards' is simply more of the same. Except this time, in place of the R-rated Amanda Peet topless scene, we get the PG-13 Amanda Peet topless scene: photographed from behind. That's 4 years of progress in action.

The two 'Yards' films are rooted in a type of frantic slapstick comedy that always seems to spin wildly out of control, even when the jokes are working. `Ten Yards' isn't as precisely paced as its forefather, or, frankly, as carefully thought out. `Ten Yards' is a mess, but an honest mess, and like the original, the cast looks like they're having a blast making it, or making it up as they go, as witnessed in many scenes. `10 Yards' is the same slapsticky material, trusting heavily in Mathew Perry's flopping abilities and Bruce Willis's willingness to lampoon his tough guy persona. The comedy is encased in an action film shell, with various shoot-outs and murders to go along with the yucks. `Nine Yards' had the benefit of the R-rating, which always allows a little more leeway in dealing with this kind of morally tricky material; however, `Ten Yards' has been brought down to a more universally consumable PG-13, which means that any hint of darkness in the story has been replaced by pratfalls and fart jokes. Not an ideal trade off.

Because the cast is having so much fun, it's hard to blame them when the film becomes almost persistently unfunny. Willis, Peet, and Perry work well together, achieving a nice fluid triangle of interplay that only comes from workplace comfort. Whenever the film gets into real trouble, director Howard Deutch simply instructs Perry to careen into a door or a wall for laughs, but that was already exhausted in the previous installment. Perry is funny here simply screwing around with line delivery, often making fun of the other actors, which is pretty much the only hint of originality in the picture, with everything else coasting brazenly on previously laid charms.

Basically it all comes down to whether `Nine Yards' rubbed you raw. If it didn't, by all means, you'll have a blast goofin' around with Jimmy and Oz for another go-around. If you didn't enjoy the original, there's nothing here to recommend heading another `Yard' forward. ----- 4/10

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Saw the screening-- not funny :(highlanderj456
How much will it make?MGMRulez
matthew perrytoulidengal
seriously, who asked for this movie?Anscules
this movie wont be funny and it wont make *beep* at the box officeTy2Shy
Rated PG-13!?BladeSaga


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