April 06, 2004
A New Target for the WingNuts
Ah-- I'm honored. After going after Kos, the wingnuts have decided I'm the next worthy target for their hate. See Little Green Footballs. In my Four Mercenaries Killed in Iraq post, I added this welcome for them: The nice folks at Little Green Footballs are filling my mailbox with expletives. Their kind of hateful fascism is basically the same as the pro-Saddam ANSWER fringe in the antiwar movement; there "hate muslim" views are the same as the "hate America" views of the WWP/ANSWER types. For them, a death of an Iraqi child is worthless compared to the death of an American.Update: What wimps! After sending his rightwing hounds to post obscenities on my site, Little Green Footballs has disabled links from my site to his (a neat tech trick I admit). But talk about being able to dish it out, but not being able to take it! Posted by Nathan at April 06, 2004 09:23 AM ! | TrackBack (21)Related posts: Comments
Sorry Nathan, Umm This hate you refer to about Muslims seems like an over compensated statement. I Think you probably mean Radical Islam. I really dought anyone on LGF has a problem with muslims in general. You emotional phsycobable is typical of most leftist irrational conspiracy types that try to blame others for problems when it's actually people like you who wish for appeasment at all costs. I also see you removed the picture and link of the young American Contractor from your site while at the same time blasting LGF. That's Hypocracy at it's finest. Stand by it and stop acting like a coward! Keep it there if you beleive in what you said and the point you were making. You postd it. You said it. Now stand by your words. Or You Can't. Compromise an appeasment is your nature. Avoid conflict then blame others for your actions. You can't hide the glee you feel for the death of these American Men. Put the original picture back and stop trying to revise your own history. 1- Posted by: Egfrow on April 6, 2004 10:45 AMHi Nathan, I see that you have left it up. Good man! Let thw world know what you think. I like it. Hatred for your own country men. It's getting better. Two towers. Two worlds. The other world, lived in fear and fantasy, condeming men to be worthless and arrogent, they wrecked them. We know which world you live in, Nathan? Your partisanship is showing. You condemn LGF as a hate site, never bothering to see what the folks there are angry at. Your analysis as these people being the real source of the bad in the world is foolishness at its worst. Keep it up, Nathan! You're an articulate voice for plain good sense, which I read each morning. The wingnuts need their target-du-jour; ignore them and they'll get bored and go away eventually. 4- Posted by: Kevin Block-Schwenk on April 6, 2004 11:44 AMBut Kevin-- they're driving up my traffic numbers, which will help me earn more money from BlogAds. I love their visits :) 5- Posted by: Nathan Newman on April 6, 2004 11:51 AMIt's interesting to see the "nuke Mecca" crowd (and can you LGFers deny that you, or at least some of you, sincerely want to drop a nuke on Mecca? and Medina and Jeddah and Riyadh and Damascus and Tehran too?) advocating a sort of Final Solution for the town of Fallujah. Are there historical precedents for this? Why yes, in fact there are. On 10 June 1944 the residents of the small French town of Oradour-sur-Glane, all 650 of them, were murdered, and their town razed -- because, a week earlier, a Resistance fighter had assassinated a high-ranking German officer. Totalitarianism, thy name is LGF. 6- Posted by: pch on April 6, 2004 11:58 AMYeah, but they were French so who cares? That, in a nutshell, is the LGF party line. 7- Posted by: David W. on April 6, 2004 12:04 PMKeep it up, Nathan.
What a sad group of little boys they are. Anyone get the feeling they were picked on a lot in school? And for some it is still going on. Right after snack break, the big kids flush their heads down the toilets. 10- Posted by: Mike S on April 6, 2004 12:36 PMUnder the boobies!! Fuck the brownshirts! Nathan; It's just free speech, man. That's what they're afraid of. 11- Posted by: gonzo on April 6, 2004 12:37 PMThat's Hypocracy at it's finest. WTF is "hypocracy", government by actors? 12- Posted by: NTodd on April 6, 2004 12:38 PMIt's been all over the news. while I know the comments are mostly meant in fun, it's important to remember we're the good guys: we don't kick people around. it's because the wingnut right wants to (and sometimes does) kick people around that their behavior is anathema. love the sinner, hate the sin -- and I say that as an atheist. it's a good moral lesson. 14- Posted by: wcw on April 6, 2004 12:39 PMIf only the doofuses would sue you for something... 15- Posted by: Tim F on April 6, 2004 12:39 PMGee, the Snotballs have convinced me that I should bookmark your blog and visit it regularly. Anyone who the "Nuke Mecca!" crowd thinks is their enemy is someone I need to read regularly. Fight the good fight, Nathan! 16- Posted by: OtherDoug on April 6, 2004 12:40 PMmy favorite line from that first commentator is this one: You emotional phsycobable is typical of most leftist irrational conspiracy types that try to blame others for problems when it's actually people like you who wish for appeasment at all costs. now who's engaging in "phycobable"? i wish people like that would visit my site. this stuff is priceless 17- Posted by: upyernoz on April 6, 2004 12:41 PMGreat work! When the hatemongers come out of the woodwork to scream at you, you know you're doing something right. On the bright side, they'll lose interest in you as soon as Jenna Jameson updates her website. :) 18- Posted by: Scooter on April 6, 2004 12:43 PMRe: " I really dought anyone on LGF has a problem with muslims" Hatred of Islam is the *purpose* of LGF. LGF'ers hate Muslims like ardent racists hate blacks - irrationaly, mindlessly and without shame or reason. Not to hate all things Muslim is "appeasment" and unacceptable on LGF. Nobody is "demonizing" them. Nobody is putting words in to their mouths. The site speaks for itself. 19- Posted by: jmonkey on April 6, 2004 12:48 PMGot this site bookmarked. Appreciate all that you are doing in the name of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of thought...all those things the U.S.A. is supposed to stand for! Patriots should be proud! 20- Posted by: ellroon on April 6, 2004 12:48 PMIt's funny to see how poorly the LGF crowd spells and their misuse of capital letters. That's what happens when you have a lazy mind (most fascists have lazy minds). Note to wingnuts: "overcompensated" is one word; it's "psychobabble" not "phsycobable," and the word "postd" is spelled with an "e" before the "d". Your use of capital letters is, by US standards, all wrong. It is characteristic of German, but not English, to use capitals letters for improper nouns, but I guess considering your affection for phrases like "final solution" that you're permitted that particular quirk. May I interest you in a brownshirt and jackboots? In closing Egfrow, before you start ripping Nathan Newman a new asshole, perhaps you should take a remedial English composition course (your follow-up post is equally embarrassing). I understand they're quite affordable at your local community college. How many of you complaining about this or that have actually discussed any of this WITH AN ARAB? How many of you have it firsthand what the issues are directly from them? How many of you have formed your opinions as to the correct course for US foriegn policy based on such interactions AND the world of objective reality? To some extent, so sorry, you are USEFUL IDIOTS. And I am a democrat. IMHO, today you would see FDR and HST's foreign policies as those of a radical right wing ideologue. Too bad. 22- Posted by: plutarch on April 6, 2004 12:49 PMGood luck with the snotballs, Nathan. never seen your site before - thx to their sophomoric smear campaign, I now have it bookmarked. Not sure that's how they expected this campaign to play out, but it's working wonders for spreading the good word... 23- Posted by: thingwarbler on April 6, 2004 12:57 PMAnother reason gentlemen prefer blogs: They can read. And they can spell. "dought"? "postd"? "Hypocracy"? EgFrow - Go back to your AM radio, you two-tower-talking America-hating mispeling dittohead monkey troll! Nathan, keep up the good work. You keep us informed. You keep us going. You are raising the bar. Brendan: "Dought" - LMFAO. 25- Posted by: ryan_b on April 6, 2004 12:59 PMYour use of capital letters is, by US standards, all wrong. It is characteristic of German, but not English, to use capitals letters for improper nouns I guess this is why most of their rants read better in the original German. LGF: Like flypaper for sociopaths. 26- Posted by: Thumb on April 6, 2004 01:02 PMTo some extent, so sorry, you are USEFUL IDIOTS. And I am a democrat. IMHO, today you would see FDR and HST's foreign policies as those of a radical right wing ideologue. Yeah, like the founding of the United Nations that both FDR and Truman supported, for precisely the reason that they wanted to prevent the sort of unilateral war that the U.S. started in Iraq. 27- Posted by: David W. on April 6, 2004 01:03 PMWoot! Cant you offer Nathan a nice Troll Shield? I would like to thank Little Green Snotballs for publicizing this site. You have a great site, Nathan, and I will be adding this to my daily reads. 29- Posted by: George Johnston on April 6, 2004 01:06 PMPlutarch, does disscussing the situation in the Middle East, and Iraq in particular, with an undersecretary in the Kuwaiti government count? He and I don't see eye to eye on everything, but I hear his concerns and he hears mine. How many people actually living in the Middle East do you talk with regularly? Perhaps you could encourage them to join the conversations happening here. I am hoping that there are many people speaking regularly with those in foreign countries, so we can have a well-rounded discourse about both the effects and perceptions of the current military actions being carried out by the U.S. Unfortunately, I don't often see that reflected in either "side" of the blogosphere. Informed opinion makes for much better argument than swallowing party lines, regardless of with which party (or fringe group) you identify. 30- Posted by: Reba on April 6, 2004 01:07 PMDon't let the fascists bring you down! Keep up the great work. 31- Posted by: Zach on April 6, 2004 01:08 PMThanks to the Little Green Fucktards for leading me to this blog. 32- Posted by: renato on April 6, 2004 01:08 PMPlutarch I have discussed our foreign policy with quite a few Muslim's from the Arab world. Our mid east policy has always been a joke to them. And the ineptitude of our current admin is especially disturbing to them. If you know any, ask them if they pretty much predicted what is happening right now. Most will tell you that this was an obvious reaction to the Mid East Vacation* we have embarked on. Appoligies to Neil Young. 33- Posted by: Mike S on April 6, 2004 01:09 PMI noticed at right you had a link about boycotting MTV because they use scab non-union labor. It's been some time now but I used to work at a video production company that did a lot of 'stringer' work for various shows and networks. We did a fair amount of work for MTV. They were the cheapest bastards on the face of the earth. They demanded the highest standards as far as the people we were supposed to hire to work their shoots, but they wanted to pay peanuts. They were total assholes when it came to overtime, too. I had some infuckingcredible arguments with them over OT. One time they tried to argue that since the crew had taken a lunch break, the clock had started over so they didn't owe any OT. Did I mention they were in fuckin' credible? Basically the only reason you would do any work for MTV was to be able to say that you had done work for MTV. You certainly didn't work for them for anything approaching a decent day's wages. 34- Posted by: renato on April 6, 2004 01:13 PMNathan, I'm sure, beneath their street urchin grasp of the language and logic, the folks at Little Green Dingleballs are - deep down inside - responsible for killing Kenny. 35- Posted by: Kevin Hayden on April 6, 2004 01:14 PMWhile this is a little over the top: Thanks to the LGF nuts for helping breed murder of our soldiers and our friends and family here in New York. --the idea that "the arrogance and hate spewed by the rightwing fringe" is contributing to terrorism is partially correct. The policies that hatred creates are more problematic than the right-wing's rhetoric and bluster. I spent several evenings arguing with Misha after the Baghdad UN HQ was bombed, and the raw fury of these people astounds me. Did these people never hear of Emmanuel Goldstein? We've always been at war with Eastasia.... 36- Posted by: nota bene on April 6, 2004 01:17 PMYes, actually, I have talked to "An Arab" and even indeed multiple arabs. Imagine that! There are nutcase arabs and sane arabs and everything inbetween. Who does this sound like - religious thoughts dictate everyday life, shunning diversity and difference, spiteful towards secularism, not well-travelled, and think women ought to stay at home? Oh, like LGF people? There are people like this all over the world. If we could only put them all on the same island so they could destroy each other... 37- Posted by: peeky on April 6, 2004 01:17 PMEgfrow, It never ceases to amaze me when the World Trade Center is treated as a symbol of the free market. It was a classic example of state capitalism, a corporatist venture cooked up by David Rockefeller and the Port Authority. David Rockefeller is not exactly John Galt. But then, I understand "Atlas Shrugged" reading groups have recently become a popular fad among the James Taggarts who manage corporate America. 38- Posted by: Kevin Carson on April 6, 2004 01:18 PMI also want to thank the Footballs for directing me to this site (via Atrios). I am looking forward to kicking them around a little! And I have also noticed that they can't spell and have no understanding of basic grammar and punctuation. Or logic, for that matter. 39- Posted by: Brooklyn Girl on April 6, 2004 01:24 PMWhat is wrong with you people? We have to denounce Nathan. See, as a good liberal, I take my guidance from the racist troglodites at LGF. They are my liberal conscience. Look at my site to see how quickly I turned on him, once the LGF boys objected to his opinion. We have to turn our backs on liberal bloggers once they cross a line and offend the LGF crew. We simply cannot defend our prinicples. Besides, I'll become more famous, like Kevin Drum and Oliver Willis, if I stab Nathan in the b ack and call for him to apologize. You should join me and stab him in the back as well. 40- Posted by: steve_gilliard on April 6, 2004 01:26 PMYay! You win, Nathan! We should have a nice liberal contest to see who can attract the most LGF rants for posting something reasonable. Diversion: IMHO, today you would see FDR and HST's foreign policies as those of a radical right wing ideologue. On first glance I read that as "FDR and Hunter S. Thompson's foreign policies..." Now there's a thought for you. --Kynn 41- Posted by: Kynn Bartlett on April 6, 2004 01:28 PMpeeky--imagine that, there are nutcase Arabs and sane Arabs. Just like there are crazy Americans and sane Americans, and every degree in between. People are people and (LGF-style eliminationism notwithstanding) even in war we're all pretty much alike. But it is striking that extreme right-wingers in America (in the name of extreme right-wingers in Israel) are dragging the whole world into a conflict with extreme right-wingers in the Islamic world. This Onion article from 1/18/01 is still dead on. 42- Posted by: nota bene on April 6, 2004 01:28 PMHow many of you complaining about this or that have actually discussed any of this WITH AN ARAB? i have. several, in fact. atakallam al-lughat al-arabiyya qalillan. wa-anta? How many of you have it firsthand what the issues are directly from them? i have. see above. How many of you have formed your opinions as to the correct course for US foriegn policy based on such interactions AND the world of objective reality? again yes. so what's your point? To some extent, so sorry, you are USEFUL IDIOTS. And I am a democrat. IMHO, today you would see FDR and HST's foreign policies as those of a radical right wing ideologue. did your arab friends lead you to that conclusion? hi all, hatred of muslin? egads, i shall have to replace my field tent with a canvas one like the enlisted men use! the balls of one of my sargeant-at-arms' feet turned green on one of our campaigns, and they had to be amputated. so i would urge any soldier with little green foot-balls to seek medical attention. as for fraternizing with saracens - why, next you'll be suggesting i ask my servants their opinions! the bottle! 45- Posted by: lt. cmdr. robotroll [retired] on April 6, 2004 01:41 PMtheir Aaaaargh! Ok, I'm better now. 46- Posted by: Felix Deutsch on April 6, 2004 01:42 PMAnyone get the feeling they were picked on a lot in school? And for some it is still going on. Right after snack break, the big kids flush their heads down the toilets. Actually, do you guys know that one of the founders of the Little Green Fascists is a tutu-wearing ballet dancer? I'm not making this up! The two brothers that created and maintain that cesspool of hatred are a former hippy and third-rate guitar player, and a ballet dancer. Look it up. 47- Posted by: Julius on April 6, 2004 01:43 PMPlutarch, was there a point to your comment (and insult) ? Better a useful idiot than a useless one. 48- Posted by: ch2 on April 6, 2004 01:48 PMHey, while we're flinging personal attacks here, can someone go tell Charles Johnson that he can fix all his problems with a good haircut and a couple of doses of Retin A for those old zit craters. Well, even then, hooooooo doggies is that boy ugly! Go to LGF and look at his pic! He looks like a cross between a hippie and a rat, but that's not fair to hippies or rats. And lord knows rats don't have huge acne scars like that, thank goodness. I always wonder: if Chuckie's such a super patriot, how come he ain't dazzling us with his tales from his days as a kick-ass Marine or Navy Seal? Hell, we'd settle for a couple of pithy anecdotes from when he was a dork in the Civil Air Patrol and he slapped around some fat girl who had the NERVE to call him an airplane-watching nerd. I am sure if he and his silly geek fans at LGF ever really came face-to-face with Islamofascists, we'd see a mass undie soiling of Biblical proportions by the LGF'ers. Thank goodness the LGF fans and Freepers are safe in their basements here in the USA, writing their silly piffle on their blogs, instead of fighting the war in Iraq. We'd get invaded by Turkish Girl Scouts if Chuckie J. were a fightin' American man trying to protect us. What a bunch of silly loonies, you LGF'ers. I just wanna give all you right-wing poopheads a BIG SMOOTCH! MUAHHHH! Whoa, watch out for the tin hats while kissing them! Don't wanna mess up their comm link to Jeebus and all.
so...are these the same freepers that were spewing all sorts of hateful bile about how glad they were that rachel corrie was killed? how is it okay that they can say such hateful things about a human being who went to a country to help based upon their convictions...but get up in arms when someone from the other side states their opinion about paid "mercenaries"? i personally don't find joy in anyone's death, and very rarely do i say, "so?" or "the worlds a better place" because of it. it's very hypocritical of most people to go after kos or anyone else for saying something that they perceive as hateful or take personal offense to. if i had a nickel for every offensive thing i've read around the blogs, i would stop blogging and retire to my own private island...or something like that. besides, since when are wingnuts so concerned about political correctness? i thought they abhorred it...or is that only when it works against them and not for them? i guess calling people who disagree w/ you, "terrorists", "terrorist sypathizers", or "unpatriotic" and the like is okay and not beyond the pale in this day and age? but kos' "screw them" opinion was? so, wingnuts can say "carpet bomb em'!" and show careless disregard for any innocent life that may be "carpet bombed", but it's -GASP- horror beyond horrors for kos to voice his opinion about the "mercenaries" in iraq? that's bogus. if he were talking out of his ass, w/ no personal experience to come from, i'd say it was an ignorant thing to say. but since i don't know the extent of his personal experience, i just say i disagree and that's not how i feel and i move on. life. it's bigger. and people are still dying every single day. 50- Posted by: amy on April 6, 2004 02:00 PMso...are these some of the same freepers that were spewing all sorts of hateful bile about how glad they were that rachel corrie was killed? how is it okay that they can say such hateful things about a human being who went to a country to help based upon their convictions...but get up in arms when someone from the other side states their opinion about paid "mercenaries"? i personally don't find joy in anyone's death, and very rarely do i say, "so?" or "the worlds a better place" because of it. it's very hypocritical of most people to go after kos or anyone else for saying something that they perceive as hateful or take personal offense to. if i had a nickel for every offensive thing i've read around the blogs, i would stop blogging and retire to my own private island...or something like that. besides, since when are wingnuts so concerned about political correctness? i thought they abhorred it...or is that only when it works against them and not for them? i guess calling people who disagree w/ you, "terrorists", "terrorist sypathizers", or "unpatriotic" and the like is okay and not beyond the pale in this day and age? but kos' "screw them" opinion was? so, wingnuts can say "carpet bomb em'!" and show careless disregard for any innocent life that may be "carpet bombed", but it's -GASP- horror beyond horrors for kos to voice his opinion about the "mercenaries" in iraq? that's bogus. if he were talking out of his ass, w/ no personal experience to come from, i'd say it was an ignorant thing to say. but since i don't know the extent of his personal experience, i just say i disagree and that's not how i feel and i move on. life. it's bigger. and people are still dying every single day. 51- Posted by: amy on April 6, 2004 02:00 PMWhat an awesome blog. I will visit regularly I think one of the reason W will lose the election is simply that he and his smear machine can't win an argument based on facts. Finally, how many of the LGFers have actually served I wonder. 52- Posted by: Maccabee on April 6, 2004 02:01 PMI've added this site to my bookmarks. Thanks LGF! 53- Posted by: beefmother on April 6, 2004 02:09 PMsorry for the double post. i too, will be adding you to my list. to get so much attention, you definitely must be doing something right. and yes, i realize i have no capital letters. i'm lazy and in a hurry besides. 54- Posted by: amy on April 6, 2004 02:16 PMHey, great site. I never would have seen it if it hadn't been for the idiots at LGF. They seem to delight in shooting their own lower extremeties. Now I'll read regularly. Keep up the good work, Nathan. Those who try to stifle dissent just show their fear. Testicles are a terrible thing to waste, but in the case of the wingnuts, perhaps there were none to waste. 55- Posted by: Kenny on April 6, 2004 02:16 PMThe enemies of my enemies are my friends, therefore this site is a must-read for me from now on, along with the infamous Kos and others of that ilk. Good job, Nathan. I went to the LGF site once, and felt the way Paul O'Neill felt in the Bush White House: surrounded by a stupidity so profound and overweening that it left me speechless. 56- Posted by: cinnamondog on April 6, 2004 02:21 PMEnjoy the florid insanity while it lasts, Nathan. I took my 3-day dalliance with den Beste backwash for granted, and now there's a tear in my beer. 57- Posted by: Norbizness on April 6, 2004 02:27 PMWanna see something funny? Go back and browse through the LGF archives for early September 2001 -- up to about September 12. Chuckie the Evil Doll had quite a hate-on for Dubya, back then. But at some point he apparently decided it would be more fun -- and lucrative! -- to pander to the seemingly inexhaustible neo-fascist market instead. And speaking of non-sequiturs: what, I wonder, is the official LGF party line on Iraq these days? Should the U.S. be spending hundreds of billions of dollars, and hundreds of American lives, to rebuild a country that will, with 99.9% probability, still be completely Muslim when we're through? Or should we add Fallujah, Basra, Najaf, Kirkuk, Mosul, and Baghdad on the list of places to be purified with Holy Judeo-Christian Nucular Fire™? 58- Posted by: pch on April 6, 2004 02:31 PMNathan, What strikes me as unusual is the amount of press given the death of the 4 mercenaries. Is this solely because of the mutilations? Or maybe these were relatives of friends of Bremr?, that type of deal. I mean, the Blackwater gigs are prized plums, good pay and you get to hang with the coalition 'Machers'. Bremer's response in particular seems extreme ('pasification' of Fallujah?)compared to his callous response to the carnage around him. Also, Bremr's in th einsurance biz, and the payout for mercenaries is MUCH higher than for GI's, although I think the U.S. picks up the entire tab in either case. 59- Posted by: larry on April 6, 2004 02:45 PMDrat! Those folks down at LGF have seen through our vast left-wing conspiracy! Now we must go somewhere else to subvert the Free World through peace, decency and decent economic conditions! 60- Posted by: Diamond LeGrande on April 6, 2004 02:52 PMKeep up the good work -- just because LGF believes something, it isn't necessarily wromg (but it's a good guide). Great blog. 61- Posted by: Jim Shirk on April 6, 2004 02:58 PMLinked by Atrios, who I read regular. long with Gilliard, kos, BartCop, and a few others. I'll bookmark this site fer sure. Methinks the trolls are getting grouchy cause they're feeling a draft. Course, they're all enlisted already. At the video store. Hey, Mr. troll; check out the GI Special, and Traveling Soldier. Read what real soldiers have to say. Then send them hate mail.
Don't call the Snotballs racists. We need to invent a new word for them. The racists of yore, Wallace and Lott and Strom et al., were much more articulate in their hatred. By calling the snotballs racists, you're being unfair to the smart people who had stupid values. The Snotballs are stupid people with stupid values. Can we please draw a distinction? Wallace wouldn't have used the caps lock key with such hilarious effect, would he? 64- Posted by: Mmmatt on April 6, 2004 03:36 PMI've always been a regular reader of this site, and it's good to see that the hateful gang at LGF are doing their part to introduce even more people to it. 65- Posted by: PZ Myers on April 6, 2004 03:57 PMI am is the smartist guy in my trailer home coart! Them ahabs best not cum lukin fer me, they can have all you CommuClintonazis for all I cair!!
Nathan, thanks for your site (from a regular reader of about 18 months) and the restraint you showed in your responses to the LGF'ers. Whose website were the more abusive LGF commentators reading before posting their comments? Where was the site where they apparently found posts supporting the return of Saddam; celebrating the loss of American lives; showing concern for issues of human rights and justice only when Iraqi civilians are harmed; or lacking in factual support? It certainly was not your site. On the contrary: You tend to post only a few times a day, at most, but seem to restrict yourself to posts that are tightly tied to facts, and carefully worded and thought out. I suspect that at least some of the LGF readers who are came here due to your single, now widely advertised post on foreign policy -- and expected to see a lurid, sensationalistic website run by a bomb-throwing, caricaturized "lefty" lunatic who eats roasted babies (and, failing to find him, invented him in your comments area, so they could argue at "him") -- will pause here to read your more numerous posts on economics and employment/labor issues. Such posts slam BushCo in countless, relentless, rigorous ways that must resonate with the economic facts and anxieties of these LGF'ers own lives, or those of their families or neighborhoods. Once that happens, LGF's crusade against you will end up backfiring, and costing GWB a few more votes in November. 67- Posted by: Jamie M. on April 6, 2004 04:33 PM Nathan my man-- Hey, great site! I wouldn't have seen it either had those bloodthirsty fascist hatemongers over at LGF not gone after you. I'll be reading often. Cheers. 69- Posted by: daria g on April 6, 2004 04:37 PMHot damn! A new must-read blog, I guess...which will drive up traffic...which will earn you more through blog ads. Liberals have a significant edge over conservatives in the blogosphere--they're starting to realize this, I think, and getting a little panicky. See, we've got facts and figures on our side and do our research (see comment above about FDR & Truman, smacked down by David W. with his U.N. info.) They just rant & rave nonsensically. This ain't talk radio, where people can just lie for hour after hour--if you lie, we're going to call you on it. Almost reminds me of a Western--we're cleaning up this town. 70- Posted by: Greg on April 6, 2004 04:41 PMBravo. 71- Posted by: JSVB on April 6, 2004 04:42 PMIt's amazing so many people are saying that nobody hates muslims while at the same time displaying a tremendous amount of vitrio against you. Hate is ultimately hate, it's okay to hate evil, but let's face it, these people hate their countrymen more than answer ever could. hey hate anyone who is to the left of rush limbaugh and that's exactly why many centrists tand by Answer. Hang together or these people would have us all hanged seperately. 72- Posted by: Tim on April 6, 2004 04:42 PMthank you rightwing brownshirts for leading me to another good blog. I've never read this blog before but now I'm adding it to my daily blog cruise... c'mon folks, you know the rule: DNFTT ...oh, heck, go ahead & keep feeding them. This stuff is indeed priceless. Count me as another new, & now-bookmarked, visitor to your site - cheers to LGF. 74- Posted by: GoodOl_whatsisface on April 6, 2004 05:08 PMNathan, great site. I've been here before but yeah, this recent attention will push your site up a notch in my bookmarks list. Bottom line is, the exposure is good. Remember what happened when CBS turned down that "MoveOn" ad -- their membership tripled. I'm sure the recent attention to your site will only help your ratings. But more than that, people will see what you stand for, and it will resonate. These 'wingers are crazy. They think that we must all be Soviet communists, when we are the ones who stand for the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom of speech... they are the ones who want to repress free speech, civil liberties, establish secret police, military tribunals, endless war -- they are the Soviets. Some of them are worse than that even -- they want a holy war against 1,000,000,000 Muslims. They want nuclear bombs dropped on millions of innocent civilians. Like Greg's optimistic post (#70) said, we have the facts on our side. So if the controversy causes traffic, we could win bigtime in the long run, as people read and digest our views, which are a lot better thought out, reasoned, and just plain sound than the craziness of the "go berserk" crowd. The brownshirts can't keep us down -- the truth will out -- no stopping us now! 75- Posted by: zac on April 6, 2004 05:19 PMAh, after coming here for nearly a year it looks like I'm going to have to share the site with quite a bit more people. Thank you Little Green ShitBalls. 76- Posted by: SlcInCny on April 6, 2004 05:44 PMLGF posts stuff that not many other sites do. They aren't evil and they aren't causing terrorism. A lot of their readers are over the top. Just refute them and move on. 77- Posted by: Mike J. on April 6, 2004 06:19 PMYour link to LGF seems not to work anymore. I guess he little boys over there were feeling a little picked on again. 78- Posted by: Mike S on April 6, 2004 06:25 PMjust open a new tab or window and cut and paste the link into it, and you'll swim right in. it's a stupid webserver trick: he simply has his site redirect anyone whose browser announces nathannewman.org as its refer to (and this is my favorite part) a broken link to Israel's IDF site -- in Hebrew. it says an awful lot about whoever runs that site that he went to the trouble to do that. 79- Posted by: wcw on April 6, 2004 07:23 PMGo, Nathan, go! Check out the rest of his site, folks, Nathan's one of the most thoughtful left-wing commentators out there. 80- Posted by: Marcus Stanley on April 6, 2004 07:27 PMThey tried to block me from posting after I mentioned in some of their many anti-kos posts that they celebrated the death of a 23-year-old girl with their annual idiotarian award -- they haven't been able to pick anyone alive or under 70 for that thing yet. Too scared of Michael Moore. Lots of bloggers morally outraged at kos seemed to stay quiet when that took place in January (instapundit linked there as recently as March). 81- Posted by: Mike on April 6, 2004 07:45 PMThe LGF people have been all over me for two days. I had to out Jheka, one of the ringleaders. He's a San Francisco attorney. If you have any trouble with that one, I have instructions on my weblog on how to file a complaint with the CA bar. 82- Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on April 6, 2004 08:12 PMNathan. Email me. I would like to coordinate with you gathering evidence. 83- Posted by: Kathryn Cramer on April 6, 2004 08:15 PMsee new headlines- Charles J triple posts about Kos, has orgasm! 84- Posted by: gonzo on April 6, 2004 08:22 PMAnd the funny thing is, Charles made fun of Kos for "disappearing" his post. What a hypocrite. 85- Posted by: Skip on April 6, 2004 08:53 PMwhat a great site. it'll be bookmarked for sure. it's amazing how the the right wing in its long winded but paradoxically simplistically torturous fashion has finally begun to arouse the liberal majority that sees the snake oil as snake oil. this is my country, too, you know. my grandfather fought in WWII to rid the world of loons like those now in control of our government and their jack-assed wingnut sycophants. and i'll be damned if i will let my friends, my family, my community, or my country walk down the dark road of fascism without a fight otherwise what was the point of the Revolution to begin with, to replace one George the King with another George the Fuehrer? what a great site. it'll be bookmarked for sure. it's amazing how the the right wing in its long winded but paradoxically simplistically torturous fashion has finally begun to arouse the liberal majority that sees the snake oil as snake oil. and damnit are we angry at the laughingstock that these extremists are making of our country in their betrayal of our highest principles. when the treasonous and traitors of america's promise drape themselves in pomp and circumstance, wrap themselves in the flag, and spew invective that would make any Nazi proud, something has gone drastically wrong with our noble experiment in democracy. my grandfather fought in WWII to rid the world of loons like those now in control of our government and their jack-assed wingnut sycophants. and i'll be damned if i will let my friends, my family, my community, or my country walk down the dark road of fascism without a fight otherwise what was the point of the Revolution to begin with, to replace one George the King with another George the Fuehrer? 87- Posted by: m00nchild on April 7, 2004 12:34 AMHey, maybe I can distract them by pointing out my own intemperate remarks in Playing Politics With Dead Things. i always wondered how little green footballs bill themselves as a web design company, but their web design sucks ass. maybe their business consists of setting up sucky blogs for clients stupid enough to hire LGF, which is a horrible acronym that could translate to any number of incendiary meanings. 89- Posted by: nova silverpill on April 7, 2004 04:23 AMThis is the truth, folks. When I first visited LGF about a year ago, I truthfully thought it was a joke. Seriously! I agree with the comment above that the site design is bizarre, and the content read like a parody in the Onion. 90- Posted by: John Q on April 7, 2004 09:48 AMYou just won a bookmark from me. Give em hell, Nathan... 91- Posted by: Tristram on April 7, 2004 03:52 PMOh, yes, they are oh, so brave over at Little Green Balls. Not so brave as to join in the violent crusade they support, but, you know, they're serving their country fine right here, where it's safe and they can spew their stupidity and slime all over the rest of us. 92- Posted by: Ivor the Engine Driver on April 7, 2004 04:26 PMWow, Ivor, you sure are good at posting multiple times! That's the second blog I've seen you doing that on. Are you going to blame your keyboard again? 93- Posted by: evariste on April 7, 2004 11:38 PMWow evariste, you sure are one paranoid little twerp. Anxieties getting to you about how the web perceives Little Green CowardBalls? 94- Posted by: ProudPapa on April 10, 2004 06:22 AMPost a comment
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