April 01, 2004

Was it a boy demon?

From memory; too out of it to go hunting down random Buffy quotes. Besides, there are sample chapters to read, in this case from Families Like Mine, from Abigail Garner:

Many times throughout my life people have been shocked when they find out my father is gay. "I had no idea," they say. "You'd never know just by looking at you." They make me feel like a rare species as their eyes scan me for any abnormalities they missed that could have tipped them off. Ladies and Gentleman, step right up! Look closely at the child of a gay dad. No horns! No tail! In fact, she could pass for anybody's child.

What do people think kids of LGBT parents "look" like? If they don't know any personally, they might believe the anti-gay rhetoric about why children shouldn't be raised by gay parents: it's abnormal, it's deviant; the children will grow up confused, lacking values and morals; the children will be recruited into homosexuality. This rhetoric is what stands in the way of LGBT parents gaining parental rights equal to those of straight parents.

Every time religious leaders, conservative politicians, or even radio talk-show hosts express their homo-hostile opinions, children in these families cannot help but notice. In 2003, the Vatican released a document opposing gay marriage which stated: "allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children." This cruel allegation completely ignored the fact that there are children who are already in these families. These children were being told by a major world religion that being raised by their parents was "not conducive to their full human development."

As I said a bit ago, timely reading. First link up there takes you to the sample chapter at Harper-Collins' site, the second to a list of signings/appearances. For Chi, we get:

April 14, Wednesday
7:30 p.m.
2817 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL

I'm going to try to remember this. I owe Abigail a beer.

And you, too, would know these things if you signed up for the Families Like Mine newsletter. For instance, there are endorsements:

"A profound book that captures many aspects of gay parenting that I have experienced personally. Strongly recommended."
--Melissa Etheridge

Suppose I can stop by Women & Children First tomorrow. . ,

Posted by Aaron at April 1, 2004 03:34 PM | TrackBack | Link Cosmos

Yes, I always take seriously the pronouncements of a supposedly celebate priesthood that is famous for sexually assaulting children when it comes to the matter of how children should be raised and who makes a fit parent.

My wife is Catholic and gets really angry if I even make a joke, no matter how innocent and non-isulting, about the Pope or Catholicism. I, on the other hand, unlike she, went to a Catholic high school. I spent a lot of time in the company of priests and nuns. Were it not for her I would probably spit on every priest and nun I came across.

Posted by: dean at April 5, 2004 09:48 AM
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