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User:therealsugshady (185714) Paid User therealsugshady
And I don't feel no hurt at all
Unless you count when teardrops fall
Name:sugar shady
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Location:Tucson, Arizona, United States
AOL IM:AIM status therealsugshady (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 15069444 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Hmm, a bio, eh? Should I write this to entice you to add me? Should I write what I'm really about, and run the risk or boring or scaring you off? Well, how about I tell you about myself, leaving out parts of my life both on purpose and inadvertantly, and let you decide what you think of me?

Some days I thought I was becoming a sociopath. Some days I thought I was already there. - Anita Blake

Why let someone else make an ass out of yourself when you can do a well enough job on your own? - me

Mediocre people do exceptional things all the time. - OKGo

Here on Livejournal, I do some commenting, especially in [info]iconaddicts. I'm a moderator there, so I get to praise people and correct them. It has come to my attention that I can be a bit of a bitch when I do this. It's not intentional, but it does happen. If you're here to bitch me out, don't even think about it. I'll just ban you from my journal and laugh at you. If you get really nasty, and not the Miss Jackson type, I'll talk to Livejournal Abuse. If you did something against the rules in [info]iconaddicts, live with it. Live and learn, and don't do it again! And if you have a problem with the fact that you were banned or warned, talk to [info]kielle or [info]a_little_pixie if you don't think you can speak like a normal person to me. They can overturn a warning or banning; if I banned or warned you, it's unlikely that I'm going to take that warning or banning away unless a big, big mistake happened.

Remember, a first warning isn't the end of the world. If people want to get their panties in a bunch over one silly warning in an icon community, they can feel free... I just don't want them doing it in my journal. Life's too short to care about one warning. Take a deep breath or go outside and ride a bike. It's not the end of the world.

now that i have that out of the way...

Otherwise, I make comments to my Friends and other communities that I monitor. If you add me, drop me a line. It's the least you can do, yes? Same thing if you take me off of your list- I don't bite.

Outside of Livejournal, I'm not really doing a whole lot. I graduated in December 2001 with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts, and in May 2002 with a Bachelors in Operations Management and a minor in Classics. Reading has always been a big passion of mine, and I would recommend Sharon Shinn's Archangel, Laurell K. Hamilton's Guilty Pleasures or The Killing Dance, and Robert Asprin's Myth series.

I highly enjoy other cultures, especially that of Japan. I've taken three foreign languages- Spanish, Japanese and German- and I am fluent in none of them at this point. Nor have I ever really been out of this country; two blocks into Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, is much like that of Nogales, Arizona, United States. I love ancient cultures, especially those of Greece and Rome. I love to travel, and have been to a majority of the 50 states. Be it on an airplane or in a car, I love to travel. I plan on going to Europe, Asia, and maybe even Australia and New Zealand in the future. But that all costs money, which I don't currently have a lot of. ;)

specially-made by [info]hokuto

I get into my little obsessions now and again. Obsessions include(d) watching the TV show Cops constantly, Volvos (especially 1978 244DLs and recent white S70s), Smallville and especially Lex Luthor, Star Trek: the Next Generation, expensive beauty products, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Lord of the Rings, the Anita Blake series (up until NiC that is), and a little band called Barenaked Ladies. I saw them five or six times in the span of maybe a year, and they are still the best live show I have ever, or will ever, see. Though Rob Zombie and oZomatli put on damn good shows as well.

Which leads me to another subject: music 0wns me. I've been to plenty of concerts, though I've slowed down my concert consumption. I like both country and rap, which are loathed by many people. I'd say the Top Five Bands I wouldn't miss if they never put out another album would be Blink-182, Tool, No Doubt, Garth Brooks and Sublime/Long Beach Dub Allstars. Though Avril Lavigne and Jennifer Lopez also rub me wrong, at least they're catchy every once in a while.

I mainly talk about random stuff in my journal. On occasion, I'll talk about what's going on in my life. And I will break down into a shaking mess every once in a while, so if the prospect of that scares you, then don't add me. Do comment on my journal if you find something interesting- not only is it polite, but it's cool to know that people drop in from time to time.

© © ©

The icons I have were either made by me, customized by me, or snagged in other communities or journals. If you like one and want a version for yourself, just ask me about it! If I didn't make it, I'll point you to who did. My Buffy the Vampire Slayer moodtheme was made by [info]breathe_again, so she's the gal you should contact if you'd like to use her moodtheme over at Want Take Have.

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By [info]kawaiimiaka

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TNFC #29 & BBB #20

i'd suffer a papercut q for sharon shinn                                                                                                   I © Jean-Claude

"Sometimes it is important to have a 13-year-old moment, to remember a simpler time when the best thing in life was hanging out, listening to records and having fun with your friends." ... "The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous." - Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't walk all over you, so please don't walk all over me! - Ben Kweller, "Walk On Me"

CONCERTS: Barenaked Ladies on St. Patty's Day.

Currently feeling The current mood of sugshady at
Memories:273 entries
Interests:150: #bnlmusic, adam green, alexander mcqueen, alexander payne, alice in wonderland, allergies, alphonse mucha, amélie, animation, anime, anita blake, anne taintor, archangel, arizona, arnold rimmer, audrey tatou, barenaked ladies, beaches, beauty, beetlejuice, ben kweller, billy chaka, bjork, brent spiner, bruce campbell, buffy the vampire slayer, busy philipps, cars, cemetery photography, cloudiness, clouds, concerts, cornhuskers, country music, daydreaming, dingoes ate my baby, dwight yoakam, ed the sock, expensive beauty products, fantasy, fashion, fight club, fonts, food allergies, foreign languages, forever knight, freaks and geeks, german, greek mythology, green, guster, happiness, harry potter, horoscopes, hot hot heat, humor, i claudius, icons, insomniac with dave attell, jack johnson, japan, japanese, japanese culture, jason mraz, jean-claude, john galliano, john mayer, jurassic 5, languages, laurell k. hamilton, lemonage, lex luthor, libraries, lilian jackson braun, lord of the rings, loyalty, lucien lacroix, lucy liu, lycanthropes, martin starr, mermaids, most extreme elimination challenge, music, my bebehs, mythology, nebraska, nebraska cornhuskers, nelly furtado, neville longbottom, obsessive compulsive disorder, office space, ok go, okgo, ozomatli, peregrin took, pete yorn, pink floyd, rage against the machine, rammstein, reading, red dwarf, road trips, rob zombie, rollercoaster tycoon, run lola run, rupert giles, second breakfast, sephora, sex and the city, sharon shinn, shopping, slash, smallville, stories and cigarettes, storms, strange brew, sugar, sunshine, swimming, ted forrester, the beach, the beach boys, the bloodhound gang, the cat who, the desert, the hippos, the lone gunmen, the mavericks, the ocean, the proclaimers, the sea, the sims, thunder, thunderstorms, tom petty, travel, traveling, traveling wilburys, trigun, tucson, twin peaks, urban exploration, vampires, volvos, weather, wendy holden, wereleopards, zoloft, , . [Modify yours]
Friends:108: _koroleva_, _metaphor, almostpretty, angelbomb, annahal, annimal, arithena, auroralockwood, badharlequin, bellwag, bigbluebubble, bittervignette, blushycyootie, bnl_is_the_best, bnlculby17, bnlprincess, bouncing_shoes, breathe_again, bryoney, cindypepot, coffeebreak, comic_getfuzzy, comm_news, cuanzon, culbyrose, cyberjulez, dainichijess, davebarrycolumn, dead_endstreet, dictionary_wotd, dilbert_feed, dsfeed, fetching, foliagedebate, foxtrot_feed, foxynams, fromtheinside, galore, garfield_comic, genzokun, gillyholia, happy_wondering, hiddenmuse, hokuto, hoots10bc, ia_mods, ibizaprtygrl, idealist, jackwad, jessanne, jewelweed, jordyn222, justgoto, kawaiimiaka, kissingcounts, kittenlime, ladygeekster, lammy, lavellebelle, lilylith, lj_maintenance, maladroitkat, mattbovine, meghatesyou, mrmojo, mugwort, my_mercy, nae_, nakedhead, nami13, nayuki, news, nonsquitor_feed, paidmembers, pam_sparkles, pixelbunny, pixyteri, pizeach, postmortemfame, queenofheartsr, red_hair, redpumpkin, sallyk, sandimas, sheedy, shinynickles, sigmaration, skyblueandblack, snlgirlie, southernrain, sweetgodiva, takchemist, teacher_pam, tenacity, tex_arkana, that_quiet_girl, thegretch, totothegreat, turdsmcgee, uncoolrockstar, undercoverbunny, undershirtseekr, understated, utgirl1998, vanima, whokee67, xxstarsailorxx, zeolyte
Friend of:102: _koroleva_, _metaphor, almostpretty, alyeditrix, angelbomb, annahal, annimal, arithena, auroralockwood, badharlequin, bellwag, bigbluebubble, bittervignette, blushycyootie, bnl_is_the_best, bnlculby17, bnlprincess, bouncing_shoes, breathe_again, bryn_rocks, bryoney, cindypepot, coffeebreak, cuanzon, culbyrose, cupofcoffee1234, cyberjulez, dainichijess, dead_endstreet, fetching, fnord42, foliagedebate, foxynams, fromtheinside, galore, genzokun, gillyholia, green_tree, happy_wondering, hiddenmuse, hokuto, hoots10bc, ibizaprtygrl, idealist, jackwad, jessanne, jewelweed, jordyn222, justgoto, kawaiimiaka, kissingcounts, kittenlime, ladygeekster, lammy, lavellebelle, lilylith, maladroitkat, mattbovine, meghatesyou, mrmojo, mugwort, my_mercy, nae_, nakedhead, nami13, nayuki, pam_sparkles, pixyteri, pizeach, postmortemfame, psycho_smurf666, queenofheartsr, red_hair, redpumpkin, sallyk, sandimas, sheedy, shinynickles, sigmaration, skyblueandblack, snlgirlie, southernrain, sweetgodiva, takchemist, teacher_pam, tenacity, tex_arkana, that_quiet_girl, theempress, thegretch, totothegreat, turdsmcgee, uncoolrockstar, undercoverbunny, undershirtseekr, understated, utgirl1998, vanima, vdubbud, whokee67, xxstarsailorxx, zeolyte
Member of:48: anita_blake_fan, anti_theft, bad_service, birthcontrol, buffy_icons, buffyfans, component_help, craftgrrl, customers_suck, darkvictoria, desktop_splooge, fontaddicts, here_is_okgo, hothotheat, i_sang_dixie, ia_mods, icon_tutorial, iconaddicts, iconopoplicious, just_us_girls, library_grrls, ljdesigners, ljtravel, mutts_comics, mykryptonite, naturalmed, obsolete_to_you, ok_go, old_time_seance, paidmembers, papercrafts, peteyorn, pop_moods, publicstyles, red_dwarf, rightclickchick, saucydwellings, sha_sha_sha_doo, shopping_lists, sky_light, sv_icons, t_shirt_surgery, thedicklist, thequestionclub, thesims, topfive, tucson, vaginapagina
Account type:Paid Account

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