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Fighting Terror

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We're Back!
Site News

Yes indeed, it's been a few days, but we're back in the same old format you're all used to!

There still might be a few things broken just a bit as we are still in the process of moving to our new host.

So keep it tuned to this site to check out what will come next!

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Saturday, April 10 @ 12:26:34 GMT+6 (0 reads)
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Bush Fears Slap on Wrist

In a surprise move today, President Bush has announced that he will inform the 911 commission that he had no idea where his brain was on the fated day of September 11, 2001.

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Monday he will tell the commission investigating the Sept. 11 attacks that his administration lacked the information needed to prevent the terrorists from striking.

"Let me just be very clear about this," he said. "Had we had the information that was necessary to stop an attack, I'd have stopped the attack. ... If we'd have known that the enemy was going to fly airplanes into our buildings, we would have done everything in our power to stop it."

However, lately the Bush Administration's credibility has been incredibly non-credible, to say the least. During a recent interview, Bush vehemently expressed, "OK, maybe I sort of fudged the truth about the WMD stuff and Saddam, but I wouldn't fudge 911." Bush continued, "I mean, it's fricken 911! Besides, we have no idea what's going on, how could you judge that?"

George Bush is correct, we cannot hold politicians accountable for all errors, even if that error was the most gigantic glaring error in the history of the USA. How was Dick Cheney supposed to know that Richard Clarke was "the loop" during his "not in the loop" conversation? Even George Bush himself claimed, "Dude, I was high", when he supposedly told Condi Rice that 911 was not an excuse to invade Iraq, despite him signing orders to the Pentagon on September 17th, 2001 to begin planning an invasion in Iraq. Bush was adamant regarding his decision to go after Al-Quada.

After the attacks, "this country immediately went on war footing and we went to war against al-Qaida. And we're going to keep after them until they are brought to justice and America is secure," Bush told reporters while on a trip to North Carolina.

Well, all except for the Osama Bin Laden. Reporters asked Bush why he didn't actually "capture" Osama Bin Laden dead, OR alive, he simply replied, "Because Saddam Hussein had WMD!".

I believe we all can take a lesson from old man George: if you are lazy and irresponsible, and your sloth allows the worst American tragedy of the 20th century to happen, then just yell "I didn't do it" and blame somebody else.

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Monday, April 05 @ 18:08:53 GMT+6 (3 reads)
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Incompetent Boss & The Papal Wrestling League
Block Party

We have another round of submission's from poli-toonists around the net.

From Brad Russell:

Asleep Behind The Wheel Continues...

From MD:

Papal executives gone wild!

(Click READ MORE for the rest)

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Monday, April 05 @ 09:49:58 GMT+6 (22 reads)
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April Fools Thang
Site News

OK, some of you probably wondered what the hell we had on this site on April Fools, which was this:

Yeah, the only way we'd endorse Bush is if he'd resign.

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Monday, April 05 @ 09:25:55 GMT+6 (5 reads)
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Former TOP SECRET Translator for FBI Comes Forward

"I saw papers that show US knew al-Qa'ida would attack cities with aeroplanes"

A former translator for the FBI with top-secret security clearance says she has provided information to the panel investigating the 11 September attacks which proves senior officials knew of al-Qa'ida's plans to attack the US with aircraft MONTHS before the strikes happened.


Posted by Dissident Dexter on Friday, April 02 @ 09:32:55 GMT+6 (9 reads)
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The Mailbag: Racist Rush
Mail Bag

TerryC writes,

"If this were a Democrat administration and there was this kind of government witch hunt against [Kinda Sleazy] Rice, a black woman, you would not see the end of the charges of racism from the Congressional Black Caucus and Jesse Jackson."
- sayeth Rush The Junkie

Gotta love it when neo-fascists like Pigboy Rush, AnnThrax Coulter and Boob Novak try to act like civil rights acitvists!

Don't feel too bad, Rush just lost 50% of his listeners today. Yep, since half of Rush's listeners want to kick the ever-loving shit out of him, half are now listening to Al Franken (who last I heard had Coulter locked up in the green room?!). Too bad, I guess Extremely Irritating Blowhards will lose some marketshare.

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Wednesday, March 31 @ 14:13:30 GMT+6 (12 reads)
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MD's Burning Rice & Russell's Douchebag
Block Party

We have a new feature today right here on MySN. Drum roll please. OK, ready?

It's called Block Party, and it's a feature designed to focus on our fellow Cartoon Activists who want to showcase their work on our website. I'm starting to receive some very funny political cartoons in my mail and both Dissident Dexter and myself realized, hey, these guys are pretty damn funny. So without further ado, here is Block Party.

OK, just one more thing, if you are an artist and want to feature your cartoons on this site, submit your pictures (must be under 200KB) to

If you're good, you get recognition, if you send me pictures of fat naked men, I will send Karl Rove's grandfather, Himmler, to your house!

From MD:

Douche Bag

From Bradley Russell:

(Click READ MORE to see some homemade funny!)

Posted by Dr. Bastard on Wednesday, March 31 @ 13:55:30 GMT+6 (37 reads)
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Little by Little, People are Waking Up

Uhg...ya wake up every morning and drag your ass to work. You never expect anything to be different. Same old struggle. Same old lies.

But wait, what's that ahead? I thought I was the only guy who put protest messages in the back window.

But no, it was plain as day.


Guess I'm NOT alone. More dissidents in the world.

After a little horn honking, hand waving and shouting at the next intersection, I managed to scream the MYSTOLENNATION thing to him and behold, my new friend (we'll call him "Bob") emailed me that very day with exciting news for people in the southwest suburbs of Chicago.

Seems there is a group out there called SOUTH SUBURBAN CITIZENS' INITIATIVE and they are doing a presentation of

Independant Media In A Time Of War

You'll find the details HERE

Rumor has it that Dexter might show up to check it out for himself.

Posted by Dissident Dexter on Wednesday, March 31 @ 13:53:52 GMT+6 (1 reads)
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Undercover Police Officers Spied on Anti-War Activists

Something tells me I'll never get used to having a jack-boot on my throat.

GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN -- When opposition to the Iraq war began to mount last year, undercover officers were sent to anti-war meetings and rallies to collect intelligence, the city's police chief confirmed..."We are living in a different time now"
Posted by Dissident Dexter on Wednesday, March 31 @ 13:35:32 GMT+6 (0 reads)
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Click on READ MORE for cities , times, and a link to the website...

Posted by Dissident Dexter on Tuesday, March 30 @ 16:35:50 GMT+6 (22 reads)
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New Stuff

Incompetent Boss & The Papal Wrestling League


Dictator Makeovers

Helping the Ugly get Uglier!

How will Karl Rove handle the latest high-level FBI whistle-blower?

Paul O’Neil him?
Joseph Wilson him?
Howard Dean him?
Bill Clinton him?
Richard Clarke him?
Paul Wellstone him?


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