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March 26, 2004

The Reign Has Ended

hakimsad.bmp It was most unexpected. The crown was supposed to be draped in Kansas blue or Texas burnt orange. It was to be surrounded by wildcats or blue devils.

That's not what happened. Instead, a child led them. And the crown was draped in deep Syracuse orange and surrounded by crazy Orangemen.

For almost a full year, I savored that win like none other. Now that time has come to an end.

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March 25, 2004

Taking Requests

I'm never one to disappoint my loyal audience (all four of you). And Chippy suggested I do a fill-in-the-blank list. So, without further ado, more about me:

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March 24, 2004

Something For Fun

I know I haven't posted much since I moved to Louisiana. It's a point Memphis reminded me about last night (oh, I forgot, she hates when I mention her, pretend I didn't type that). When I pointed out I had blogged, she requested something a little more fun.

So here I go... hope you like it...

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March 23, 2004

Kerrey: A National Treasure

I suppose the title to this post may surprise some of my readers. Others probably believe there's some kind of sarcasm or malice behind this.

That's just not true. Sen. Kerrey is a national treasure. He demonstrated it today, in front of the world. His words carried such weight they could not be ignored.

He's a politician I've almost always respected, even when we disagreed. If only more politicians were like him.

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March 19, 2004

An Amazing Experience

I had one of the most amazing, emotional experiences two days ago.

I've spent the last few days contemplating, absorbing, and reflecting. I'm sure you're asking yourself, 'What did you experience that had such a profound effect?'. Something I hope everyone takes 126 minutes of a day to do...

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March 18, 2004

I Must Not Be a Blood Relation

I'm definitely not a blood relation.

My brothers-in-law and my wife have posted their favorites, and when you see mine, I think you'll agree:

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Communism Is Just a Red Herring

clue.jpg Well, the comments section to my sister's list of favorite movies has turned into a Clue quote-fest. It's a movie I would never think of for my top 5 or even top 20, but it's a movie I will watch every time it's on.

The cast is perfect. It's some of the best character actors of the time with a clever script. If you haven't seen it, you should go rent it now.

And if you have seen it, you'll probably enjoy this collection of Clue movie quotes:

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March 17, 2004

Let the Madness Begin

gerrymac.jpg It's time.

Perhaps it's fitting that it will all begin one day after a holiday known for its drunken madness.

It's a time of year that always lives up to expections.

March Madness is here.

Unfortunately, there's no way this year could top last year. My Orangemen will soon give up their crown. There is no Carmelo Anthony to carry us to a title.

And for purely entertainment purposes only, I present my picks for this year's Big Dance...

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March 16, 2004

The Terrorist Vote

bombing.jpg I'm sure Spain has some kind of law that restricts voting to national citizens. Unfortunately, we came to learn that a few Moroccans and Algerians (allegedly) provided the votes that mattered most.

Three days before national elections, terrorists detonated a series of bombs on the crowded railway system killing 201 people and injuring more than 1500.

Despite what seemed like a show of unity against terrorism by thousands and thousands of demonstrators, election day brought sweeping changes to the political landscape of Spain. Now those more likely to disengage from the war on terror are in control.

Will someone exercise a similar "vote" in America in just a few months?

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March 15, 2004

If One of Us is Adopted... must be me. You guys are nowhere near my choices, for which I make no apologies. Just remember: if you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question. Read 'em and cringe...

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