- Entry on the curve-fitting problem in
R. Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge University Press,
- A Special
Issue on MODEL SELECTION coming out in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
It contains a series of excellent introductory essays on various approaches to the
trade-off between simplicity and goodness-of-fit in scientific modeling in the
quantitative sciences.
- A SubIndex on Simplicity
provides links to papers online, but mostly to do with computational complexity.
- Here is a simple Simplicity Page written by I. A. Kiessepa of the University of Helsinki.
- The MIT Encyclopedia
of Cognitive Sciences contains an article on Parsimony and Simplicity (by you know
who). You must register first, but the site is FREE. Then do a search.
Alternatively, you may access my paper here.
- What
is Occam's razor? An answer from a physicist's point of view.
- Occam's Razor:
"Plurality should not be posited without necessity." This page has more
philosophical content.
- Occam's
Razor: Another short description of Occam's razor, which briefly alludes to the
curve-fitting problem.
- For a straight-forward biography, see William of Ockham (d. 1347).
- The
Scientific Method: Section 1.6 is on Occam's razor. The author claims that
"The Razor doesn't tell us anything about the truth or otherwise of a hypothesis, but
rather it tells us which one to test first. The simpler the hypothesis, the easier it is
to shoot down." This is Sir
Karl Popper's view of simplicity, which equates simplicity with falsifiability.
My paper on The New Science of
Simplicity argues that this viewpoint is wrong.
- Six
criteria for evaluating worldviews. Parsimony is criterion number one.
Ockham's Razor and
Chemistry by Roald Hoffmann, Vladimir I. Minkin, Barry K. Carpenter.
International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry, Vol. 3 (1997).
We begin by presenting William of Ockham's various formulations
of his principle of parsimony, Ockham's Razor. We then define a reaction mechanism and
tell a personal story of how Ockham's Razor entered the study of one such mechanism. A
small history of methodologies related to Ockham's Razor, least action and least motion,
follows. This is all done in the context of the chemical (and scientific) community's
almost unthinking acceptance of the principle as heuristically valuable. Which is not matched,
to put it mildly, by current philosophical attitudes toward Ockham's Razor. What ensues is
a dialogue, pro and con. We first present a context for questioning, within
chemistry, the fundamental assumption that underlies Ockham's Razor, namely that the world
is simple. Then we argue that in more than one pragmatic way the Razor proves useful,
without at all assuming a simple world. Ockham's Razor is an instruction in an operating
manual, not a world view. Continuing the argument, we look at the multiplicity and
continuity of concerted reaction mechanisms, and at principal component and Bayesian
analysis (two ways in which Ockham's Razor is embedded into modern statistics). The
dangers to the chemical imagination from a rigid adherence to an Ockham's Razor
perspective, and the benefits of the use of this venerable and practical principle are
given, we hope, their due.Key Concepts in Model
Selection:Performance and Generalizability, M. R. Forster (July 8, 1998), invited
for a forthcoming special issue on model selection in the Journal of Mathematical
What is model selection? What are the goals of model selection? What
are the methods of model selection, and how do they work? Which methods perform better
than others, and in what circumstances? These questions rest on a number of key concepts
in a relatively underdeveloped field. The aim of this essay is to explain some background
concepts, highlight some of the results in this special issue, and to add my own.
The standard methods of model selection include classical hypothesis
testing, maximum likelihood, Bayes method, minimum description length, cross-validation
and Akaike's information criterion. They all provide an implementation of Occam's razor,
in which parsimony or simplicity is balanced against goodness-of-fit. These methods
primarily take account of the sampling errors in parameter estimation, although their
relative success at this task depends on the circumstances. However, the aim of model
selection should also include the ability of a model to generalize to predictions in a
different domain. Errors of extrapolation, or generalization, are different from errors of
parameter estimation. So, it seems that simplicity and parsimony may be an additional
factor in managing these errors, in which case the standard methods of model selection are
incomplete implementations of Occam's razor.
The New Science of
Simplicity by M. R. Forster
(1999): forthcoming in Simplicity, Inference and Econometric Modelling, Cambridge
University Press, edited by Hugo Keuzenkamp, Michael McAleer, and Arnold Zellner.
There was time when statistics was a mere footnote to the
methodology of science; concerned only with the mundane task of estimating the size of
observational errors and designing experiments. That was because statistical methods
assumed a fixed background "model", and only methodology was concerned with the
selection of the model. Simplicity was an issue in methodology, but not in statistics. All
that has changed. Statistics has expanded to cover model selection, and simplicity has
appeared in statistics with a form and precision that it never attained in the methodology
of science. This is the new science of simplicity.
This paper lays a foundation for all forms of model
selection from hypothesis testing and cross validation to the newer AIC and BIC methods
that trade off simplicity and fit. These methods are evaluated with respect to a common
goal of maximizing predictive accuracy. Within this framework, there is no relevant sense
in which AIC is inconsistent, despite an almost universally cited claim to the contrary.
Asymptotic properties are not pivotal in the comparison of selection methods. The real
differences show up in intermediate sized data sets. Computer computations suggest
that there are no global optimumsthe dilemma is between performing poorly in one set
of circumstance or performing poorly in another. |