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P a p e r s


MoralRelativism.pdf (308k): My PhD dissertation on moral relativism and reasons for action
PublicTalk.pdf (60k): Presentation of part of my dissertation for my public defense
PublicTalkHandout.pdf (32k): Handout for the above presentation.

Undergraduate Thesis
WhoWould.pdf (220k): My undergraduate thesis on singular negative existentials

Frankena.pdf (52k): On Frankena's criticism of Moore's naturalistic fallacy
SchefflerPaper.pdf (72k): On Scheffler's book, Human Morality

Political Philosophy
StateofNature.pdf (72k): On Hobbe's argument that the state of nature is a state of war.

PersonalIdentity.pdf (92k): On Parfit and Willaims on personal identity and indeterminacy
CarnapPaper.pdf (88k): On Carnap's "Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology"

Philosophy of Langauge
IndexicalBelief.pdf (120K): On indexical belief.

Philosophy of Mind
Skepticism_and_Externalism.pdf (132k): On externalism in the phil of mind and skepticism about one's own mental states

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