suburban blight
en-us2004-04-26T10:02:36-05:00Dull Thud
Splitting migraine. Railroad spike through the right eye. Will blog for painkillers....kelley2004-04-26T10:02:36-05:00On a Personal Note... feels so freaking good in here now that the air-conditioner is on. Ahhh!...kelley2004-04-24T23:35:07-05:00To Our Australian Cousins
I almost forgot - Happy Anzac Day! Yes, I know it's tomorrow. It is tomorrow in Australia. Or is it yesterday? I get confused, but I think it's tomorrow. At any rate, congratulations on the 25th of April, a day...kelley2004-04-24T23:16:08-05:00Dieters Denied!
An Atkins-dieting couple is making a fuss after having the meat supply cut off at a Salt lake City area buffet-style restaurant. The dieters were denied access to the carving station after the general manager noticed the couple coming up...kelley2004-04-24T22:59:54-05:00Never Did Like Her
Of all the CNN reporters that get up my ass, Rym Brahimi is numero uno. I can't put my finger on specifically why she bugs me so much, but her perpetual squint and mega-negative reporting style probably have something to...kelley2004-04-24T21:42:42-05:00Alas, Poor Yorick
Two Scots boys have been charged with the "ancient crime of violation of the sepulchre", according to this Yahoo article. Apparantly, the boys busted into the funeral vault of one Sir George "Bloody" MacKenzie, whom history records as a particularly...kelley2004-04-24T21:23:45-05:00Pow!
Got this via Zygote...a Transylvanian man is currently being given medical treatment because his penis exploded while he was making love to his girlfriend. Let me just treat you to the money quote from the article: Dr Angela Domocos, head...kelley2004-04-24T20:57:18-05:00Home Cooking
I posted the recipe for Chicken with 40 Cloves of Garlic at Deus Ex Culina last June. We had the dish for supper this evening, so I thought I'd share the recipe with blight readers, along with a couple of...kelley2004-04-24T20:24:21-05:00Wussies
I hate to admit it, but our family has totally wussed out. It's only, what...April 24th, and we went ahead and turned on the air-conditioning. Oh, the shame! It's a yearly game with me, waiting as long as I possibly...kelley2004-04-24T15:44:51-05:00Pestical Animals
In the spirit of Friday night frivolity, may I present Dill, the hollowdog? Below is our cat, Gus. Is he one skulky lookin' mutha or what? Here's a freaky picture of him out on the back porch, bathed in light...kelley2004-04-24T01:01:25-05:00Gratuitous Garden Stuff
Yipes! I almost missed the three-year blogiversary of! Meryl, dahling, congratulations on making it for three long years in the blogging world. That makes you an elder statesman of sorts, and you've taken up that mantle with the dignity...kelley2004-04-24T00:05:26-05:00Donner Island Party
I spent most of the afternoon out in the garden today, as one could easily deduce if one happened to read the post below. I've fed my pack of wild boys, gotten the littlest bathed and brushed and tucked in,...kelley2004-04-23T22:35:44-05:00Silver Bells and Cockle Shells
...and pretty maids, all in a row. At any rate, my garden is growing just fine. Here are some snaps for your viewing pleasure: Lovely lobelia, a gorgeous ground-cover or border... My first experiment with dragon-wing begonias. No idea what...kelley2004-04-23T19:33:50-05:00TGIF
Time for a little Friday Frivolity. I saw this new memey at Deb and Jay's. Books I've read are in bold. Books I've heartlessly neglected are in normal type....kelley2004-04-23T11:37:02-05:00