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Special Values!: Get the first two novels by Roger L. Simon in DRM-free, tree-friendly, ebook format. Heir and The Mama Tass Manifesto sell separately for $3.95 each, but as a special offer you can now get both books, out of print far too long, for the unheard of price of $6.95!

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The Mama Tass Manifesto + Heir

Roger L. Simon

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Publisher: Blackmask Online

Cost: $6.95—any format; no DRM.

Author: Roger L. Simon

About: Mr. Simon's first and second second novels.

Two By Roger L. Simon, originally published in 1970, is a black comedy about a '60s husband and wife team who earn great success with an all-nude puppet show, use the money to destroy oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico, and finally meet their match when they take their show to Vegas.

Heir, originally published in 1968, is the account of a wealthy young scion's fast track to destruction. Beginning with the lead character in a NY apartment, body of his girlfriend next to him, the story is told in flashbacks, racing from Harlem to Venice at astonishing speed, and often as not on heroin.

Additional: Heir was also published in the late 1980s as "Dead Meet" by Black Lizard Press. You might want to grab a copy of the I Ching (free) to keep handy while you read Mama Tass.

Author: Mr. Simon is the author of the best-selling Moses Wine series. His webpage is quickly becoming a top destination for those seeking news and commentary.

Price: $6.95--save $1!

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