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[17 Jun 2004|01:47am]

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Menthol.I taste like Menthol.

I am refreshingly different; some people don't appreciate that. My sharp honesty gets up some people's noses, while others really enjoy it. I am something of an acquired taste. What Flavour Are You?

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
8 duckys // quack?

Duckies! [15 Jun 2004|04:10am]
Everyone do the new layout dance! *dances*

The image was taken using my webcam. It's a picture of two little ducky plushies I have. Their names are Gosser and Darwin. Gosser is the green and brown one, Darwin is the black and white one.

I think this layout is only going to be temporary as I may decide to change it when I change my website layout, that way my livejournal and my website kind of match.

Or I may decide I miss having Ed on my livejournal.

Youth and voting... [14 Jun 2004|02:51am]
[ mood | frustrated ]

It seems Canada has a tremendous problem with youth and voting. There are somewhere near three million youth who are eligible to vote, and less than half do.

There's a lot of speculation as to why people our age don't vote when the time comes. The common reason people seem to land on is that we don't feel like the decisions our government makes affect us in any way. I've decided to compile a list of the current issues that do or will (in the not to distant future) affect us and some issues that could affect us should they actually come to head.

Canada's Involvement with the War on Iraq:

Had our involvement with the War on Iraq come down to a referendum, and our votes been the deciding factor in whether Canadian troops were sent to Iraq, youth voter turnout could become the difference between sending and not sending our troops off to war. How would this affect youth? I mean, you could just as easily choose not to enlist in the military right? But you have to sit back and think of how many youths have family in the military. By choosing not to vote, you could be sending your best friends father, uncle, cousin, aunt, or sister off to war.

And what if that issue were to come up in an election? What if a plank in the party platform of Mr. Stephen Harper or Mr. Paul Martin was to send Canadian troops to help Bush in his War on Iraq? Harper wants to increase military spending, what if he wanted to increase military activity as well? Your choice not to vote has just sent your brother, godmother, best friend, and next door neighbor off to war.

There were thousands of people protesting this war and the possibility of Canada's involvement in it, many of them were youth. How many of them (that can) do you think will show up to vote?


This issue can go two ways. Not voting could lead to abortions being made entirely illegal, or it could lead to them being entirely funded by our tax dollars. Neither of these outcomes sound very appealing do they? Should they be made entirely illegal, then those who have been raped, or victims of incest, will have to carry any resulting pregnancy to term. Should they be entirely funded by our taxes, and freely available, then any girl who decides condoms are no fun, and gets pregnant as a result could just walk into a clinic, have an abortion on us, and run off to do it again.

Gay Marriage:

This is a big issue in Canada right now. The choices we make this election could have a huge impact on it. There are thousands of homosexual youth. The choices we make today could decide whether they get to have something that homosexuals before them didn't have, the ability to marry their partners.


What if Canada lands in a situation where our candidates find themselves toying with the idea of reinstating conscription? Youth votes would sure as hell matter then! Mandatory military service for everyone ages 18 and over. The United States called it the Draft. I heard a bit of buzz concerning the issue when Bush first decided to go to war. Of course, it was just a bunch of students sitting around in a political science classroom, but what if it became a serious issue in Canada? What if it became part of a party's platform? Think about this, mandatory military service. And as whatever situation that brought it about grows worse, the people exempt from it grow less.

Other Issues

Here are some things that so obviously concern us and yet people still don't vote! Education should be the most obvious. With soaring tuition fees, a public school system that (in Nova Scotia at least) is not nearly as good as it should or could be, and frequent staff strikes at one major University in particular, you'd think that youth voters would be seriously examining what political parties are going to do about this, and vote for the guy they think will best work to improve it!

And what of health care? How many people in this country are honestly, seriously not affected by the governments decisions concerning health care? How many people in this country can safely say that they will never see the inside of a hospital? It doesn't matter whether as a patient, doctor, nurse, visitor or otherwise, how many can honestly say they will never see the inside of a hospital? Not too damned many.

And how many youth drive? I believe the parking lot at my high school was consistently full. I've nearly been hit by I don't know how many people my own age who really can't drive at all yet somehow landed a license. And how many issues are there concerning drivers? Hundreds? Thousands? Maybe I'm over exaggerating just a little, but honestly, it's not exactly a small number. Insurance rates, traffic laws, funding towards the maintenance of our roads and highways, I can probably go on. Most of these are dealt with mainly by Municipal and Provincial levels, but hey, you know what? We vote for them too! And funding does trickle down from the federal level, or at least we think it does.

Not voting could lead to someone you do not want leading your country doing exactly that. Complaining about your government is a privilege made available only to those who vote. You don't vote you have no right to complain. Layton in power and you really don't like him? Harper pissing you off? Martin doing something really stupid? Those of us who voted can sit back and say "Well, at least we tried to prevent it." Those who didn't vote can only sit back and say "Damn! I knew I should have voted!" because they really didn't make any attempt to elect someone who might have done better.

I really apologize to anybody who doesn't want to read me rant about anything not cute or jelly bean related, but the number of articles and letters to the editor I've read recently concerning youth and voting and how us youth are apathetic and don't see how politics affect us and blah, blah, blah, shoot me in the head please, now, get it over with, just really got to me this morning. I got tired of seeing it suggested that we don't find the government and their decisions to be relevant to us. I also realize some of the examples I used are exaggerated. I do that.

3 duckys // quack?

A stealing I shall go! [14 Jun 2004|02:47am]
The Matthew had a bunch of stuff that I could take. I stole these from him. Except that a lot of people had stolen them before he did. A have third or fourth hand stolen memes.

But they're still spiffy )

How insightful! [10 Jun 2004|02:55am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "Last Train to Satansville" - Swervedriver ]

I love it when my mother has had too much in the drinking area of things. Always a good time listening to her go on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.

Here are some words of wisdom and other such nonsense my mother has just spent the last two hours repeating to me:

I barely escaped her )

2 duckys // quack?

[09 Jun 2004|02:04am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "Reptilia" - the Strokes ]

I think, instead of growing up and becoming a high school history teacher, or a university anthropology professor, or even a social worker, I shall instead join the circus. Why the circus you ask? Because there's lions and tigers and bears, oh my! And peanuts. I could work at the cotton candy booth making cotton candy! Or I could play with fire! Or maybe just eat it. I could stick my head in lion's mouths and hope they don't bite down. I can be the person who stands outside shouting 'Come one, come all to the greatest show of all!' or something cheesy like that. I could frolic with the clowns!

Or perhaps, I'll just go off and be a superhero. Clowns scare me shitless.


Squeak! [09 Jun 2004|01:38am]

That is all.

I like me... [08 Jun 2004|12:24am]
Just because all the cool kids are doing it... and I'm the epitome of cool...

lokichan's LJ stalker is vickie_longley!
vickie_longley is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also mentally deranged!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

The Adventures of a Fearless Fox... [05 Jun 2004|02:44am]
[ mood | tired ]

I went to see Harry Potter today. About ten or fifteen minutes into the movie the power in the theater went out. We were given special passes as a way of refunding our tickets (as they obviously could'nt give us our money back, they couldn't open the tills). So then I ventured into Sackville where they honored my pass and let me go see my movie. My movie was accompanied by fries and an ice cream.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was a very good movie. Thewlis wasn't as horrible in Lupin's role as I thought he'd be. His voice didn't have the right tone though. Gary Oldman made a great Sirius. His voice was just so right for it. Michael Gambon, while not being a horrible replacement as Dumbledore, just didn't have Richard Harris's aura. He wasn't as grand and magnificent. The kids did amazing. They're all really growing into their roles. Some of the emotions and lines seemed very forced, not as natural as they could be, but other than that the kids all did great.

I love the way Cuaron directed this! There are some things that he's done the Columbus didn't that just add so much more to the whole movie. Some of the differences are just small, subtle things, others are humorous. I want Cuaron to do all the rest of the movies! I love the style he added to PoA.

Now, getting home was fun. My dad had shuttled me to Sackville, and I told him I'd get the bus back because I knew the movie would be out late. When the bus arrived to shuttle me home it told me that it was stopping at Cobequid. It would bear passengers no further than there. Damnit. While at the Cobequid terminal I discovered that there were no longer any busses running, at 12:30, on a Friday. No busses. None. So what do I do?

I walk home.

5 duckys // quack?

Lingering on... [02 Jun 2004|07:24pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | "Africa" - Toto ]

My supper has left a bit of an aftertaste, kind of. It's not very enjoyable. The taste of chicken I did not like very much, the taste of ranch dressing, not things that go very nicely together as lingering tastes in your mouth.

It's a good thing I have jelly beans. Jelly beans will fix everything. Soon the lingering tastes in my mouth will be root beer and banana and possibly kiwi. All things that go very nicely together.

2 duckys // quack?

Chrissie's microbe fixation is infectious... [01 Jun 2004|11:25pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "Best of Me" - the Starting Line ]

Alright, Chrissie has this quote of the day thing she's been doing for a week... I have the best quote ever... so far as I've heard... it's the stuff of pure (lack of) genius.

"I just saw the trailer for the new Harry Potter movie and... I think there's going to be a werewolf!"

Which was immediately followed by a blank stare and a "Marc you idiot."

I have a soccer ball and I have a day off. Perhaps I shall go kick my ball around a bit. Except I might have to wait for the elementary school to be out... or for them all to be in class... otherwise there'll be a bunch of kids on the field.

There are more microbe plushies. An entire site of microbe plushies. They're so cute and I want one, or two, or three, or all of them. My favorite is the Bed Bug. I think Ulcer, Bookworm, Common Cold, and Athlete's Foot are the cutest of the lot of them.

Sarah, your bra is still at my house. We really should have something done about that.

2 duckys // quack?

Time to hit the library... [01 Jun 2004|03:04am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | "Best of Me" - the Starting Line ]

I decided to exercise my skills of theivery. As usual I'm theiving from [info]carrieko

And it is being cut because it is enormously long )

1 ducky // quack?

[01 Jun 2004|02:00am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | "Can't Stop" - Red Hot Chili Peppers ]

*bounces excitedly* HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN IS OUT ON FRIDAY! I'm so happy! And anxious! And excited! I was watching TV with my mum up in the living room and the trailer came on and I started bouncing and squeaking and giggling and rocking from side to side, grinning like a kid. Mum was looking at me wondering what the hell was wrong with me. Then the trailer ended and I giggled and proclaimed "It's out on Friday! I get to see Harry Potter on Friday! Yay!" and Mum just looked at me funny and asked if I usually get this excited for movies. I am really looking forward to this very much. *squeaks* I must go see it. Right now. Except I can't, I have to wait until Friday.

Today I had a mango Julius Original at the ever so wonderous Orange Julius. Actually... I had two, one before work and one after work. They are very good indeed. Better than the strawberry ones that I have loved so much for so long.

I have also discovered a new flavor of Bacardi Breezer! They had orange smoothie, strawberry daquiri, grapefruit, and pineapple... now they have... STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIE! Yes folks! Another wonderous strawberry flavor that has the slight creaminess of the orange smoothie flavor and the strawberryness of the daquiri flavor without the orangeyness of the orange flavor or the super all-too-sweetness of the daquiri flavor! What perfection!

I want a Harry Potter toothbrush. I must go find one.


[30 May 2004|09:44pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | "Ideal Waste of Time" - Treble Charger ]

The strange thing about some jelly beans is that they just cost so much money. You'll buy them and then look at your receipt, eyes bugging out, and immediately you regret them. You have to live with them too, as they are very difficult to attempt to return. So you hide away the offending beans and go on with life.

Another strange thing about jelly beans is their ability to redeem themselves. You pull out your bag of beanie regret, remembering how much they cost you. Then temptation gets the best of you and you eat one. You eat another one. Soon you've eaten five or six and all of a sudden they seem worth every penny. They've redeemed themselves in not even a handful.

They still cost me way too much.


Whoosh! [29 May 2004|02:59am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | "Last Train to Satansville" - Swervedriver ]

I went downtown on Thursday. Downtown is fun. I enjoy downtown. It has candy. I bought way too much candy and neither me nor Marc will disclose exactly how much or I will kick Marc's ass. I also acquired comics. Comics are good. Comics have Gambit in them. Gambit is a very funny frenchmen with a really kick ass staff. I think Gambit is great.

I went to work today. I greatly dislike work. Too bad that's the only way I'll ever acquire money. Unless perhaps the lottery likes me. Which it probably doesn't. But if it did, I would purchase a ticket and the ticket would make me massive amounts of money. I'd still probably work though, or spend a lot of time in school. I think I'd get really severely bored if I didn't have work or school. Actually, work doesn't help. School. Yes. I would get really severely bored if school didn't exist. And it hasn't existed for me for the past year. So I have been really bored. Except for those times when I went on spiffy road trips. They were fun.

I have a spiffy road and ferry trip coming up in July/August sometime. I'm going to Newfoundland. There's going to be a great big gigantic Newfie party. It will be lots of fun. Except that there's going to be a lot of people there. Which means shiwers and sleeping space will be limited. So I might be a bit dirtyickystinky. And I'll likely end up sleeping in a hammock. Or on the ground. Maybe I'll bring myself a couple of tarps and a sleeping bag and make myself a tiny tarp tent to live in. That would be fun.

Maybe I'll build one in my yard to live in.


[27 May 2004|01:05am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | "Pardon Me" - Incubus ]

Days off are great but absolutely horrible at the same time. I have a tendency to spend my day worrying that I'm going to get called in, and wondering if it's really busy. I also tend to miss really funny things happening, like a member of the management team splitting their pants. I can't believe I missed something as funny as that.

I have apple juice right now. I like apple juice. It's really good. I can't understand why there are so many people who hate it. After iced tea, apple juice is my favorite drink. I like it best when it comes in those little lunch sized boxes. I enjoy juice boxes to begin with, but they're best when they're apple juice.

It's entirely unfair that the guys I think are attractive are always so unavailable to me. I either never see them, see them only in situations where it's difficult to ask them anything, or they are a bit older and kindofsortofthecelebritytype.

I did three large loads of laundry last night. So now all my clothes are entirely clean and I can stop dressing on a this-smells-least basis. Why was I living like that? Because I can only ever get so much laundry done at a time before someone takes over the washer. Maybe everyone else should stop changing their clothes two or three times a day, then they wouldn't have to do a full load every day or two and there would actually be windows of time when I can do mine.

I think I'm going to go get more apple juice.

6 duckys // quack?

No! Come back! [26 May 2004|01:22am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | "Girl's Not Grey" - AFI ]

My candy keeps running away from me. I don't think it wants to be eaten. That's kind of sad. It really doesn't want to be eaten but it's going to be anyways because it is very yummy candy. You see, Runts have redeemed themselves. They are still good as long as they are bought in the cardboard boxes and not the tins.

Want to know what is really enjoyable? Days where I sit around and do nothing. Well, I do sleep, and eat, and sometimes update my journal and do laundry, but for the most part I don't do anything. Atleast, nothing much. I really like those sorts of days. Nice change from the on-my-feet-all-day sorts of days that I have.

Davey Havok looks like a girl.


[25 May 2004|05:50am]
[ mood | curious ]
[ music | "Play God" - RPM ]

I endured my day with the most painful, splitting headache I've ever had. I usually suffer the throbbing sort. I walked around looking dumb and disinterested feeling like someone just lodged an axe into the middle of my skull. I managed to acquire some form of painkillers and they didn't do me any good. Shannon thought it was funny because she thought I looked kind of stoned, Chris asked me if I had a headache from using illicit substances. But it obviously isn't that as I do not use illicit substances. Caffeine and beer are good enough for me.

I got to walk to work in the rain. It was a nice light rain. I rather enjoyed it, even if I was a bit damp by the time I got to work. I was smart, I brought my work clothes in a bag (but I usually do that anyway), so they were dry when I got to work. My hair was dripping when I got to the floor.

I'm half tempted to order a free trial pair of these colors contact lenses that acuvue makes. I am very interested in knowing what I'd look like with a different eye color. If I can do it for free than why not? But what color would I get? I think any color I'd choose would make a noticeable difference since my eyes are kind of grey/really light blue. I think maybe the honey brown or the hazel green color would be neat.

I ended up sleeping at an odd time today. I got home from work at around twenty to seven, then I had something to eat, watched That 70's Show and went to take a nap. I ended up sleeping from eight until about three or three-thirty. But then again, I didn't really sleep before work. I hadn't fallen asleep until about five something.

I think it's time for bed again now.

5 duckys // quack?

Oh the spiffy! [23 May 2004|11:05pm]
[ music | "Starting Over" - Avion ]

I finally got Yahoo! Launch to work on my computer... with a little help from my dad. Now I can watch all the really spiffy videos they have. Like the exclusive interview with the Darkness. This is great because I don't watch TV and have been missing out on all these awesome videos and now I can watch them. I feel like such a billboard right now.

I ended up not going to the fair today. My sister was severely disappointed. Ended up sitting around to watch The New Guy which was really very funny. I enjoyed it. Kristina enjoyed it (for the second time). Marc enjoyed it for much different reasons. Like Eliza Dushku trying on bathing suits.

I have discovered a book that contains within it's covers 101 Experiments in Everyday Philosophy. It's a little odd, but very interesting. I'm almost finished reading Terry Pratchett's Night Watch. It's really very good and is yet another book I've read recently that has a lot to do with time.

I should go take a shower.


The fair. [23 May 2004|01:18am]
I might go to the fair tomorrow. My sister wants to go earlier in the day. We're trying to leave around one or two in the afternoon. I think people who want to go with us (like Marc) should probably contact me before then.
2 duckys // quack?

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