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Below is user information for Cora Chaos. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:corachaos (11208) Paid User corachaos
Cora Chaos
over Exposed Life
Website:Cora Chaos
Location:Providence, Rhode Island, United States
AOL IM:corachaos (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 93933232 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status corachaos (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
Bio:Tragically hip house-wife.
Lover of spouse.
Mother of child.
Mocker of many.

Most of what's here is none of your damn buisness, unless you are a friend. Email me or add me and I will add you and you can try to peel my skull back. mmmkay?

I am only adding people who I know in person, or am sure I will meet in person. If you are interested in my photography, add userinfocorachaosphoto

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Memories:46 entries
Interests:132: 80's music, air, allen ginsberg, amherst, antiques, art, art history, artists, astrology, babies, ball gowns, beat authors, beatnics, bebop, bed, being afraid, being manic, bette davis, big hair, bitches, black clothing, bliss, blue roses, body art, books, bukowski, cars, class, classical music, cloves, coffee, color, colorado, comic books, comics, culture, dark, dark thoughts, death, denver, dirt, dirty minds, dirty thoughts, dogma, domestic bliss, doors and windows, dreams, dress up, dressing up, earth, electra assassin, elegance, erotica, evil, fall, fire, gender roles, ghosts, good art, gothic, gowns, grass, halloween, hands, intuition, italian wine, jack kerouac, journals, joy, karma, kissing, kriza, legs, light, men, merlot, mexican food, money, moon shadow, music, new wave music, northampton, old books, open minds, painting, paper, peak experiences, photo, pin-up's, poe, poetry, pool, poor spelling, porn, pt cruiser, punk rock, real estate, really bad art, red, red heads, rilke, running with scalpels, sex, sitting in the shade, sleep, smoking, smut, snobbery, soulmate, spooky kids, strange days, stray toasters, style, susan compo, tattoos, tattos, the 80's, the beat generation, the beats, travel, true money girls, vampyre, vanity, water, whining, wigs, wine, wit, writing,, x, zen
Friends:113: _minouche_, _sabriel_, absinthe_satori, altoidsaddict, amadea, americanomalley, andremains, archmage, assist, azraelisa, bad_evil_kitty, bbbsg, bete_noire, bicoastal, blackenedsheep, blueski, brianlee, bujew, cdaf, cdefiant, corachaos, corachaosphoto, cyb3rj, cyberpup, cyn, d3ad1ns1d3, dangerboy, dangerpest, daruba, debrafortune, denver, desertstarchild, devina, djcrowley, dr_g0nz0, eeyrg, elementalmuse, elusis, enrapture, erthdic, fairydarling, fikshun, frankenwulf, fructivore, gomeza, gooph, gothmog, grrim, happyjack1888, iceblink, industrialite, jeep_guy, jhimm, jinx63769, jumpinjack, kaffeeistgut, kahoki, kalaryn, kendryk, kimpy, knightjedi, korvac, koumori, lachesis, lakme, lampton, lemurs, luxobscura, markw, mercutio, mikeatchley, miss_manners, mistressglitter, mizdarkgirl, moraxian, mrbad, mrkite, msdaisy, nyxen, ogonzoo, paisli, paranoidghost, peekaboo, phenomenamantha, princesslissa, pyrotech_c3h8, rayce, redman1138, reverendcharles, rojagato, sabbat, sickboy, sirreal13, sol3, spike, spillogical, spookycam, sweetsbmsn, t4mk3l, tasslehoff, templier, theattorney, thefeenix, thefourteenth, thekreep, trundler, twentysix, urban_decay, vixana, whorlpool, zaibadtzu_maru, zebraartist, zombienurse
Account type:Paid Account, previously an Early Adopter

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