Friday, April 26th, 2002
1:29 am
i was playing with pictures i took and i "thresholded" (to verb a photoshop function) one and i looked like a character drawn by chris bachalo! he penciled Generation X for awhile which i didn't read but i have the first issue of Death: The Time of Your Life that he did... anyways i made it my LJ icon cause it made me happy, i like that guy... or at least his older stuff, it looks kind of manga/jay madeurera-ey (sp?) now...
(hit me)
1:03 am
| Wednesday, April 24th, 2002
4:20 am
PAST First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Oatmeyer... she didn't think i was a bad kid even though i stole from the class store.. Last word you said: goodnite. Last song you sang: Every Heart Beat Belongs to You - Amy Grant (it was playing in the grocery store =)
PRESENT What's in your CD player: The Dandy Warhols Come Down... What color socks are you wearing: eu, socks.. no What's under your bed: lots of pennies. if i throw them there they will eventually dissapear.... What's the weather like: ack hot gross. What time did you wake up today: 9:05, and then again at 6:00
FUTURE. Where do you want to go: somewhere What is your career going to be: graphics something or other. hopefully a bit off the beaten path.. something integrating graphics and film would rock... Where are you going to live: anywhere as long as i can have my kitty cat with me How many kids will you have: 1.7 What kind of car will you drive: i want back my first car, an integra, but i do like my little white jetta.. but it's just not fast... an RSX would really ring my bell... i want to take race driving classes once i have a car that can haul again...
Current mood: really sleepy Current music: velvet underground, candy says Current taste: silk chocolate soymilk.. that stuff is like CRACK Current hair: short. pink/brown/red somethingorother. hopefully dark red tomorrow. Current dress: pajama pants with skulls all over, white little boys' undershirt. Current annoyance: i'm not gonna get into that Current smell: my nose is stuffed Current longing: to learn how to just get shit done. too much stress comes from procrastination. Current desktop picture: shirley manson holding a beautiful custom fender... Current favorite artist: oh gosh, don't ask me that... Current book: None but i want to read House of Leaves really bad... Current color of toenails: RED Current worry: alot Current crush: jeff. but don't tell anyone. Current time-wasting wish: i'm hungry Current hate: my messed up neck that makes me have alot of headaches.
(3 bruises | hit me)
4:17 am - The Sims
ok i don't understand this "Sims" thing... as far as i can tell, you do what you would normally do in every day life... but in a fake computer world... uhhh, does this seem a little weird to anyone else? I mean, i get stuff like Quake and Grand Theft Auto and Myst.. that's not shit you can do every day in real life (well i suppose you could do the stuff in GTA but i hope you wouldn't!!!).. but with the Sims, you have to buy expansion packs just so you can do stuff like go on dates and have parties and stuff?? in the fake computer world? uhhhh... someone explain? please???
current mood: confused
(2 bruises | hit me)
4:10 am
| Monday, April 22nd, 2002
7:05 pm
3:13 am
well! today was strange... elfie and i woke up around 8:30... no wait, she woke up before that and i woke up after that, but anyways! we woke up and got ready.. For some reason my stomach was angry with me and didn't want me to eat.. i forced down a glass of orange juice so i would have ::something:: in there but that made it even more angry... i stood there and waited for it to settle then we were off..
i felt very sick for the first 10 minutes but elfie brought this lovely tape, we listened to the velvet underground version of Candy Says which i think i like more than garbage's version.. it was very soothing... i listened to the tape and we chatted a bit... for some reason my ears were all plugged up and muffly again so it was hard to hear but i did my best.. i was trying so hard to concentrate on feeling ok that i MISSED the exit to the beltway! grr! so embarrassing, elfie probably thinks i don't know my way around at all ;) haha. of COURSE by the time we get to the airport i feel all better, thank god. Goodbye's usually make me feel all akward but this one wasn't, it was nice and i drove off smiling.
I thought i had to be at work by 11:15 and it was about that time when i was leaving the airport so i called in to say i would be late... but frank said i wasnt supposed to be there yet. i was working the evening shift! yayyy! so i go straight to jeffs... he wanted to sleep but i was antsy then i felt sick... he made me a piece of buttered toast that dear boy and that seemed to be what my stomach wanted all along for after that i felt a million times better.... i fell asleep for like an hour after that while jeff played gand theft auto.. i woke up and ate a blueberry muffin in a bowl of milk.. yes i'm weird like that. then we watched the Cable Guy and it was faaauunnnyy!
after the movie i went to eckerds because i decided i needed RED lipstick.. red lipsticks usually go all pink on me so i wanted a nice dark RED red... not orange red, not pink red. RED FUCKING RED. but no dice. i bought that lipfinity shit in "hot" and while it is red, it's like neon red.. "hot" red if you will. tooo much for me. and it feels weird and freaky as it wears off. so i think i will be returning it.. i want whatever that amazing deep red petra was wearing... tell me what that is crazy hugging girl! i must KNOW!
after eckerds i went to work. whee fun. worked my first really busy rush in the box office... when rob was closing my shift out we thought i was $30 under and were all freaking out, i thought i was going to get my first write-up.. but no he just forgot to take out the 2 refunds we had gotten that day... after work rob screened World Traveler, with Billy Crudup and Julianne Moore... it was.. um.. weeeird. that's all. this is already too long... goodnite.
(2 bruises | hit me)
| Sunday, April 21st, 2002
2:26 am - pictures!
| Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
11:33 am
shhh jeff's sleeeppinngg
today will be a nice day.
(hit me)
| Sunday, April 14th, 2002
2:48 am
oh my... i just watched the garbage cologne show... they play Wild Horses in their encore... oh myy oh myyyyyy... hearing one of my favorite, most beautiful and haunting songs ever by a band who has held a profound position in my life is just amazing.. ... oh i hope i hope i hope they play it at one of the shows i'm at.. at least one.... i'll probably start crying like a moron.. not sobbing but welling up.. you know.heehee. i HOPE they put a recording of wild horses on something.. though i bet the royalties on it would be insane.. eh if a band like the Sundays can cover it when why not garbage eh?
now only if i could get them to cover Across the Universe as well then i'll be COMPLETELY spoiled... if they ask for requests (as they have been wont to do lately) i think i'll yell out Glass Onion or Across the Universe.. they must know them. they cover beatles songs at the drop of a hat all the time.. daytripper, don't let me down.. etc. I mean, a couple shows ago, they asked for requests and someone yelled out "subhuman" but shirley thought he said "suffocate me" (a song by shirley's previous band) and they played part of it!
godddd i'm SOOO excited for the Garbage shows... i hope i don't pass out in happiness after the first one and am in turn unable to attend the next two... I'm so jealous of all you in Europe who got to travel around and see them about 2304702358 times!!! you know who you are!!! (cept you Lou, yes we've had that discussion =)
(14 bruises | hit me)
| Friday, April 12th, 2002
6:31 pm
1:42 pm
i was just looking through all the pics i took at jefferson davis the other day and i got a few "orbs"... which according to all the esoteric ghost hunter webpages i've looked at are these balls of faint energy floating around that we can't see but the camera can (ie spirits).. at first i thought they were spots on the lense but upon looking at all the pictures, they were never in the same places in the picture?!? weeeiirrdd...
i'll post some later. i have to go to ceramics now =)
(1 bruise | hit me)
| Wednesday, April 10th, 2002
3:10 pm
ahhh! pants called me on the phone!!!
the phone rings, i look at the caller ID and it says HAZEN, HAROLD.. so i know it's jeff's house. i pick it up like "HI!" but then i hear.. "MEEEOOWWWW?? MEOOOOOWWW!!!! MEOOWW!!!" then i hear "pants! are you on the phone again! i told you not to call people on the phone!"
hahahahahahahaha!!!! that SO made my day!!!
(4 bruises | hit me)
12:44 am
i went to the hospital again today.. i swear it's like that place haunts my mind.. i think about it all the time. it's just so amazing. i'm finally going tomorrow to explore the whole thing with some people. I guess the main thing that scares me is the possibility of finding other people in there but we'll be in a large group so i think we'll be ok. no one has been there the last 2 times i've gone. there's been this same car in the same spot in the parking lot the whole time and it hasn't been towed or anything so i'm thinking the cops aren't really paying attention. and if they are they don't care according to other people who've been there.
anyways becca and i went today.. found some freaky shit. i had really bad feelings as we were walking into the building again. she found a credit card that had expired in 1972. i took lots of pictures this time. We found medical records, ambulance records. rusty old dentist/examination -type chairs that looked abnormally small.. like for children maybe? we went into the burnt building behind the main hospital... it's just strange thinking about all the life that cycled in and out of there, people dying, babies being born.. then all the people buried underneath. the black earth graves for the plague victims, the confederate soldiers whose graves were disturbed and robbed, the "undesirables" who were probably miserable until the day they died... then when the place was shut down, the mentally ill that were turned out into the streets...
ok no i'm doing it again. stop stop stop stop stop! on a nicer note! i made 2 good mugs in ceramics today! yay huh? and i'll have pictures to develop in photography tomorrow! and jeff will get to meet sarah from work! sarah rocckkssss! i <3 sarah! i will probably <3 carrie too once i know her better =) frank is cool when he's not being a BIG FAT LIARPANTS!!! he comes to the staff screenings really stoned though and he's fun to mess with b/c he'll just burst into these unabashed giggles like a little boy.
oh ahhaha at work rob thought it would be funny if i posted a bad review of amelie on the board of reviews to start fights (YES we're showing Amelie now. River Oaks had to put Kissing Jessica Stein on 2 screens for some reason..???)... i made it sound about 3 times worse than i actually feel (i ENJOY the movie ok, it just has FAULTS like MOST OTHER MOVIES and it pisses me off when people are too blind and biased to acknowledge them!!!) and andy (my other manager) read it and got pissed hahaha. when i called to have him call me into a movie he was all snotty for a minute then he was like "ok i'm just bitter about your amelie review" and i was like "oh that's ok. it's meaner than i really feel and i liked it better the 2nd time anyways."
(hit me)
| Tuesday, April 9th, 2002
2:51 am
today was relatively uneventful besides the marvelous morning.. how rare is it that it's thundering and lightening as the sun comes up? has anyone else noticed that storms seem to confine themselves to the evening/night time hours usually? strange... like both times it flooded last summer, most of it happened at night... in the morning it was over.
woke up, went to photography and learned how to spot tone... talked mostly to my teacher and this guy named "chasen".. or "chason" or something... jason with a ch... jeff truth wandered in with some gorgeous pictures that looked like they were of marlen? if you're reading this, were they of you? ... i messed up spot toning some pictures but luckily they weren't anything i was looking to keep for any reason.. after class i went home for a bit then went to work.. yay. it was actually pretty ok. Me, javier and rob... i like them. there's not really anyone there that rubs me the wrong way now that jorge isn't there anymore. and i didn't mind him when he wasn't being mean.... the other two managers aren't as fun as rob, i guess mainly cause they just hang out upstairs all day long.... had a good talk with rob after i closed out the concession stand and started my 2 hour long stint of "being there.".. yeah one employee every night has to just hang out and do nothing till the last movie gets out.. anyways...
umm that's all. i just keep scaring myself reading about The Hospital.. yes that one. it's fucking scary.. as you walk through it, you feel things.. like, you'll get this weird feeling all of a sudden, that you shouldn't be there. but then it passes. some places in there are worse than others, some rooms you feel fine and other rooms you feel like something is wrong there. and i'm creeping myself out thinking about it.... i can't believe i'm going in there in a couple nights.. i'll be with alot of people so i think it'll be ok. but still. jesus christ.
ok time to go play with the webpage.
(2 bruises | hit me)
| Monday, April 8th, 2002
1:56 am
ok i went to probably the scariest place in all of houston today... it's an abandoned mental hospital that was built over an old cemetary... there are over 3000 people buried under it.
(3 bruises | hit me)
| Saturday, April 6th, 2002
1:47 pm
i think i may have to let oscar and ralph go today.. . . for i fear they are terribly unhappy with me... yes.. yes i think this is what must be done...
(hit me)
| Wednesday, April 3rd, 2002
11:12 pm
wheeee! i finally caught david lynch in the chat rooms again!
pointykitty [8:48 PM PST]: i think you should lock us all in a room and project holograms of yourself into the room, then watch the carnage... DAVIDLYNCH [8:49 PM PST]: POINTY - I WOULD LIKE TO REALLY BE THERE pointykitty [8:39 PM PST]: of course you can watch from behind one of those one way mirrors.. then once the violence quells we can all go out for ice cream.
we talked about slumber parties and panties and the "disc of sorrow" (being a disc that keeps the squirrels away from the birdfeeder that david has a webcam pointed at)
(hit me)
2:27 pm
9:38 am
i got this "smart start" cereal b/c it has 100% of your daily iron in it and i've long suspected i was anemic... weird thing is there are these little tiny hard things all in the cereal. i'm afraid i'm going to chip my tooth sometimes...
(hit me)