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*sighs* [01 Aug 2001|12:42pm]
[ mood | worried ]

that's funny, I don't remember breaking up with Scott...hmmm....

one of my friends saw this is Dana's(I think) journal...

sexxxpistol666: *gives you a big mushy kiss* hey!
sexxxpistol666: k well try n get on before I leave for now I got work. love ya baby =) take care and have a good one

lol.. I tell ya. This kid has mood swings. No I just kidding. He was having a really bad day. He really worried me but it made me feel SOO much better to see him like this today. I just wish he didn't have to go to work. I really hope I'll get to talk to him tonight cause I'ma miss him when he leaves me :( For a week.. ugh. What am I gonna do? lol. Him and Sarah are done. ahahhaha Sucks to be her :) I didn't really like her anyways. She was such a smart ass to me.

the funny thing is, I have never talked to Dana...heh


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Scott's home! [30 Jul 2001|04:09pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Hatebreed - Burn The Lies ]

I hope that I can talk to Scott tonight, I miss the fuck...

well um, once again Stephanie thinks I lied about something, I don't know what it is and frankly I don't care, I'm sick and tired of every ones shit, especially hers, I never fucking lied to her. she think just cuz she is soo in love with Scott that she can treat me like shit. like I don't have feelings or something, well if she feels that way she can fucking have him, I'm sick and tired of being the person who gets yelled at and who gets anger taken out on because people are to fucking insecure to actually talk and have decent fucking conversation..fuck you Stephanie, you called yourself a friend, your so fucking lame! and now I'm probably gonna get fucking yelled at about THIS too cuz I stated my opinions and I spoke my mind,..BIG FUCKING DEAL..FUCK YOU!

well uhh, I stayed the night at Jacques last night, we had fun I guess, until I had to go home cuz of fucking nick, he wanted sex from Jacques so I decided I should leave at let them go home, on the way home my brother rear ended some old fuck and now my brother has to pay for it and he said it was my fucking fault..FUCK HIM TOO!

and I'm so sick and tired of hearing about all these fucking chicks that Scott "cuddles" with or fucking "plays chess" with,...FUCK dude, my god...I know he has girls that are friends but he shouldn't be doing that shit, and then telling the hole fucking world and letting everyone know that he is cuddling with her and THEN he thinks he has the right to think that I am cheating on HIM!..UGH...FUCK! and I seriously think there is something going on now...or he is doing it for attention like usual cuz I'm not giving him enough when he was on vacation and I didn't have a number to call so I wouldn't have been able to get a hold of him anyways...but he did call me once, so that's cool.... fucking sucks ass...

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I have cheetos!! [28 Jul 2001|01:40pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Save Ferris - Come On Eileen ]

deadkennedy84: I think I have warts
GranniesArePervs: burn em off
deadkennedy84: I cant, I'm attracted to them
GranniesArePervs: someone just called me a pimp
GranniesArePervs: I thought it was funny
deadkennedy84: I have a belt that says pimp on it
deadkennedy84: I'm such a pimp

haha, I found that funny...

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the things me and angie talk about.... [26 Jul 2001|07:50pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Misfits - Attitude ]

deadkennedy84: *hands you a moist towelette*
deadkennedy84: you have a little something
deadkennedy84: on your chin
II ecfu II: why thank you! *walks into the bathroom*
deadkennedy84: lol
II ecfu II: oooooh I thought it was a hint that my crotch is stinki
deadkennedy84: lmao
II ecfu II: have you ever wiped yourself with one?
deadkennedy84: yes
deadkennedy84: I felt all fresh and clean
deadkennedy84: I suggest the ones that say "lemon fresh"
II ecfu II: lmao
II ecfu II: and it smells good
II ecfu II: lmao.. I like the berry ones
II ecfu II: not too much of that "sour" smell
deadkennedy84: ...
deadkennedy84: that's were the sugar comes in handy
II ecfu II: see, but then you risk getting ants
deadkennedy84: I like ants
deadkennedy84: there sexy
II ecfu II: they'll make you itch
II ecfu II: and people will think you have crabs
deadkennedy84: I wonder if its possible to get a bikini wax in the shape of a mullet
II ecfu II: hm...
deadkennedy84: upside down one maybe?
II ecfu II: lmfao


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jumping for...chocolate... [26 Jul 2001|12:19pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | my brother is watching porn and i can hear the girl screaming and the man saying "who's your daddy" amatures....=) ]

okay, Scott called me yesterday from California, it turns out that everything between me and him are completely fine! =)

he said that he did all that so he would get my attention cuz I guess whenever he says something bad or something that he thinks I'll think is bad ill talk to him, cuz every other time it seemed to work, why not now?..but I don't really like that, I think he should talk to me and tell me he needs more attention or something heh not say "I don't care if I ever talk to that drunk again" grrr that pissed me off, but I'm over it now... stephers still doesn't believe me that I never cheated on him because some one..who's name will not be released...Scott...told her that I was cheating on him and now because she is sooooooo in love with him she wont believe me until he tells her otherwise and I know that isn't gonna happen so UGH!

Friday is 2 months =) but I'm not gonna see him until Sunday...poo

anyways, Jacque was here last night, she stayed over, I cut my had on accident when I was really pissed off and I broke my glass on the brick wall in my back yard, so I have a huge cut with glass in it probably and its gonna get all infected and shit, but who cares =)

everyone seems to be mad at Geoff now that him and that whore amber broke up, she is ruining everything for everyone =( even Angie was being mean to him and him and angie I thought were good friends, Matt was saying shit too! ugh... people need to grow up and mind their own fucking business...

I broke my bra, it wouldn't come off, I tried to unhook it but it wouldn't so I got all pissed and I ripped it off, don't ask me how, but I did, so now I don't have that one anymore heh, jacque looked at me like I was trying to come onto she looked at the hooks, they were all fucked up for some reason...

ben isn't talking to me once again...I don't wanna go into it...

I drew and painted a picture last night, its really weird, its like a sunset on a lake thingy with a cabin, and it has a bunny in the yard!!! I'm proud of my bunny =)

so yeah, I think ill post another one later if my boring life percks up....

I miss Scott!!! =(

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the things I do on my free time..... [25 Jul 2001|11:51am]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Get Up Kids - I'll Catch You i know..i know...shut up ]

deadkennedy84: a dude delivered something to my house...he had a mullet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and he let me give him a hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
II ecfu II: omg!!
II ecfu II: did you touch his hair?!?!?!?
deadkennedy84: yes!!!!!!!!!!!
deadkennedy84: I'm so horny
deadkennedy84: lol
II ecfu II: lmao
II ecfu II: ooooh I would have raped him
II ecfu II: if he wasn't too ugly
deadkennedy84: he had Green eyes
deadkennedy84: lol
deadkennedy84: me and Cassandra are going mullet hunting with a video camera and we are gonna put it on the computer and are gonna make a website out of it
II ecfu II: lmfao
deadkennedy84: seriously!
II ecfu II: omg can I be first to see it??
deadkennedy84: we are gonna find all the mullets we can, and I am gonna hug them all and Cassandra is gonna tape it
deadkennedy84: lol
deadkennedy84: yes!
deadkennedy84: its gonna be so badass!
II ecfu II: lmao
deadkennedy84: and and and
deadkennedy84: ....
II ecfu II: and??
deadkennedy84: we are gonna get pictures of it too, like take a real camera and a video camera so we can scan some of em and shit
deadkennedy84: awesome awesome awesome
II ecfu II: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deadkennedy84: I'm gonna try and break the world record for mullet hunting
deadkennedy84: get an many pictures as I can
II ecfu II: that's rad!
II ecfu II: you can be in the record book!
deadkennedy84: Guinness book of world records!
II ecfu II: yeah!
deadkennedy84: woo!

II ecfu II: word 8-)
deadkennedy84: YAY!
deadkennedy84: OMG
II ecfu II: yesh?
deadkennedy84: I can ask them to do certain things!
deadkennedy84: like..
deadkennedy84: jump on one foot and say "my mullet belongs to Sarah"
II ecfu II: lmao
deadkennedy84: or let them fondle my...
deadkennedy84: hair
II ecfu II: lmao
II ecfu II: your....
II ecfu II: hair wink wink
deadkennedy84: EW
deadkennedy84: you perv!
deadkennedy84: lol
II ecfu II: hehehe
deadkennedy84: god
deadkennedy84: you need to come with us
II ecfu II: I do damnit
deadkennedy84: god, that's be awesome
II ecfu II: I'm drooling on myself
deadkennedy84: I've been drooling for the past hour
II ecfu II: lol
deadkennedy84: since I got to hug him

Angie and me have a special love her....muahaha

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[22 Jul 2001|05:40pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

well, my computer is fixed, joy, =/ I dunno, I thought I would be happier to talk to some people, guess they didn't miss me? I'm so fucking stupid actually think people cared...

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=( [18 Jul 2001|03:32pm]
my aunt died...on thursday, my grandmas bday, and if any of you care i will be home tomorrow and i will talk about it anfd what happend and everything, i havent realkly had a chance to check emails and shit but from what i have read in scotts journal...i dont know why i even bother "i dont care if i talk to the drunk ever again" thanks, "zoe is soooo lovable" well fuck you!, if you think with her she is definatley someone you can settle down with...go ahead =( i dont need this bullshit, i called scott and he was asleep and i asked his mom to tell him that i was coming to minnesota cuz i found out that my aunt was gettong worse... fast...he obviously is too busy with himself that he doesnt care about that fact that i didnt plan for everything to work out this way...=(
fuck everyone...

oh and not a drunk...
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[02 Jul 2001|09:18pm]
my dog is getting shaved gonna have a poofy tail, and head...and a skinny, shaved body..hahahaha
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[02 Jul 2001|11:20am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

go there! its cool man! cameron did some cool shit...=)

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Midnights Bleeding Radio [02 Jul 2001|09:01am]
You are every twinkling star and in every breathe I breath I know you stand alone shining over me... every step I take I can feel you in the air, under my feet and hear your endless laughter in my ears, your voice is written on my brain...
That split second when my mourning shades of gray shiver with color in a rainbow kaleidoscope of golden remembrance you allow me to be aware of your sunshine presence...
Even deep in the dark, sitting on the hood of my car with my head resting in my hands and my toes curled over the bumper, I stare to the sky as you spill out every constellation to me know you can see me...
Your favorite songs bleeds from my radio.
Can you hear it?
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[01 Jul 2001|08:00pm]
This is an automatically-generated response from the AOL Instant Messenger(SM)
service. The information you requested is "sarahmustdie"

"someone" changed one of my sn passwords to that =/ I wonder whooo....
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Sometimes you just have to get things go... [01 Jul 2001|11:32am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Get Up Kids - I'll Catch You (I just like this ONE shh!) ]

Jo and me and roger went out yesterday, I missed them so much, well I missed Jo, roger still lives right around the corner.

It wasn't the same as when we were kids. =( We went back to the old neighborhood and saw Diane, Ricky, Sheena, Stefiny, Scot, Patrick and Kris, "the gang". =) But after a while it got kinda weird =/. Sheena and Ricky (the two childhood sweethearts) are still together and going strong. They really wanted EVERYONE to know that they are going to the "PROUD" parents of a bundling ball of joy! =( They obviously have no self respect =(. It didn't shock me that much to tell you the truth, I knew something was gonna happen. It's not like they keep their sexuality a secret! I think he beats her =*( Every time I see her she has a new bruise or a new cut somewhere. Sheena and me don't really talk much about anything anymore. Oh yeah! Jasper was there too! He's old school dude, his and my parents went to grade school together, and he was my neighbor for my whole life! Kris is into the "punk" thing, =) She claims to be emo =) I love her to death. She has a great heart, and she is still in love with Jasper, he has a tattoo on his shoulder, it's a Misfit's skull and its kinda BIG heh. And then there's Diane and Scot, the two have always loved each other but they never did anything about it, they are the two "shy" ones, (its funny how we were all labeled). Then there was me and Roger, we had a thing going when we were little, =) we were so cute hehe for Valentines Day one time he bought me a cheap necklace and hid it in a cake that he baked for me lol. And Joline and Patrick, they were so mean to each other, it's weird how we were always paired up. =) But I think that me Jo and Roger were always the ones who did EVERY THING together, we were inseparable. Like I said before in my other journal thingy majig. Our job was to make people laugh, we were the comedians (or so we were told).

But all that changed, we are all too big to fit in the jungle gym my dad made, except for Sheena, she's a twig! And we are also too tall to hang upside down on the monkey bars. I never wanted to grow up. I miss my childhood. I miss it more than anything. I miss being able to chase the ice cream man down the street and not look completely stupid!

Those were the days dude. I almost miss how the whole gang would stay the night outside in my back yard on my oversized trampoline, and we all fit!

Man I used to live in the ghetto dude, I was like the only white girl in the hole neighbor hood and had to learn that in some places, white is a minority! I had it rough sometimes, I used to sit outside with my chalk or something writing on the sidewalk and some thugsta gangster guy would walk around, I'd look up and they'd flip me off, a fuckin 10 year old girl, just cuz I was white, they didn't do it to anyone else, it was just cuz I was white in a Hispanic neighborhood, I think that that is why I am so against racism and I hate white supremacists. I think that it had a large impact on my life to grow up around people who accepted me cuz I was an outcast, and they looked out for me. I am the youngest one, and sometimes I'm the most motherly, but that's just me, I just look out for my friends NOW cuz they always had my back when I was a kid. So Scott don't tell me I don't know how it is cuz I do =P and us white folk don't always have everything we want. Even if that IS the impression you get =P.
I'm done recollecting...

Cassandra is in major trouble, she got in trouble with the cops yesterday for stealing something from the mall...She's so cheap man lol. But its weird, the only time she really gets in trouble when heather is here. Heather is her friend from Washington who had to move with her dad cuz her step dad wasn't doing anything that constructive for her.

Geoff is in Maine. =( for 10 days, I'm gonna miss the kid. He called me from his cell phone when he was driving up there and told me some stuff that was going on. Hmm I dunno.

I think that I should go now...=(

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"you laugh at me cuz I'm different, I laugh at you cuz you are all the same" [29 Jun 2001|12:41pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Pennywise - Perfect People ]

"I fucking hate the trix commercials. the damn rabbit NEVER gets ANY of the cereal. it pisses me off. the rabbit goes through the trouble of being in EVERY commercial for trix, he has to argue with these little kids and it never pays off any ways, Christ, hes even the damn mascot for trix and he still doesn't get any! how messed up is that? poor guy, I mean, he goes through all that trouble just to be repeatedly publicly humiliated when the greedy little kids feed him that "trix is for kids" bullshit. trix is just for kids?! if we lived by that statement, their profit would decrease significantly. they would lose so much business if only kids ate it. and further it teaches kids to be greedy and discriminating. how hard would it be to give some damn cereal to the friekin rabbit? he'd be happy, and its not like the kids would be experiencing a big loss in cereal, cuz if they were nice enough to share their cereal, maybe the rabbit would be nice enough to get them free boxes. since he is the mascot and all. those kids are all gonna turn all fat and the rabbit is going to starve and die, and then they can see what they did with their lives. they became fat slobs and spent their childhood tantalizing a poor innocent bunny who finally resorted to starvation and death. geez."

I think that is quit amusing...=)

any ways, Willy just told me that his friends dad just died..I'm sorry..Natalie =(

I saw the band pictures of Scott and his band...Scott said that I would fall in love with Jesse just by looking at him, that fool =), he must not know me as well as I thought he did, I keep telling him that by one look I'm not gonna fall madly in love with some guy that I haven never even talked to before, he needs to realize that "hotness" is learned(like cam said) its only skin deep =/ I mean I hottest guy could be the fuckin....rudest person, or most annoying, but then the ugliest, scrawniest or fattest guy could be the sweetest person you have ever met =/

hmm my horse is gonna have her baby soo soon, I can feel it! I have to take her to the vet today and see why it hasn't come out yet, it was due (or so they said) a couple days ago....

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Angie...hah your so cute... [28 Jun 2001|05:32pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | The hum of my computer and everynow and then someone says some thing "bleep" ]

ForgOttenMullets: I COMMENTED!
T e d I U m 77: YAY!!!!
ForgOttenMullets: woo!
ForgOttenMullets: I have an inflammatory disease!!!
T e d I U m 77: lmao
ForgOttenMullets: Ricky even said so!
ForgOttenMullets: I swear!
T e d I U m 77: show him this
ForgOttenMullets: "you have an inflammatory disease Sarah"
ForgOttenMullets: show him what?
T e d I U m 77: show him that
ForgOttenMullets: so do I
ForgOttenMullets: he isn't online anymore
T e d I U m 77: lmao..he thought you really got em there
ForgOttenMullets: he thought I got them where?
T e d I U m 77: no no not you in general...he thought that plane tickets could be bought at circuit city
ForgOttenMullets: you cant? I thought you could
T e d I U m 77: lmao
ForgOttenMullets: shows how much I know
ForgOttenMullets: my goat says muahasdh
T e d I U m 77: my CAMEL says "ich mochte ein kekse, und.. nein wixen!!"
ForgOttenMullets: my camel doesn't say anything
ForgOttenMullets: he spits a lot though

hmm...friends.....haha, so funny =)

yesterday things almost got really ugly =/ but issok now =)

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[27 Jun 2001|07:52pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | I'm in voice chat with Rick the Dick and Geoff ]

one month =/ any acknowledgment?

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*sigh* [27 Jun 2001|07:05pm]
[ mood | lonely ]

im home =/

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[26 Jun 2001|04:31pm]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Listening to the birds chirp, people think its relaxing? bullshit, its fucking annoying! ]

ugh...torn muscles....

yesterday when I was out quadding my brother ran over my leg with his quad, he tore a muscle in my knee and it feel likes a bitch is sticking her finger through an open cut...I didn't realize it was that serious until I was at the hospital and aunty Diane's doctor noticed how swelled up and gross looking it was, and he made me show him and he made me go through all this shit, it hurt so bad =(

Scott thinks I like geoff and I should go out with him, he lives in Massachusetts dude, he thinks id be happier with geoff which makes me think he doesn't trust me and he think I'm not happy with him or maybe he wanted to break up with me =*( ugh, Scott was right, love fucking sucks

my aunt is gaining a little bit of weight which is really awesome!!! her speech isn't slurred anymore and she seems to have some color back in her skin....I'm gonna end up getting my hopes up =(

and I'm getting a new journal....mines getting messed with =(

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[25 Jun 2001|11:25pm]
[ mood | blank ]

Geoff stopped talking to me =*(

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making Sarah cry... [25 Jun 2001|11:23pm]
[ mood | depressed ]
[ music | im listening to the crickets outside my window and every so often i can here the wind in the trees and the branches tapping on the window ] seems like the hole world is out to get me...poor pathetic Sarah right? "you can be made of porcelain, and if you are dropped, you will break" that is so true...I'm hypersensitive, life sucks so bad right now, my aunt is holding on for me, she can see how happy I am when I'm around her and how much I love her, I think that she is trying to make me happy, I've been telling her about all my friends and she thinks that I have the best friends in the world, she doesn't see the microscopic difficulties I have and crap, but I don't think she needs to see those, as long as she is happy, I'm happy, and she is happy seeing me happy so its kind of a circle we have going on here, as long as its working though you know?

Joline is in Arizona, I hope I get back before she goes back to Pennsylvania, I haven't seen her since 6th grade, me and her and roger were like he 3 stooges dude, we were best friends, we even carved our names in a tree by Jo's old house, I went and saw it the other day before I left, its still there =) I miss being a kid and hanging out, swinging on monkey bars with them, getting ant bites dude, that was the fucking best, scraping my knee cuz I fell of my bike, or I fell out of the tree I was climbing, dude, haha, me and Jo and Roger are gonna go back there, we even carved in our height, I was always the shortest, roger is like 5'10 and Jo is like 5'9, the girl is tall, and I'm 5'7 I was always like a foot shorter than them and they always looked after me, I'm the youngest, roger is 17, Jo is 16 (older than me by like a month) and whenever I was getting bullied they would always help me out (I used to get bullied a lot cuz I was the little kid in the corner who hardly ever said anything until I was with them, I used to wish and I used to wish on stars(hehe) that they would be my family and they would rescue me from my childhood hell, but the Jo Jo moved and only when she comes here for the summer is when we can relive our childhood, I miss that so much dude, ughhhh, I cant wait until I can go over to Rogers house and see Jo there, in "the chair" lol member "the chair" roger? haha "the chair" was the coolest, all three of us used to sit in only 2 people can, cuz we got old, and fat....
dude I remember one time when we made a fort out of roger's moms bed sheets and tree branches, we stayed the night out there and we woke up all cuddled together cuz we were so little and only had one blanket and our baby fat to keep up warm, I always had to be in the middle, hehe, any ways, we were all curled up with mosquito and ants bites all over us, and we loved it! we loved getting dirty on purpose and we loved not taking showers for days cuz we were too busy playing house and store....and me and Jo pretending we had boobs and we would put tennis balls in our training bras and walk around with our bathing suits under the "big people" clothes and the high heels and roger being our pimp LOL and we made fake money and roger used to put it in his fake wallet and go to the fake store and buy us fake food so we could make a living and we talked on out fake phones and our fake everything, we even helped my dad make a play house in my back yard and we put furniture and we painted it bright green, ugh, I miss all that stuff man well, I'm done looking back on the past.......

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