Some Older Slate Articles (in no particular order)
Gore Finally Makes Moving Speech
A Bibliophile's Guide to the Oval Office
Chase to the Cut
Slobo to China?
Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me
Oh, No! Not Ben!
Will the Clinton White House Archive Outlast Clinton?
How Did Synchronized Swimming Become an Olympic Sport?
New York, New York!
Kicking Some Assets
Will Gore Overpander?
George Will's Double Standard
Campaign Gets Crude
PAC Men Yes, Pac Man No
The Western Wingding
(Not Exactly a) Whopper of the Week: Larry C. Johnson
Janet Maslin Leaves the Times. Why?
Oh Canada!
Four Poems
What Secrets Can Bush Hide From Congress?
Disney in the City
You've Got Classified Defense Documents!
Mr. Infrastructure Explains It All for You
Y2K in the U.K.
Barron's on AOL: All Talk, No News
Unthinkable, Unstoppable
December 8
Back to Tribeca
Shop Early and Often
Saturday Chatterdump
Who Responds to Terrorist Attacks?
Lee at Last
Japan's Miser Mentality
Microsoft, Too
The Fostering
Moneybox Browses the Gap
"Whence Presidents"
Who Edits America's Top Papers?
Ad Report Card Follow-Up: Anti-Pop
Gore: Here and Everywhere
Solomon Needs New Writers 
All Bright in Gaza
Nuts So Fast
Why Not Cut Taxes?
Who's Afraid of
Conspicuous Comfort
T Minus Nine Days and Counting
The GOP's PAC Shakedown
CNET's Creative Accounting
Taking Stock in America
Bushism of the Day
Currency Events
Bushism of the Day
Who Gets Liddy Dole's Money?
America, the Screw-Up?
How Quickly Can You Buy a Gun?
It's All About the But
Can We Believe the Polls?
Ad Report Card: Jeff Bezos, Taco Salesman
Explainer Mailbag: What's Osama Talking About? Part 2
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