Both the ferocity of the White House attacks and
his lionization by the liberal press testify: Richard Clarke has drawn blood.
The former counter-terrorism chief seeks to dynamite the central pillar of
the Bush presidency: that the president has bravely and brilliantly led us in
the War on Terror and that the war on Iraq made us more secure.
According to Clarke, the White House, especially Condi Rice, was diffident
if not indolent in coping with the threat of Al Qaeda prior to 9-11. And the
obsession with Iraq blinded the White House to the real threat.
As Clarke tells it, at a meeting of sub-Cabinet officers he called in April
2001 to discuss Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, Paul Wolfowitz dismissed the "little
terrorist" in Afghanistan and sought to refocus the meeting on Iraq.
On 9-11 itself, Clarke was stunned to hear Donald Rumsfeld call for bombing
Iraq -- not Afghanistan, where Al Qaeda was -- because there were better "targets"
in Iraq, though Baghdad had had nothing to do with the atrocities.
On Sept. 12, Clarke was enraged as he watched Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz try to
steer the president's wrath away from Al Qaeda and Afghanistan, toward Iraq
and Saddam. Clarke contends the eventual invasion of Iraq was a disaster for
the war on terror.
First, it diverted vital resources, such as U.S. Special Forces, away from
the hunt for Osama when we might have caught and killed him. In the two years
since bin Laden escaped, the cancer cells he created have multiplied. Now we
face Al Qaeda clones all over the world.
Second, the Iraqi invasion played into bin Laden's hand. He had long predicted
the United States would invade an oil-rich Islamic nation to seize its resources,
and in the eyes of the Arab and Islamic world, we have done exactly that.
Third, the pandemic hatred of the United States, as seen in the recent Pew
polls, is, Clarke believes, a direct consequence of our invasion.
Fourth, we ignited a war of national resistance in Iraq that has given the
Islamic young a cause in which to believe and for which to fight -- i.e., to
expel imperialist-infidel America from Baghdad, which for 500 years was the
seat of the caliphate.
Bush's grand strategy is the Bush Doctrine. By it, the United States asserts
a right to launch pre-emptive strikes and preventive wars on rogue nations to
deny them weapons of mass destruction. After 9-11, said Bush, we cannot risk
a rogue nation giving a biological or nuclear weapon to Al Qaeda. To prevent
it, we take down rogue regimes and disarm them, before they strike.
Under the Bush Doctrine we invaded Iraq. Yet, we now know that Saddam had no
links to 9-11, no ties to Al Qaeda, no weapons of mass destruction, no plans
to attack us.
The White House has fallen back on the argument that Saddam and his Baathist
regime constituted a terrorist state with a horrific record on human rights
that would forever be a threat if ever it did acquire the weapons for which
it still had plans, if not programs.
Moreover, our long-term policy for ending the terrorist threat is to use our
resources to advance a "world democratic revolution." When all Islamic states
are free and democratic, the threat of terror will pass away.
The test case is Iraq, but only the early returns are in.
What do they show? Clearly, the Iraqi people are glad to be rid of the tyrant
and his regime. And while no roses were strewn in the path of U.S. troops, the
Iraqis are not all hostile. The Libyans have come around, and the Iranians want
to talk. Progress is being made.
Yet, the price in U.S. and Iraqi dead and wounded is high, and the cost in
resources, $150 billion and counting, is prohibitive of any new war on Iran
or North Korea, whose arsenals are far more advanced. Much of our Army is tied
down. Our alliances are strained. The cancer of terrorism appears to have metastasized.
The Islamic world appears to be against us.
By our old standards -- America does not attack nations that do not attack
us -- Iraq was not a war of necessity, but a war of choice. Was it wise? Bush
says yes, Clarke no.
The verdict of history is not yet in. But if Iraq collapses in chaos or civil
war to become a spawning ground of Islamic terror, Bush will be a failed president
and America will need a new foreign policy.
However, by then, the architects of the Iraq war could still be in power. We
are headed for interesting times, made more interesting by Richard Clarke.