Monday, March 22, 2004
He Has Ceased To Be
The Israelis have made Sheik Ahmed Yassin (founder of Hamas and Saruman-lookalike) very, very dead.
I try not to take pleasure in others' pain, so good luck to the sheik's immortal soul, etc. That being said, I'd tap-dance on his grave, if I knew how to tap-dance. Here's why.
If you'd like to send a pizza to the IDF and a congratulatory note on a job well done, go here. Megan S. and I feel this is a two-pizza occasion.
3:15 PM
Thrill! To The Seriously Huge Prime Number
Frank J. has interviewed John Derbyshire.
2:51 PM
Check, Check, Two, Two, Muddy Biscuits
I'm back.
2:50 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Erin go bragh!
8:34 AM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Finals Week
Hi, this is Danny. I can't come to the blog right now, but if you'd like to leave your opinion on an important issue of the day, the comments remain open and un-Robbins'd.
12:21 PM
Monday, March 15, 2004
Ask Mr. Libertarian Person
Dave Barry on government spending:
Q. Why does the government spend so much money?
A. Because it must pay for important federal programs such as Social Security, the War on Terrorism, and the artificial rainforest in Iowa.
Q. The WHAT?
A. True fact: Just recently, Iowa Sen. Charles ''Chuck'' Grassley got the government to toss in $50 million for a project to build a tropical rainforest under a giant dome in Coralville, Iowa.
Q. How will they heat it in the winter?
A. We are guessing pig flatulence.
Q. What is the compelling national purpose for building an artificial rainforest in Iowa?
A. It will provide the nation with something that, in these difficult times, is desperately needed.
Q. Votes for Sen. Chuck?
A. Exactly.
Read the whole thing. It's hilarious, yet depressing because it's right on the... er, money.
(Via Clayton Cramer, who has more on the Iowa rainforest.)
4:26 PM
BFM Update
Colin Powell calls the Boston Fog Machine on his Harvey-the-Rabbit Foreign Leaders.*
"I don't know what foreign leaders Senator Kerry is talking about," Powell said on "Fox News Sunday." "It's an easy charge, an easy assertion to make. But if he feels it is that important an assertion to make, he ought to list some names. If he can't list names, then perhaps he should find something else to talk about."
Good on ya, General. Meanwhile, the flip-flop-flip-flop-flip-flop continues, more overtly than ever: Kerry pandered to a Florida crowd by bragging that he voted for the Helms-Burton act to tighten sanctions on Cuba. In reality, he voted against it.
How can Kerry possibly hope to be elected when he keeps pulling stuff like this?
*Sorry if this is getting jargony. Hat tips to David Brooks and Hugh Hewitt, respectively, for the memes.
UPDATE: Kerry's vagueness about "foreign leaders" reminded Zach Baker of a different movie analogy:
Intelligence: I assure you Dr. Brody, Dr. Jones; we have top men working on it right now.
Indy: Who?
Intelligence: Top... men.
Wave file here.
UPDATE: Oooooookay. The reporter who transcribed the "foreign leaders" quote now claims that he made a mistake, and that what Kerry actually said was "more leaders." First of all, I don't believe him. Secondly, if this is true, why is Kerry still defending the quote?
1:00 PM
Thank God For Poland
Via President Mike, Poland will not pull its troops out of Iraq:
"Revising our positions on Iraq after terrorists attacks would be to admit that terrorists are stronger and that they are right (to pursue attacks)," Prime Minister Leszek Miller told a news conference in the Polish town of Tarnow.
..."If it is necessary, we will continue leading the multinational division," Polish Ambassador to NATO Jerzy M. Nowak told Reuters in Brussels. "We are prepared for that even if Spain is not able to fulfil its promise."
Lileks remarked in the immediate wake of the attack against Spain that with fascism so recent in their history, the Spanish "might value freedom more than we do" since they know "how quickly it can be lost." Tragically, they have shown at the polls that they forget.
But the Poles remember.
10:29 AM
It's Funny Because He's Right
Frank has a "Know Thy Enemy" post on computer viruses. This point rings true:
* Many viruses use exploits in Microsoft Outlook Express, a.k.a., Microsoft Security Hole with e-mail functionality.
10:05 AM
Donald Sensing...
...has an op-ed in today's OpinionJournal. Good piece. This line struck me as slightly funny:
Today, though, sexual intercourse is delinked from procreation.
Delinked? Doesn't that seem a particularly blogger-ish way of saying that? Heh.
UPDATE: IrishLaw adds:
Pope Paul VI warned of all this in 1968, in the encyclical Humanae Vitae. At the time (still by many today) he was scornfully dismissed as hopelessly, even criminally, behind the times. Yet he was right.
Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings--and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation--need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection.
Right he was. But I'm sure it had nothing to do with the four thousand years of tradition he was standing on.
9:49 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Score One For The Terrorists
Their attack on Madrid has paid off.
Spain's ruling Popular Party has admitted an unexpected defeat in the country's general election with almost all the votes counted.
The Socialists won 43% of the vote while the centre-right Popular Party has garnered 38%, reports say.
The poll has been clouded by claims that al-Qaeda carried out the Madrid bomb attacks that killed 200 people.
The Socialist's party Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is set to become Spain's new prime minister.
Officials say 63% of the electorate turned out to vote in the poll which ends eight years of conservative rule.
This is very bad news.
UPDATE: Instapundit has more.
UPDATE: Lileks:
Vote against the party that maddened the terrorists, so the terrorists will leave you alone for a while -- brilliant. It's like sitting on a cooler of raw meat with tigers prowling around, and deciding to put down your rifle so you can throw some steaks at the tigers. If you throw hard enough, they won't come back.
UPDATE: David Frum.
UPDATE: More reaction roundup from Tim Blair.
5:51 PM
Key Distinction
Mark Steyn:
The president believes there's a war on. The Dems think 9/11 is like the 1998 ice storm or a Florida hurricane -- just one of those things. And they think Bush is ''lying'' by insisting on playing it as a war.
That's just one nugget in a typically stellar Steyn column. RTWT.
5:22 PM
"The Boston Fog Machine"
Don't miss this excellent column by David Brooks. I'm taking it upon myself--and you're all invited to join me--to see that this moniker sticks.
UPDATE: President Mike comments: "Somewhere in Neverland, there's an alligator who once swallowed John Kerry's cumulative Senatorial record; whenever it comes and slithers around, you can faintly hear flip-flop-flip-flop-flip-flop."
5:09 PM
IrishLaw has more about questions of natural rights.
By the way, IrishLaw is an excellent blog. I just recently discovered it via the Sentinel and have added it to my "Daily Reads." Five stars!
4:40 PM
Just Throwing This Out There
Interesting piece in the LA Times about the non-religious arguments against same-sex marriage (Yes! There are some! Shocking, I know). The article just scratches the surface, but is worth reading.
4:35 PM
Friday, March 12, 2004
Standing Together
K-Lo suggests sending letters of support and condolence to the citizens of Spain via their embassy. I think this is an excellent idea.
1:33 PM
It's Friday
And that means Florence King!
12:44 PM
We're Still At War
With all the amazing developments in Iraq and many a clear indication that the domino effect is working, it's tempting to forget that the war against terrorism remains ongoing.
Yesterday's attack on the Spanish is a tragic reminder. As our prayers go out to our friends and coalition partners across the Atlantic, let this strengthen our resolve to continue fighting the foot soldiers of totalitarianism wherever they may be found.
Spain doesn’t have the luxury of 200 years of Constitutional rule. Young adults sitting around the dinner table look at parents who grew up under Franco; they might value freedom more than we do. We cannot possibly imagine losing it. They have heard stories of how quickly it can be lost.
Not if we stand together to defend it.
12:32 PM
Get Out That Tin Foil Beanie
A friend of mine has sent me what he appears to think is a damning indictment of the inner workings of the Bush administration, and I guess by extension a repudiation of the war that freed the Iraqi people (see previous post).
This thing is a verbose Salon article by one Karen Kwiatkowski, former staff officer for the office of the Secretary of Defense, that purports to be a dramatic expose of the "neoconservative hijacking" of America's foreign policy.
You can read the account if you like, though I don't recommend it, because it's five lengthy pages of insignificant sound and fury. To summarize, Kwiatkowski reveals how she was shocked--shocked!--that the Secretary of Defense would concern himself with--shudder!--defense, and that the Office of Special Plans would dare to make--gasp!--special plans! Most stunning, of course, is the idea that foreign-policy wonks would consort with other foreign-policy wonks to discuss--EGADS!--foreign policy.
Sorry for all the exclamatory sarcasm, but if this sounds ridiculous, that's because it is.
I spent time that summer exploring the neoconservative worldview and trying to grasp what was happening inside the Pentagon. I wondered what could explain this rush to war and disregard for real intelligence. Neoconservatives are fairly easy to study, mainly because they are few in number, and they show up at all the same parties. Examining them as individuals, it became clear that almost all have worked together, in and out of government, on national security issues for several decades.
As she intrepidly unravels the "tangled neoconservative web" in Rumsfeld’s "den of iniquity," Kwiatkowski introduces us to a cast of shady characters whom she describes as if they’d graduated to the Pentagon from the set of Chinatown.
Assistant secretary Bill Luti, she writes, was "a tall, thin, nervously intelligent man, he welcomed me into the fold. I knew little about him" other than his penchant for "name dropping." Bill Bruner, she notes disapprovingly, "had served as a military aide to Speaker Gingrich." Michael Makovsky "was quiet and seemed a bit uncomfortable sharing space with us. He soon disappeared into some other part of the operation and I rarely saw him after that."
When she "pressed" Defense Intelligence Agency analyst John Trigilio for information about "who was feeding the president all the bull about Saddam and the threat he posed," she was dissatisfied with his answer: "'Karen, we have sources that you don't have access to.' It was widely felt by those of us in the office not in the neoconservatives' inner circle," she continues, "that these 'sources' related to the chummy relationship that Ahmad Chalabi had with both the Office of Special Plans and the office of the vice president."
And on and on, for paragraph after paragraph. The point of all this, as near as I can tell, seems to be that the U.S. was wrong to go to war because Karen Kwiatkowski didn't like some of the people she worked with.
Perhaps a glance at a recently declassified diary entry from Kwiatkowski’s teen years can provide some insight into her personality:
July 15, 1977 - Randall the assistant fry cook is a case study in how not to run a large organization. I have a clear sense that he ranks high here, although ostensibly he’s under our manager, Carlos. Randall thinks his culinary arts degree entitles him to treat the rest of us, even upper management, with disrespect, contempt and derision; and he doesn’t take kindly to any employee who has an opinion or viewpoint that’s off the Le Cordon Bleu reservation. When I pressed him for information about the contents of the Secret Sauce, he would only say, "Karen, we have recipes that you don't have access to." But with Derek, a cashier who doesn't speak much, Randall’s always respectful and deferential. And speaking of Derek--I’ve noticed him taking as many as 15 or 16 cigarette breaks per shift. And I have it from a very high authority that he doesn’t even smoke. Something is going on at this Burger King, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it.
12:17 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2004
As the comment threads on the gay marriage posts below continue to ferment, let us divert our attention from that particular corner of the handbasket our culture is currently going to hell in, and instead peek over its wicker edge toward a country in which things are going very, very right.
Businesses are opening, shops are full of merchandise and there’s a lot of hiring and investing going on. The transition to a free-market capitalist system is underway.
Not long ago, the picture was very different, with unemployment rates at 60 to 70 percent. U.S. coalition officials brought in American contractors and began privatization across Iraq. One water treatment plant employs 350 new workers.
A year ago, we were arguing about whether invading Iraq was the right thing to do. (Ok, true, some of us are still arguing about that.) Today, the monster who held the people of that nation in bloody bondage is overthrown and in custody; and not only is Iraq the freest Arab country, it’s poised to become one of the most prosperous.
In Basra, drinking water is plentiful, electricity is consistent, and the free market is thriving.
Wages have soared, sparking a boom in trade which has seen street stalls groaning with Western goods banned under Saddam.
Locals in Basra have dubbed one street Electric Avenue because of the stores selling new fridges, freezers, washing machines, TVs and satellite dishes.
Around a million new and used cars have poured in to Iraq since the war -- with 300 A DAY arriving in Basra alone.
The list goes on and on. Iraqi teachers are finally allowed to teach history, and new schools are being built. Scores of independent newspapers are being printed in a land where a fascist regime once monopolized all media. Millions of children are getting the medicines and vaccines they need to survive.
Best of all, the first shoot of democratic governance has sprouted vigorously in a country previously left barren and desolate by totalitarianism.
The interim constitution establishes a federalist republic with checks and balances, a separation of powers and civilian control of the military. All Iraqis are equal under the law and have freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, the right to speedy justice, the right to vote and to petition the government. Regional governates and city councils ensure all citizens access to the system at multiple levels. The elected National Assembly will draft the permanent constitution, which will be adopted--pending approval in a public referendum--next year.
Somewhere, James Madison and Adam Smith are smiling.
Let’s give the last word to Basra doctor Fakhry Satter:
"Iraq will be a great country once more. Saddam has gone and sales are up. Wages have increased. People are happy again. We feel like we have been freed.
"We thank the British and American forces for what they did."
9:48 PM
Quote Of The Day
"Tradition means giving a vote to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about. All democrats object to men being disqualified by the accident of birth; tradition objects to their being disqualified by the accident of death. Democracy tells us not to neglect a good man's opinion, even if he is our groom; tradition asks us not to neglect a good man's opinion, even if he is our father."
- G. K. Chesterton
12:15 PM