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• June 6-10 ~ Green Bay, WI: The Sustainable Development Institute at College of Menominee Nation will host, Sharing Indigenous Wisdom: An International Dialogue on Sustainable Development. David Korten will deliver a keynote address.

June 10 - 13, 2004 ~ Loyola University, Chicago, IL: The Simplicity Forum presents the National Conference For Take Back Your Time Day. See John de Graaf article on Take Back Your Time. For more information on conference: .

• June 13-18 ~ Pacific Grove, CA: The Praxis Peace Institute presents The Alchemy of Democracy: Restoring Soul to Culture. Co-sponsored by YES! magazine. Executive Editor, Sarah van Gelder, and board chair, David Korten (author of When Corporations Rule the World) will be featured speakers.The conference will focus on empowering democratic thought, embodiment, and action. The conference will include in-depth inquiries, skill-building workshops, and action projects. Topics include: Myths & Beliefs; Personal & Political Transformation; Creativity & Imagination; and Empowerment & Leadership. For more information, see or call 707/939-2973 for a brochure.

• June 18–20 ~ Earthaven Ecovillage in North Carolina: Reclaiming Economics Conference will look at economic strategies for promoting community, ecology, and self reliance in communities. For more information, go to

• June 24-28 ~ Long Beach, CA: The Unitarian Universalist Association holds its 11th Annual General Assembly. Susan Gleason, YES! Marketing & Outreach Manager will be attending as an exhibitor.

June 25–27 ~ Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, New York: Local Currencies Conference on understanding money, building local economies, and renewing community. For information, contact the E.F. Schumacher Society, 413/528-1737, or go to

• June 26–27 ~ St. Louis, Missouri Common Society Gathering - presenting ideas for pooling community resources, supporting local activities rather than global corporations, developing local governance structures, and creating local energy production and distribution networks. Sponsored by the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the Commonway Institute. For more information, visit


July and August ~ Whidbey Institute/Schumacher College. Summer Courses Faculty include Juliet Schor, Prasannan Parathasarathi, David Korten. Vandana Shiva, and Satish Kumar. Courses taught at Whidbey Island, Washington. For more information, go to

• July 23–25, John Day, Oregon Renewable Energy Fair. Admission includes workshops on both off-grid and grid renewable energy and sustainable living topics. For more information contact Jennifer Barker, SolWest/EORenew, 541/575-3633 or go to


David Brower Youth Awards
This year’s Brower awards for youth environmental activism went to Andrew Hunt, Andrew Azman, Thomas Nichols, Rachel Ackoff, Illai Kenney, and Whitney Cushing for their work on vegetable-powered bus fleets, restoring rivers, trade agreements to raise environmental standards, and environmental justice.
For more information, go to To read interviews with each of the honorees, go to

 Where We All Belong CD cover

Where We All Belong CD
This new CD by Raffi was produced to help promote the Earth Charter, an international declaration of interdependence. The songs are: "Where We All Belong" -- inspired by the Earth Charter, “a circle where we all belong.” Included are two versions, a chant and a ballad, to sing when people gather to celebrate life; and "Turn This World Around" --written for Nelson Mandela, a tribute to his call for a world fit for children.

Co-sponsored by YES!, this CD is an excellent learning tool for students and is an opportunity for diverse groups to share the Earth Charter with their membership. It is not available through retail. To order:

For more information on the Earth Charter:

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