[As transcribed by
ABC Note from a visit by Howard Dean to room 102 at Longfellow
Middle School in La Crosse where students were examining water
samples under a microscope].
HOWARD DEAN : Which do
you think is safer, to drink water from your toilet or from the
river? It's true.
STUDENT: I'd rather drink
from the toilet.
HD: That's right. . .
HD: Which has more bacteria,
dog pee or river water?"
CLASS: Dog pee
HD: I do not recommend
drinking urine, but if you drink water straight from the river
you have a greater chance of getting an infection that if you
drink urine.
RUSS BAKER - It's true that Dean yelled
at his Monday night rally in Iowa. And so what? Basically, at
a pep rally, he yelled like a football coach. This is described
as being 'unpresidential.' But says who? Isn't giving insulting
nicknames to world leaders unpresidential? Isn't sending hundreds
of American soldiers to die for uncertain and misrepresented
ends in Iraq unpresidential? Or worth considering as such? Isn't
having an incredibly poor grasp of essential world facts and
an aversion to detail and active decision-making unpresidential?
As far as I can tell, the worst Howard Dean has done is to try
to be himself. Or, even worse, according to critics, to show
some flexibility in demeanor when it is demanded of him.
The guy just can't win
with the media and the pundits, which again suggests that he
CAN win in the long run. And that scares people. One doesn't
need to take sides to see that the treatment of this man is unbecoming
of the media. It's also going to be seen in retrospect as colossally
one-sided, not in any way balanced by comparable scrutiny or
criticism of his rivals.
ABC NEWS NOTE - One thing we gotta mention: Dean
is smiling when he yelps. He's not yelping in anger. So stop,
fellow media world, saying that he was angry when he was yelping.
. . On the Today show today, Katie played Monday's Dean speech
3 times (from late night show bits) for Chris Matthews, who said
that he had played it four times on Hardball. . . Leno and Letterman,
one time each last night. . . On GMA, only once. And 'we contextualized
it.' So there.
a story about a longtime acquaintance of Dean who went to his
office to express his disagreement over some issue. The governor
got upset and bawled him out. The man left Dean and went down
the hall to another office. The staff members present told the
governor that he better follow his friend and apologize. Dean
did just that. The man now says he is supporting Dean for president.
This story is not a typical
one about a politician. I can't think of
any of the candidates other than Dean who would act in that manner,
as a man of passion but also of decency.
His way of handling the
over-emphasized yelling incident is another case in point. It
is clear that he is no more happy about what he did than are
many voters. Yet again, his graceful, decent, and even funny
way of handling this rhubarb suggests a rarity in American politics
- a politician who is still human. As he told Diane Sawyer, "I
was having a great time. I am not a perfect person, believe me,
I have all kinds of warts. I wear cheap suits sometimes, I say
things that I probably ought not to say, but I lead with my heart,
and that's what I was doing right there, leading with my heart."
Most national politicians
don't act like Dean because they have been taught to act in essentially
artificial and non-human ways towards the real things that happen
around them. They have been taught to lock up their hearts as
if they were dangerous firearms. Dean dares to be himself. Whether
one ultimately votes for him or not, he should be honored rather
than punished for this. He has reminded us all that we are still
alive and not merely virtual parodies of ourselves like our media
mannequins and political puppets. - SAM SMITH
months before Dean said he would seek the presidency, the former
Vermont governor spoke at a conference in Pittsburgh co-sponsored
by smart-card firm Wave Systems where he called for state drivers'
licenses to be transformed into a kind of standardized national
ID card for Americans. Embedding smart cards into uniform IDs
was necessary to thwart "cyber-terrorism" and identity
theft, Dean claimed. "We must move to smarter license cards
that carry secure digital information that can be universally
read at vital checkpoints," Dean said in March 2002, according
to a copy of his prepared remarks. "Issuing such a card
would have little effect on the privacy of Americans."
Dean also suggested that
computer makers such as Apple Computer, Dell, Gateway and Sony
should be required to include an ID card reader in PCs--and Americans
would have to insert their uniform IDs into the reader before
they could log on. "One state's smart-card driver's license
must be identifiable by another state's card reader," Dean
said. . .
"On the Internet,
this card will confirm all the information required to gain access
to a state (government) network--while also barring anyone who
isn't legal age from entering an adult chat room, making the
Internet safer for our children, or prevent adults from entering
a children's chat room and preying on our kids...Many new computer
systems are being created with card reader technology. Older
computers can add this feature for very little money," Dean
A majority of nightly
network newscast evaluations of Democratic Presidential frontrunner
Howard Dean were negative during the 2003 "preseason,"
while three-quarters of the coverage given to the other eight
candidates was favorable, according to research conducted by
the Center for Media and Public Affairs. The study also finds
network airtime devoted to the campaign is down 62 percent from
the year before the 1996 election, the last race involving an
incumbent president.
TIMES - The documents - those nasty tidbits that campaigns euphemistically
call "opposition research" - are flying in the scrappy
final days of the Democratic contests here and in Iowa. At the
center of the maelstrom, Democrats say, is a 36-year-old aide
to Gen. Wesley K. Clark, a frenetic, colorful and, some contend,
devious communications strategist named Chris Lehane. Every campaign
has people behind the scenes feeding unflattering facts about
opponents to the press. But Mr. Lehane - a veteran of Al Gore's
2000 campaign and the Clinton White House, where his specialty
was blunting queries from investigative reporters - is such a
shrewd practitioner of what one admiring strategist called "the
political black arts" that lately, when a negative story
appears, rivals point to him. . .
Now, Mr. Lehane has become
a target in a fight among Democrats about whether opposition
research is going too far. With General Clark rising in the polls
in New Hampshire and Howard Dean facing a spate of negative news
reports, from stories about stock he sold as Vermont's governor
to remarks maligning the Iowa caucuses, many Democrats are convinced
they see the invisible hand of Chris Lehane. . .
NEWSMAX - Acting at the behest of Bill and Hillary
Clinton, a senior campaign aide to Gen. Wesley Clark has carried
out the "political assassination" of Democratic presidential
front-runner Howard Dean, former top Clinton advisor Dick Morris
contended late Friday. "I believe we have witnessed a political
assassination of Howard Dean by the Clintons," Morris told
Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes" - hours after
polls showed that Dean's once formidable lead in Iowa had evaporated.
Morris named Clark communications director Chris Lehane, a former
Gore campaign spokesman who cut his teeth as a key operative
in the Clinton White House's attack machine. . .
Morris said that other
candidates don't have the resources for the kind of opposition
research that Lehane has been carrying out for Gen. Clark, whose
campaign is staffed wall-to-wall with Clinton White House veterans.
"The places that have the money for negative research are
the Democratic National Committee and the Clintons," said
- Democratic presidential contender Howard Dean, a strong critic
of what he calls President Bush's unilateral approach to foreign
policy, urged President Clinton to act unilaterally and enter
the war in Bosnia in 1995. "I have reluctantly concluded
that the efforts of the United States and NATO in Bosnia are
a complete failure," he wrote, citing reports of genocide
during the Bosnian civil war. "If we ignore these behaviors
... our moral fiber as a people becomes weakened. ... We must
take unilateral action." The July 19, 1995, letter, obtained
by USA TODAY, was written on Dean's official stationery as Vermont
governor. The language appears to contradict Dean's core complaint
that President Bush has followed a unilateral foreign policy,
instead of a multilateral approach that relies on consultation
and joint action with allies.
POST - It's New Year's Eve and the tap is open. The Edwards people,
with Budweisers in hand, crowd the section of bar closest to
the pool tables. Nearby, some Lieberman interns sway/dance, free
Bacardi Bat necklaces swinging on their necks. Someone from Gephardt's
campaign is lighting a Camel Light, and the Clark guys are scattered
near the TV screens.
In the smoky haze of Raxx Billiards, representatives from all
but one of the major Democratic presidential campaigns can be
found. "They were invited," says Sen. Joe Lieberman's
New Hampshire director, Peter Greenberger, who helped put the
party together. As usual, though, the Dean people didn't come.
The unofficial rules for
the young staff who work the New Hampshire primary have always
been thus: By day they are rivals, press secretaries out-spinning
each other, field directors fighting for every vote, interns
standing at busy traffic corners holding their campaign posters,
shouting each other down. But half an hour from midnight, they
are fellow partiers, bumming cigarettes, buying each other beers,
bound by the weird facts of their daily existence: long, long
days, addiction to campaign adrenaline, month-to-month leases.
This year, however, the
rest of the staffs complain that Howard Dean's people don't play
by those rules. Stop by the Strange Brew or the Wild Rover in
downtown Manchester late on a Friday or Saturday night and you're
likely to find any combination of Democratic staffers drinking,
letting off steam, talking about anything other than work. But
to the great annoyance of everyone else, the Dean people are
almost never there.
is in trouble, no doubt of it. Primary cause is the most excessive
and gratuitous media assault on a presidential candidate in recent
times. . . Dean failed to accept the fact that before you can
get elected by the people you have to be selected by the crowd
in charge. You don't just run for president in the Democratic
Party (unless you're a Sharpton or Kucincich doomed from the
start); you ask permission nicely just like Clinton did. Show
the elite that you want to come to Washington to serve them,
not lead others. . . . It's bad enough when a Georgia peanut
farmer like Carter tries it, but Dean came out of the establishment
himself so his crime was worse: betrayal rather than naiveté.
And he paid the price.
It's not political. Washington
is a place where more things are done illegally or under the
table than just about anywhere in the world. Where your laws
are made - and broken - as Mark Russell used to say. And it's
the world's most powerful private club. If you want to get ahead
here the first thing you've got to do is shut your mouth. And
show you respect the people who really run the place. Dean didn't
do that.
Dean had some other problems,
though. The exit polls suggest that he had far narrower appeal
than it originally appeared. He had the young and the very liberal
but these were the only groups squarely in his camp. They were
out there and being counted early. What wasn't being counted
were the undecideds and the initially apathetic. Part of the
really bad news for Dean is that he was unable to expand his
core constituency.
Finally, not since Muskie
cried in New Hampshire and Dukakis was photographed with his
ears sticking out under a tank helmet has a candidate so facilely
hurt himself as Dean did with his election night hysterics. One
got the feeling that the doctor might have tried to dope himself
up on tranquilizers but somehow picked the wrong bottle.
SOCIALIST REVIEW - With more than a year remaining before the
presidential election of 2004, the former Vermont governor, Howard
Dean, has stolen national attention for his criticisms of the
recent unilateral war on Iraq by confidently arguing on the campaign
trail: "We're gonna' beat George Bush!"
He has called for universal
health care, environmental protection, the shredding of the "Bush
Doctrine" of preemptive attack, a reversal of the tax cuts
and has even called out the leadership of the Democratic Party
for cowering before Bush's right-wing onslaught.
But Dean has done much
more than simply grab the attention of the national media. He
also has many antiwar activists, progressives and former Ralph
Nader voters excited about his campaign. Gary Younge described
Dean in the Guardian as "the great red hope." In the
Nation, Katha Pollit recently wrote, "My fingers itch to
write Dean another check." She continued, "Howard Dean
is Ralph Nader's gift to the Democratic Party." . . .
Though he has been dubbed
a "raging liberal" by admirers and critics alike, Howard
Dean governed Vermont strictly within the framework of the conservative
Democratic Leadership Council. . . Back in February 2003, Dean
candidly admitted to Salon magazine that if he were to win the
nomination of his party he would "probably dispense with
some of the more rhetorical flourishes. One time I said the Supreme
Court is so far right you couldn't see it anymore. Next summer
I won't be talking like that. It's true and I'm not ashamed to
have said it, but it doesn't sound very presidential."
But such political maneuvering
is nothing new for Dean. Upon becoming governor of Vermont in
1991, after the sudden death of then-Republican Governor Richard
Snelling, Dean made a sharp turn to the right and pursued that
course ever since. In his 11 years as governor, Dean would shift
rightward on one position after another, all the while claiming
to be concerned for the needy and less-fortunate, and disappointing
all who thought they were getting someone who would govern from
the liberal end of the political spectrum.
Dean inherited a massive
deficit in the state budget from Snelling. Refusing to raise
taxes on wealthier Vermonters (and rendering the tax system more
regressive than previously), Dean declared in his first State
of the State address that it would be his mission to balance
the state budget with some "tough" cuts. Even though
Vermont has no law requiring a balanced budget, Dean promised,
"The pain for Vermonters will be real."
Dean slashed millions
of dollars from all sorts of social programs, from prescription
drug benefits for Medicare recipients and heating assistance
for poorer Vermonters to housing assistance funds. In defending
his cuts to social programs, Dean said, "I don't think I
have to shy away from that just because I'm supposed to be a
liberal Democrat."
Throughout the 1990s,
Dean's cuts in state aid to education ($6 million), retirement
funds for teachers and state employees ($7 million), health care
($4 million), welfare programs earmarked for the aged, blind
and disabled ($2 million), Medicaid benefits ($1.2 million) and
more, amounted to roughly $30 million. Dean claimed that the
cuts were necessary because the state had no money and was burdened
by a $60 million deficit.
The Washington establishment
woke up this morning with evidence that the combined Democon
and elite media assault on Howard Dean might be paying off. The
Washington Post led off with its most recent poll that shows
Dean falling 18 points behind Bush in a match-up.
In fact, while Dean only
dropped one point between October and December, a match-up with
an unnamed Democrat saw a 6 point drop for the same period. Bush
gained three points in each contest. Further, the Post strangely
only ran Dean against Bush. But thanks to two other polls we
know that both Clark and Dean would have a hard time against
Bush with the gap between Clark and Dean running from 1 to seven
points, hardly enough to justify the sort of anti-Dean commentating
rampant in the capital these days.
Furthermore, most of the
polling was done during a period when Dean was being heavily
criticized for saying that the capture of Saddam had not made
us safer, but before the president's orange terror alert proved
his point.
In truth, no one in the
Democratic Party is showing enough strength against Bush (including
Hillary Clinton).
AP - Howard Dean says
he was only having some fun when he described the centrist Democratic
Leadership Council as the "Republican" part of the
Democratic party. But Joe Lieberman, a former chairman of the
group, says he did not see anything to laugh about. "Does
he realize when he's saying that he's pushing Bill Clinton, a
hundred members of Congress, countless governors and mayors around
America, state officials, who are members of the DLC and the
new Democratic movement out of the Democratic party?" Lieberman
told reporters Tuesday in Manchester. . .
Dean's comment about the
DLC came during a town meeting in Exeter on Monday. The organization,
which espouses a middle-of-the-road philosophy, has criticized
the former Vermont governor as being too liberal. . . Asked whether
he was joking about the "Republican" comment, Dean
said: "I was having a little fun at their expense. They've
been having eight months of fun at my expense."
Lieberman responded: "He's
a candidate for president of the United States, he's a candidate
for commander in chief of the armed forces. This is just one
of a series of what I would call impulsive, ill-advised and sometimes
irresponsible statements Howard Dean has made. "I love to
joke, but people can tell when I'm joking," Lieberman said.
The DLC wasn't amused,
either. "It's a cheap shot not just at us, but at former
DLC chairmen like Bill Clinton, Dick Gephardt, and Joe Lieberman,
along with hundreds of hard-working Democratic elected officials
around the country who are part of our movement," a statement
on the council's Web site said Tuesday. "It also illustrates
why we've worried about Dean's loose-lipped approach all along."
Sam Smith
1. He is too weak a
candidate to run against George Bush.
Maybe he is, but the Democrats
have not come up with anyone better. For example, in the five
most recent polls, Bush beats Dean by and average of 9.6 points.
Bush beats Clark, presumably the best alternative the Washington
establishment can produce, by 7.2 points, a statistically insignificant
difference. Hillary Clinton's five poll moving average, by the
way, is 7.6 points.
2. Dean is too weak
among blacks.
The Washington Post wrote
recently, "Dean has been dogged by questions of whether
the former leader of an overwhelmingly white state would be able
to attract African American supporters." Well, the answer
is right outside the Post's front door where not only have a
significant number of black city council members endorsed Dean
but he won 61% in a straw vote at a meeting of the Ward 8 Democrats,
in the poorest and blackest part of the city. And this at a contentious
session where a black ward official attacked a lonely white member
as "poor white trash." DC will have its primary in
January and while the non-binding results will probably have
little impact on elite white journalists who will continue to
wonder whether the former leader of an overwhelmingly white state
will be able to attract African American supporters, black voters
elsewhere are likely to take note of DC's choice.
3. Dean can't win in
the south
Again, while the Democrats
are in trouble throughout the south - all are beaten by 30 or
more points in Alabama - Dean again does well in the primary
match-ups. He is currently ahead, if not by much, in Florida,
Texas and Virginia. He is far ahead in DC and tied for first
in Alabama. In Georgia, Dean comes in fourth, but only three
points behind the first placed Clark. In North Carolina he is
a distant second to Edwards and in South Carolina Edwards and
Dean are essentially tied. In one of the few southern match-ups
against Bush, Dean does one point better than Clark in Florida,
which is to say he loses by a changeable 7 points.
This is a useful exercise
in how badly the corporatized media reports political campaigns,
let alone other things. The reasons for this include:
- The extraordinary length
of time it takes national reporters to overcome their presumptions
in the face of contrary facts.
- A bias towards certain
candidates based on Washington dominant political and cultural
- An inability to deal
with something new, which is, after all, three quarters of the
word 'news.'
- A narrow, clichéd
view of American politics and history.
- A disdain for hard facts
such as numbers in comparison, say, to sound bites acquired over
a beer in New Hampshire.
BOSTON GLOBE - One could trace the downturn in Senator John Kerry's
presidential fortunes back to the revelation that, unbeknownst
to him, his paternal grandparents were Jewish, or God's Chosen
People. Yet things have gone much better for Kerry's rival, Howard
Dean, ever since he let slip that he is no longer one of God's
Frozen People, i.e. Episcopalian. The exchange in which Dean
abjured the One True Faith, as we lapsed Episcopalians like to
call it, took place this fall in an interview with ABC's George
Stephanopoulos. Dean said he was raised Episcopalian but left
the church "because I had a big fight with a local Episcopal
church about 25 years ago over the bike path. . . ."
the bike path?" an incredulous Stephanopoulos asked.
were trying to get the bike path built," Dean answered.
"They had control of a mile and a half of railroad bed,
and they decided they would pursue a property-right suit to refuse
to allow the bike path to be developed."
VIII abandoned a great religion because he wanted a better wife.
Howard Dean abandoned Henry VIII's new religion because he wanted
. . . bike access. Dean, whom no one in Vermont remembers as
being particularly religious, said he became a Congregationalist
as a result of the bike path imbroglio.
media myth down the drain]
BARABAK, LA TIMES - Howard Dean has emerged as the leading presidential
pick among Democratic Party leaders, with more than twice the
support of his closest rivals, according to a new Los Angeles
Times Poll. . . Dean was favored by 32% of the Democratic leaders
surveyed, followed by Rep. Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri at
15% and Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts at 14%. Retired Army
Gen. Wesley K. Clark had 7% support, Sen. John Edwards of North
Carolina 5%, Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut 3%, and former
Sen. Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois 1%. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich
of Ohio and the Rev. Al Sharpton each had less than 1% backing.
. .
The survey
began Dec. 4 and ended Thursday. On Monday, word surfaced that
former Vice President Al Gore would endorse Dean the next day.
The nod from Gore appears to have benefited Dean among these
party insiders. Twenty-nine percent of DNC members surveyed before
the endorsement said they backed Dean. Of the members surveyed
after Gore's announcement, 44% favored Dean. . .
Most of
the declared candidates enjoy high approval ratings from DNC
members, with favorable ratings of 80% or more. Lieberman - the
most conservative of the Democrats running - and Moseley Braun
were seen somewhat less favorably, with approval from about two-thirds
of those interviewed. Kucinich received mixed reviews, with 49%
of those surveyed viewing him positively and 38% negatively.
. .
percent of DNC members said Dean would be the most vigorous nominee
the party could put up in 2004, while 14% cited Clark. Gephardt
and Kerry were named by 13% each. A year ago, 2% chose Dean.
Dean really win? Unfortunately, yes. The Democratic presidential
candidate has, alas, won the popular presidential vote three
times in a row - twice, admittedly, under the guidance of the
skilled Bill Clinton, but most recently with the hapless Al Gore
at the helm. And demographic trends (particularly the growth
in Hispanic voters) tend to favor the Democrats going into 2004.
. .
Bush is also likely to
be the first president since Herbert Hoover under whom there
will have been no net job creation, and the first since Lyndon
Johnson whose core justification for sending U.S. soldiers to
war could be widely (if unfairly) judged to have been misleading.
And President Bush will
be running for reelection after a two-year period in which his
party has controlled both houses of Congress. The last two times
the American people confronted a president and a Congress controlled
by the same party were in 1980 and 1994. The voters decided in
both cases to restore what they have consistently preferred for
the last two generations: divided government. . .
Dean has run a terrific
primary campaign, the most impressive since Carter in 1976. It's
true that, unlike Carter (and Clinton), Dean is a Northeastern
liberal. But he's no Dukakis. Does anyone expect Dean to be a
patsy for a Bush assault, as the Massachusetts governor was?
And how liberal is Dean
anyway? He governed as a centrist in Vermont, and will certainly
pivot to the center the moment he has the nomination. And one
underestimates, at this point when we are all caught up in the
primary season, how much of an opportunity the party's nominee
has to define or redefine himself once he gets the nomination.
[Dean on the Chris Matthews
show on General Electric-owned MSNBC]
MATTHEWS: Well, would
you break up GE?
DEAN: I can't - you...
MATTHEWS: GE just buys
Universal. Would you do something there about that? Would you
stop that from happening?
DEAN: You can't say -
you can't ask me right now and get an answer, would I break up
X corp...
MATTHEWS: We've got to
do it now, because now is the only chance we can ask you, because,
once you are in, we have got to live with you.
MATTHEWS: So, if you are
going to do it, you have got to tell us now.
MATTHEWS: Are you going
to break up the giant media enterprises in this country?
DEAN: Yes, we're going
to break up giant media enterprises. That doesn't mean we're
going to break up all of GE. What we're going to do is say that
media enterprises can't be as big as they are today. I don't
think we actually have to break them up, which Teddy Roosevelt
had to do with the leftovers from the McKinley administration.
Dean explained how "11
companies in this country control 90 percent of what ordinary
people are able to read and watch on their television. That's
wrong. We need to have a wide variety of opinions in every community.
We don't have that because of Michael Powell and what George
Bush has tried to do to the FCC."
Matthews continued:
"Would you break
up Fox?"
MATTHEWS: I'm serious.
DEAN: I'm keeping a...
MATTHEWS: Would you break
it up? Rupert Murdoch has "The Weekly Standard." It
has got a lot of other interests. It has got "The New York
Post." Would you break it up?
DEAN: On ideological grounds,
absolutely yes, but...
MATTHEWS: No, seriously.
As a public policy, would you bring industrial policy to bear
and break up these conglomerations of power?
DEAN: I don't want to
answer whether I would break up Fox or not, because, obviously
MATTHEWS: Well, how about
large media enterprises?
DEAN: Let me -- yes, let
me get...
DEAN: The answer to that
is yes.
I would say that there
is too much penetration by single corporations in media markets
all over this country. We need locally-owned radio stations.
There are only two or three radio stations left in the state
of Vermont where you can get local news anymore. The rest of
it is read and ripped from the AP.
MATTHEWS: So what are
you going to do about it? You're going to be president of the
United States, what are you going to do?
DEAN: What I'm going to
do is appoint people to the FCC that believe democracy depends
on getting information from all portions of the political spectrum,
not just one.
JR, AFRO-AMERICAN - Historically, the Confederate flag is a symbol
of the Democratic Party. Today, however, Republicans can fly
and wave it, but Democrats can't talk about it, and current Democrats
don't know how to handle it. As a result, the symbol Howard Dean
used got in the way of his substance, but his substance was on
point. And the point was southern whites and blacks together
must focus on their common economic needs, jobs, good schools,
affordable health care. Howard Dean has a new Democratic southern
strategy. Democrats know the divide in the South is race. Republicans
have exploited it. Democrats have evaded it. Every Democrat has
known since the civil rights movement that the party was becoming
less competitive in the South because of race. Republicans have
successfully exploited race (in proportion to black voting strength)
since Richard Nixon's "southern strategy" of 1968 by,
among other things, using racial code words: Nixon's "law
and order," Reagan's "states' rights" and "welfare
queen" and the first George Bush's "Willie Horton."
Republicans deliberately
blur the distinction between social and economic conservatism.
Economically, when compared to other U.S. regions, the South
has disproportionately high unemployment, unfair taxes, poverty,
illiteracy, poor schools and inadequate health care and housing
- for both whites and blacks. . . Disappointingly, Democrats
over several decades, rather than campaigning around common economic
needs of southern whites and blacks, have mostly imitated Republicans
on social and cultural issues, and failed to challenge around
economic issues. White Democrats, South and North, want and need
the black vote to win, but then avoid meeting black economic
and political expectations that accompany their vote.
If Howard Dean wins the
nomination around an economic agenda, and can combat the certain
Republican tactic of diversion - using social issues openly,
and race more subtly, to sublimate economic concerns - then Democrats
may once again be able to win in the South and pursue a progressive
economic agenda for the benefit of all Americans. That's Howard
Dean's approach and his challenge.
AETHER - A draft of an
idea inspired by Rem Koolhaas's remarkable pseudo-history of
Manhattan called Delirious New York. . . In his book, Koolhaas
pretends that Manhattan was designed according to a theory of
the modern city. The imagined manifesto gives Koolhaas a way
to sketch a portrait of Manhattan as it actually exists, to take
it seriously as manifestation of human creativity. His book is
a just-so story, a fabricated history that explicates real forces.
Here, I've offered a Retroactive Manifesto of the Dean Campaign.
These are the rules that might have been posted on the wall of
campaign manager Joe Trippi's office, if there were such a list
of rules. I am looking for examples and counter-examples - confirmation
and correction. Are these really the principles that underlay
the architecture of the campaign? Are there concrete examples
you can suggest? Is something here plainly wrong? Hack away.
. .
The Dean campaign is a
network rather than an army - and that's its strength. But it's
also a stupid network, and that's its other strength. "Stupid"
is used in the technical sense defined by David S. Isenberg in
his classic telephony paper, "The Rise of the Stupid Network."
In this paper Isenberg advanced the principle that under conditions
of uncertainty a network should not be optimized for some limited
set of uses presumed to be definitive. Instead, the network should
be as simple as possible, with advanced functionality (and intelligence)
moved out to the ends of the network - to the users. . .
I got Isenberg on the
phone today and talked to him about the Dean campaign as an implementation
of a stupid network. Here's a little of what he said:
"I'm struck by how
different that is from the Karl Rove point of view, where reporters
are directed to cover the four or five stories they've selected
- go to the aircraft carrier, set up the cameras right here so
Bush's face looks like another bust on Mount Rushmore, or whatever.
For the first time in the information age we have tools appropriate
for a real grass roots, bottom up campaign.
"In the old telephone
company, central planning was needed before the network could
grow. You had to manage the scaling from the top down. This worked
as long as growth was predictable. But the Internet was not predicted.
It grew from the bottom, from interpersonal agreements among
sysadmins at the edges, from a collection of networks, including
small ISPs that were basically modem farms in somebody's garage.
Having a network without a strong center allows massive scalability
without central planning.
"If you have a Karl
Rove, you know exactly where events will happen, who has to be
there. But if you are a Howard Dean, and you are willing to let
things happen from the bottom up, you can scale without doing
all that planning."
- Why did you support sending Vermont's nuclear waste to the
poor, mostly Hispanic town of Sierra Blanca, Texas, 16 miles
from the Mexican border -- a plan described as "blatant
environmental racism" by Paul Wellstone?
2. Why did the Dean administration
increase funding for Vermont's state colleges by only 7% while
you increased funding for prisons by 150%?
3. Why did IBM, the leading
polluter in Vermont, receive your Environmental Achievement Award
nine times?
4. What did you mean when
you said, "I've had 40 or 45 private meetings with IBM since
I've been governor. And IBM has gotten pretty much everything
they've asked for"?
6. Why did you wait for
the courts and legislature to bring about the civil union bill
before you supported it? Why did you sign the bill in private
when you finally did sign it?
7. Why do you oppose the
Israeli Labor Party candidate for prime minister Amram Mitzna's
call for unconditional peace talks with the Palestinians?
8. While you acknowledge
that you "haven't condemned Congress for passing the Patriot
Act," Bernie Sanders from your own state of Vermont is leading
efforts in Congress to overturn the act. Why are you not supporting
Bernie Sanders' efforts and condemning Congress for its attack
on civil liberties?
9. How do you respond
to Annette Smith of Vermonters of a Clean Environment who says:
"Dean's attempt to run for president as an environmentalist
is nothing but a fraud. He's destroyed the Agency of Natural
Resources, he's refused to meet with environmentalists while
constantly meeting with developers, and he's made the permitting
process one, big dysfunctional joke. EP under Governor Dean meant
Expedite Permits, not Environmental Protection"?
10. Since you pride yourself
on your "fiscal responsibility" who do you refuse to
even consider any decreases in the bloated Pentagon budget?
During the long years
of southern segregation, the white establishment managed to convince
poor whites that it was blacks rather than itself that posed
the biggest threat. This was not only immoral, it was a con,
and a miserably effective one.
Only occasionally was
the myth challenged, as when Earl Long went after black votes
while holding onto his low income white constituency. When Long
was elected in 1948 there were only 7,000 black voters in Louisiana.
By the time he left office a decade later, there were 110,000.
It was not that Governor
Long was any moral model. His language, for example, would have
shocked today's white and black liberals. What he did do, and
quite well, was to put together people who many at the top didn't
want together. And at a time when the likes of Lyndon Johnson
and William Fulbright were carefully avoiding the race issue,
Long took on the White Citizens Council.
I was reminded of this
the other day when Howard Dean made his comment about wanting
to get the votes of people who drove pickups with confederate
flag stickers. He was immediately excoriated by Kerry and Gephardt
but what he was doing was simply reaching out to a constituency
that Democratic liberals have too long dissed, the less successful
white male. Uncle Earl would have been pleased.
By any traditional Democratic
standards, this constituency should be a natural. After all,
what more dramatically illustrates the failure of two decades
of corporatist economics than how far these white males have
been left behind? Yet because some of them still cling to the
myths the southern white establishment taught their daddies and
their granddaddies, the likes of Gephardt and Kerry don't think
they qualify as Democratic voters.
In fact, the best way
to change people's minds about matters such as ethnic relations
is to put them in situations that challenge their presumptions.
Like joining a multicultural political coalition that works.
It's change produced by shared experience rather than moral by
Martin Luther King understood
this as he admonished his aides to include in their dreams the
hope that their present opponents would become their future friends.
And he realized that rules of correct behavior were insufficient:
"Something must happen
so as to touch the hearts and souls of men that they will come
together, not because the law says it, but because it is natural
and right."
This doesn't happen logically,
it doesn't come all at once, and it doesn't come with pretty
words. Tom Lowe of the Jackson
Progressive voted a couple of years ago in favor of a new
Mississippi flag without the confederate symbolism. But in retrospect,
he wrote later, he realized that the voters' rejection of the
change was a honest reflection of their state of mind: "Perhaps
a time will come when we have truly put aside our nasty streak
of racism. When that time arrives, maybe we will choose to replace
the flag with something more representative of our ideals. On
the other hand, when we reach that point, we may no longer care
about the symbolism of the Confederate battle flag. Or perhaps
we will keep it for another reason: to make those of us that
are white humble by reminding us of our less than honorable past."
Or perhaps do what the
whites in the Southern Student Organizing Committee did at the
beginning of the civil rights movement: seize the old symbol
for a new purpose. The SSOC logo showed a black and white hand
firmly clasped across a confederate flag. It is, within my extensive
button collection, a favorite because it illustrates how symbols
can be transformed and used for better purposes. Yes, the confederate
flag is still there, but firmly in the background, reminding
one of how hard won were the clasped hands in front.
The decline of liberalism
has been accelerated by the growing number of American subcultures
deemed unworthy by its advocates: gun owners, church goers, pickup
drivers with confederate flag stickers. Yet the gun owner could
be an important ally for civil liberties, the churchgoer a voice
for political integrity, the pickup driver a supporter of national
We'll never know until
we try. Dean, coming off some successful approaches to black
voters, has now turned to another group the establishment, including
its liberal branch, doesn't really give much of damn about: the
struggling white male. These two groups are primarily antagonistic
because they have been taught to see life that way by those who
really don't want them getting along. Instead of inveighing in
the best liberal fashion against all stereotypes save one's own,
Dean is mixing things up a bit. A Dean bumper sticker next to
a confederate flag on a pickup may not be utopia, but it would
be sure sign of positive change which, these days, would be a
pretty big change in itself. -
THE CONTINUED controversy
over confederate flags on pickup trucks is a reminder that one
of the functions of political campaigns is to take our minds
off our problems. It is especially fun when we can argue about
symbolism rather than reality because that way no one can actually
keep score.
It does get confusing,
though. After introducing a new idea about whom the Democratic
Party should approach, Howard Dean was excoriated by Al Sharpton
who, while entertaining and often right, falls somewhat short
as a mentor of morality. Sharpton was joined by some white southerners
who, in attacking Dean's stereotype, implicitly projected their
own - that of a south in which all the bad stuff has passed.
Funny that Trent Lott never got the word.
Then, in an act of iatrogenic
politics, Dr. Dean wounded himself further by describing as 'loathsome'
the symbol of his proposed new constituency. That's not the best
way to reach out and touch someone.
Besides, it also raises
the question of whether the Democrats' Jefferson Day dinners
should be cancelled since their namesake also had some pretty
loathsome view on ethnicity.
The stereotype business
can be tricky. Not only did some southern pickup drivers complain,
but Claude Henry Sinclair Jr., commander of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans camp in Lancaster, SC, told the Washington Post that
he saw yet another kind of stereotype: "I don't have a pickup
To be sure, Dean might
have done better if he had used (as one of our readers suggested)
the term 'NASCAR dads,' but in fact, politics uses stereotypes
all the time. And a campaign meeting at which someone asks, "How
do we get to the Jews?" has quite a different import than
the same question asked at a KKK meeting.
From the day in the 1960s
when Marion Barry walked into my apartment explicitly looking
for a white press aide, I have felt more at home dealing with
such matters openly rather than having them whitewashed with
liberal euphemisms.
The irony is that despite
crude terminology, politics is one of the few places where you
actually see people working voluntarily across ethnic and class
lines for a common goal. When you hear people like Edwards and
Sharpton slamming Dean for using political slang in public, you
are seeing bad acting and not much else.
It is also interesting
to note, as William Saletan does in Slate, that Dean received
quite a different reception before he was the frontrunner. Here's
what he told the Democratic National Committee last February:
"I intend to talk
about race during this election in the South. The Republicans
have been talking about it since 1968 in order to divide us,
and I'm going to bring us together. Because you know what? White
folks in the South who drive pickup trucks with Confederate flag
decals on the back ought to be voting with us because their kids
don't have health insurance either, and their kids need better
schools too."
Writes Saletan: "I
have that speech on videotape. I'm looking at it right now. As
Dean delivers the line about Confederate flags, the whole front
section of the audience stands and applauds. It's a pretty white
crowd, but in slow-motion playback, I can make out three black
people in the crowd and two more on the dais, including DNC Vice
Chair Lottie Shackelford. Every one of them is standing and applauding.
As Dean finishes his speech, a dozen more black spectators rise
to join in an ovation. They show no doubt or unease about what
Dean meant."
The Dean controversy is
driven by several factors. One is the growing liberal preference
for proper language and symbolism over proper policy. Thus confederate
flags soar above such other possible issues as the drug war with
its disastrous effect on young black males, discrimination in
housing and public transportation, and the lack of blacks in
the U.S. Senate. Further, while liberals are happy to stigmatize
certain stereotypes, they are enthralled with others, such as
the self-serving suggestion that they represent a new class of
"cultural creatives" saving the American city. And
from whom, implicitly, are they saving the American city? From
the blacks, latinos and poor forced out to make way for their
Another factor has far
deeper roots: our fear of public discussion of class issues.
Although this has repeatedly been noted by both black and white
observers, it has little effect on our politics or the media,
both of which project the myth that ethnic conflict occurs independent
of economic divisions.
One who understood otherwise
was the black writer, Jean Toomer - who once described America
as "so voluble in acclamation of the democratic ideal, so
reticent in applying what it professes." Writing in 1919,
Toomer said, "It is generally established that the causes
of race prejudice may primarily be found in the economic structure
that compels one worker to compete against another and that furthermore
renders it advantageous for the exploiting classes to inculcate,
foster, and aggravate that competition."
Dean's real sin was that
he got too close to that topic - SAM SMITH
have withdrawn from the District of Columbia's nonbinding presidential
primary, the D.C. Board of Elections said Friday. Joe Lieberman,
John Edwards, John Kerry, Dick Gephardt and Wesley Clark each
delivered letters on Thursday stating their intention to withdraw
from the Jan. 13 contest, Board of Elections spokesman Bill O'Field
said. The Democratic National Committee does not recognize the
primary because delegates will not be selected. The district
will hold caucuses Feb. 14 to choose its delegates.
a gutless move," said D.C. Councilman Jack Evans, the author
of the legislation moving up the district's primary. "I
hope none of them ever wins anything." . . . Evans said
the move was especially offensive because Kerry, Gephardt and
Lieberman all own homes in the Georgetown neighborhood. "I
find it disappointing that three actual residents would disrespect
their home town and disrespect a majority African-American jurisdiction."
. . .
Tony Bullock,
a spokesman for Mayor Anthony A. Williams, called it a slap in
the face for the city. "We have been royally dissed by these
five candidates," said Bullock.
PRESS, FEBRUARY 2002 - When Gov. Howard Dean wanted to raise
money for a possible presidential bid, he followed the example
of a former governor of Texas and called on his friends in the
energy industry. Nearly a fifth of the roughly $111,000 collected
in its first months by Dean's presidential political action committee,
the Fund for a Healthy America, came from people with ties to
Vermont's electric utilities, according to a recent Federal Elections
Commission filing.
It should be no surprise.
Dean and utility executives have had a long and friendly relationship.
One donor who gave Dean's PAC the maximum amount allowed - $5,000
- said he did so because he and his wife "agree with many
of the things the fund is talking about - fiscal conservatism,
education, health care."
. . . A top Dean aide
emphatically denied that the governor has ever let campaign contributions
influence state policy. Kate O'Connor, secretary of civil and
military affairs, used the word absurd to describe that notion
more than a half-dozen times in a recent interview. But the governor
himself has said the donations buy access. "People who think
they're going to buy a contract or buy some influence are mistaken,"
Dean famously said during the debate over a campaign finance
reform bill in 1996. "But they do get access - there's no
question about that. ...They get me to return their phone calls."
. . . Dean's close relationship
with utility representatives dates back to the day he became
governor in 1991. A lobbyist for Green Mountain Power and a GMP
employee were among the first people Dean called in to help his
transition. A list of the Governor's Council of Economic Advisers
includes Green Mountain Power Corp.'s chairman, two company board
members and a vice president, all of whom made donations to the
Fund For A Healthy America. It also includes two longtime utility
Over the years, the governor
has sided with the utilities on many of the most pressing issues,
including the push for deregulation of the electric industry,
and later backing away from that as a goal.

TIMES - Can Howard Dean escape the Starbucks ghetto? New polls
in Iowa and New Hampshire, the critical first two states in the
Democratic presidential race, show the former Vermont governor
dominating among voters with a college degree - the sort of people
more likely to stop at Starbucks than a doughnut shop in the
morning. But in both states he is showing much less strength
among voters who did not graduate from college.
. . . In Iowa, Dean led
Rep. Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri among college-educated voters
36% to 15%, according to the survey, conducted by veteran Democratic
pollster Stanley B. Greenberg. Among college-educated voters
in New Hampshire, Dean crushed Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts
45% to 19%, the survey found.
. . . Among voters without
a college degree, the story was very different. In Iowa, among
voters with a high school degree or less, Gephardt led Dean by
42% to 16%; in New Hampshire, those voters preferred Kerry over
Dean 29% to 23%. Voters with some college, but not a degree,
narrowly preferred Gephardt in Iowa and Dean in New Hampshire.
. . . Dean's strength
among better-educated voters fits a long-standing tradition.
Since the 1960s, these Democrats have favored candidates who
position themselves as reform-minded outsiders, scorn politics
as usual and embrace liberal positions on social issues and foreign
policy. That lineage runs from Eugene McCarthy's anti-Vietnam
War crusade against Lyndon B. Johnson in 1968 to George S. McGovern
in 1972, and to Hart, Tsongas and Bradley.
These outsider candidates
have always done well in New Hampshire, which has an unusually
heavy concentration of college-educated voters. In Greenberg's
poll, 60% of likely Democratic primary voters in New Hampshire
held a college or post-graduate degree.
- Back in 1995, when a new Republican-controlled Congress was
in a pitched ideological battle with the Democrats over the budget,
Howard Dean was an iconoclastic, budget-balancing governor of
Vermont and chairman of the National Governors Association, willing
- even eager - to challenge party orthodoxy on spending. Dr.
Dean said, according to news reports at the time, that he "fully
subscribed" to the idea of substantially reducing the growth
rate in Medicare spending and he praised that element of a Senate
Republican budget plan that was vehemently opposed by Democrats
on Capitol Hill. He argued that "we ought to put Social
Security back on the table" in an effort to balance the
federal budget, and he suggested that Congress consider raising
the retirement age. . .
Dr. Dean's opponents,
who have researched his past, assert that the record shows Dr.
Dean did not stand with his party when it counted on an issue
of critical importance to older voters, who loom large in early
primary and caucus states like Iowa. Dr. Dean has scrambled to
explain. . .
Dr. Dean's allies argue
that his views were common among Democratic deficit hawks in
the mid-1990's, and among Democrats who worried about the long-term
solvency of Medicare and Social Security. As one aide put it,
Dr. Dean "was in the mainstream of the moderate wing of
the Democratic Party." Moreover, Dr. Dean maintains that
his views on reining in Medicare spending were eventually embraced
by Mr. Clinton and codified in the 1997 Balanced Budget Act.
"I believe I'm a
far-sighted person," Dr. Dean said in Iowa on Sunday. "I
believe Medicare had to be saved and I supported the plan that
Bill Clinton eventually signed.". . .
Dr. Dean has said that
he no longer supports raising the Social Security retirement
age. "I want to leave the retirement age exactly where it
is," he said on CBS on Sunday. "That was a time where
the budgetary situation was a disaster in this country. Bill
Clinton has shown that when the economy gets better and people
start paying payroll taxes, Social Security becomes solvent."
Nor is Dr. Dean now calling
for any spending reductions in Medicare. Like the rest of his
party, he supports adding a prescription drug benefit.
Dr. Dean has also been
haunted by comments he made about Medicare in 1993, when, according
to an account by The Associated Press, he described it as "one
of the worst things that ever happened" and a "bureaucratic
disaster." His allies say he was simply describing the management
of the program from a doctor's point of view.
[An example of why
the Dean campaign is having such luck.]
to get started with your Dean Community Site What do these kits
do? These kits create fully featured campaign web community sites,
such as Upper Valley for Dean and Seniors for Dean and Connecticut
for Dean. These kits provide their members with powerful web
tools for organizing their People-Powered-Howard campaigns.
These communities provide
their users with completely customizable websites that feature
searchable forums, blogs, picture galleries, book creation tools,
endorsement letter servers, and Get Local event calendars. These
kits are used to organize grassroots campaigners for outreach
and action, and to create engaging and interactive public websites.
Where did this come from?
These kits are based on a wonderful piece of open-source software
called Drupal. The Drupal code base was customized by the Dean
Space all-volunteer development community. The graphics were
created by the Dean gSquad, another volunteer group. It's been
a labor of love.
"To slash the [Medicare]
program to balance the budget... is not just a threat to the
seniors, families, hospitals and research institutions that depend
on it, it is a violation of a sacred trust."
[Gephardt letter to the
Editor, Washington Post, 9/25/95]
"Dean said Congress
should be willing to cut or slow growth in those programs [Social
Security and Medicare]... 'We just would like to see some similar
kind of backbone by the new leadership in Congress when it comes
to Medicare, when it comes to Social Security and when it comes
to defense.'"
[Montpelier (VT)Times-Argus,
"Gephardt was visibly
emotional as he addressed area hospital administrators and reporters
in yet another attack on Republican plans to trim the growth
of Medicare and Medicaid. A man known for scripted speeches,
Gephardt ranted and raved. . . The man known as Mr. Compromise,
by political friend and foe, said he wasn't going to back off
from this fight."
[St Louis Post Dispatch,
"...I rise today
with sadness and almost disbelief of what I am afraid is about
to happen to what I believe to be the most important program,
the most important help that the people of our country have enjoyed
now for over 30 years. I say to the members that this is the
kind of vote that comes once in a generation, maybe once in a
career, about the very future of one of the most important efforts
that our country has ever made."
[Gephardt speech before
vote on Medicare cuts, Congressional Record, 10/19/95]
"[Dean] applauded
the efforts of Senate Budget Committee chairman Pete Domenici,
R-Nev., who presented his own balanced budget plan last week...
Dean also said he could defend Domenici's approach to reducing
Medicare costs. He said he supported more managed care for Medicare
recipients and requiring some Medicare recipients to pay a greater
share of the cost of their medical services... "'I fully
subscribe to the notion that we should reduce the Medicare growth
rate from 10 percent to 7 percent, or less if possible,' Dean
[Montpelier Times Argus,
The cuts Dean described
- reducing the rate of growth to 7 percent - was exactly what
Newt Gingrich's budget proposed. This would cut at between $256
and $282 billion from Medicare: "Under the House and Senate
plans, the annual rate of growth of Medicare spending would be
cut from 10 percent to 7 percent... The Republicans say these
changes would trim as much as $ 282 billion from Medicare.
[Dallas Morning News,
"Medicare 'is the
best program this country's ever put forward for our people,'
Gephardt said..."
[San Francisco Chronicle,
"I think it's one
of the worst federal programs ever..."
[Dean in San Francisco
Chronicle, 8/17/93]
"[Medicare is] one
of the worst things that ever happened... a bureaucratic disaster..."
[Dean in AP, 8/3/93]
"In March, Rep. Gephardt
single-handedly bullied President Clinton into running from a
potential agreement to reform cost-of-living adjustments for
Social Security payments and other government benefits."
[Editorial, Washington
Times, 4/22/97]
"I also think that
we ought to put Social Security back on the table and defense.
If you take defense and Social Security off the table, what you've
essentially said, 'We're not going to cut any of the controversial
things at the federal level, despite our rhetoric about being
courageous in a new day in the American Congress..."
[Dean on "This Week
with David Brinkley," 1/29/95]
"The way to balance
the budget, Dean said, is for Congress to cut Social Security,
move the retirement age to 70, cut defense, Medicare and veterans
pensions, while the states cut almost everything else. "It
would be tough but we could do it," he said."
[New Orleans Times-Picayune,
"Host: Do you go
along with that position now enunciated by both Dick Armey and
George W. Bush, that the country should go ahead and look at
the possibility of raising that retirement age?"
"Gephardt: I don't
think it's worthy of consideration."
[Gephardt on CNN "Late
Edition," 11/21/99]
"I absolutely agree
we need to reduce the - I mean, to increase the retirement age.
There will be cuts and losses of some benefits, but I believe
that Senator Packwood [R-Oregon] is on exactly the right track,
and we need to deal with the Social Security retirement age..."
[Dean on CNN's Crossfire,
"House Minority Leader
Richard A. Gephardt and Health Secretary Donna Shalala took their
Medicare campaign to Florida on Tuesday, pleading with older
people to pressure Congress to reject the Republicans' proposed
changes. 'This fight is your fight,' Gephardt, D-Mo., told an
enthusiastic crowd of about 800 elderly voters. 'You need to
speak out,' he said, urging the audience to pepper Washington
with calls and letters before the House votes on the issue next
week. 'You should be part of this debate,' he said. 'Write them.
Call them. Tell them what you think.'"
[St. Louis Post-Dispatch,
"Congressional Republicans
'are terrified of (lobbyists for elderly Americans), and I think
we all better stop being terrified,' Democratic Gov. Howard Dean
of Vermont, the current chairman of the NGA... said in an interview...
'I think it's perfectly ludicrous.'
[National Journal,
It's true that he opposed the war in Iraq, [Dean] says, but he
supported the 1991 Gulf War and the Bush campaign against the
Taliban in Afghanistan. More interesting, at a time when many
politicians are shuddering at President Bush's ambitions to remake
the Middle East - conservatives, because they are skeptical of
such grand reshaping ambitions; liberals, because they see resources
being diverted from social causes at home - Dean sounds if anything
more committed than Condoleezza Rice to bringing democracy to
"Now that we're there, we're
stuck," he said. Bush took an "enormous risk"
that through war the United States could replace Saddam Hussein
and the "small danger" he presented to the United States
with something better and safer. The gamble was "foolish"
and "wrong." But whoever will be elected in 2004 has
to live with it. "We have no choice. It's a matter of national
security. If we leave and we don't get a democracy in Iraq, the
result is very significant danger to the United States."
And "bringing democracy
to Iraq is not a two-year proposition. Having elections alone
doesn't guarantee democracy. You've got to have institutions
and the rule of law, and in a country that hasn't had that in
3,000 years, it's unlikely to suddenly develop by having elections
and getting the heck out." Dean would impose a "hybrid"
constitution, "American with Iraqi, Arab characteristics.
Iraqis have to play a major role in drafting this, but the Americans
have to have the final say." Women's rights must be guaranteed
at all levels.
Dean is almost as sweeping about
Afghanistan, where "losing the peace is not an option"
and "pulling out early would be a disaster." Five times
the current level of troops are needed, he said. "Imagine
making deals with warlords to promote democracy. What are these
people thinking?" |