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mccain McCain's Lonely War on Global Warming
Despite mountains of evidence, the U.S. is the only industrialized nation without a global warming policy. McCain's about-face sheds some light on a GOP loathe to admit that there is a problem.
Posted in EnviroHealth on March 30, 2004.

boardroom Outsource the CEOs
Two veteran corporate accountability activists explain how outsourcing the CEO -- wink, wink -- is best for everyone.
Posted on April 1, 2004.

The Return of the Cold War
The battle between Georgia and its breakaway republic is being fueled by the United States' desire to control the oil-rich region.
Posted on April 1, 2004.

no dissent Thought Control for Middle East Studies
Neocons have proposed legislation that purports to ensure 'diverse perspectives' in academia -- which is code for limiting criticism of U.S. Middle East policy and of Israel.
Posted in MediaCulture on April 1, 2004.

Twenty-first Century Gunboat Diplomacy
Our new military bases are essentially the 21st-century version of the old European warships. In the last decade-plus, as the pace of our foreign wars has picked up, we've left behind an ever-widening world of bases.
Posted on March 31, 2004.

flag Bought and Paid For
There are a lot of special interests behind the president's fundraising machine, and they've been given every reason to expect a strong return on their investment.
Posted on March 30, 2004.

Irish Eyes Aren't Smiling
Will our Irish brethren adapt to their new smoking ban, the way smokers in New York and California have? Or will they bemoan the loss of that certain something that only comes from lighting up in a pub?
Posted on March 30, 2004.

clarke The War on Clarke
A former intelligence professional who worked with the counterterrorism czar explains why the Bush administration should apologize to Clarke.
Posted on March 30, 2004.

More Liberal Than Us
The provisional Iraqi constitution is a progressive's dream. And there is a good chance it may remain just that.
Posted in War on Iraq on March 30, 2004.

prisoner Personal Voices: America From Inside
Sixteen years after his incarceration for cocaine distribution, a federal prisoner reflects on the political cycle he has witnessed from the wrong side of the prison walls.
Posted in Election 2004 on March 30, 2004.

A Spiteful Spoon of Sugar
Creative types are forced to agonize over math every year at tax time. What if accountants and tax professionals were forced to discover a malfunctioning creative side every year?
Posted on March 30, 2004.

Mis-Covering Clarke
The media are more eager to air accusations of partisanship and create 'heat' for ratings than shed light on the real intelligence failures that led to 9/11.
Posted on March 29, 2004.

condi Condi's Credibility Gap
The smear campaign against Richard Clarke reveals the Bush administration's anxiety over the 9/11 Commission's probe.
Posted on March 29, 2004.

The Christian Taliban
Even as the Bush administration denounces and battles Islamic religious zealotry abroad, fundamental Christian zealotry is taking hold here at home.
Posted on March 28, 2004.

charlies The Powerful Women Problem
The Bush administration has more women in powerful positions than any in history. Unfortunately, that's nothing to cheer about.
Posted in Rights and Liberties on March 28, 2004.

The Visionaries of Barcelona
What's radical and fantastic, beautifully simple yet incredibly ambitious? The Universal Forum of Cultures, a five-month global gathering in the heart of Catalonia.
Posted on March 28, 2004.

Industrial Money Laundry-ing
Six weeks after Cintas Corp.'s chairman co-hosted a $1.7 million fundraiser for George W. Bush, the EPA proposed exempting industrial laundries like Cintas from rules that protect workers from handling toxic materials. Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Posted in Election 2004 on March 26, 2004.

robbins 'Embedded' with the Enemy
Tim Robbins' satirical anti-war play portrays media madness during an invasion of the fictional country, Gomorrah -- which sure looks a lot like Iraq.
Posted on March 26, 2004.

Drug Cards Dissected
The White House announces the private companies that will provide Medicare prescription drug cards. Seniors don't come out ahead.
Posted on March 26, 2004.

The Army's Chemical Weapons Conundrum
1,269 tons of deadly VX nerve gas needs to be neutralized and dumped. Any takers?
Posted in EnviroHealth on March 26, 2004.

Headline Archives »

Election 2004: Too many chefs ...
Ever since Richard Clarke popped up on 60 Minutes, the Bush administration has been fending off attacks aimed at its number one positive, the "war on terrorism." The White House... More »

War on Iraq: Fallujah, the day after
Here are some important details that may have been buried in the deluge of media coverage of the brutal killings. To begin with, here is an AFP story that contradicts... More »

MediaCulture: The big yawn
Who knew that a bored twelve-year old could get both CNN and the White House into trouble with David Letterman. Here is how it went down, according to the Washington... More »

Rights & Liberties: What if there are no terrorists??
Considering there are likely no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, is it possible there are no terrorists at Guantánamo Bay? The U.K. Guardian speculates that, given the innocence of... More »


IVINS: Strange Peaches This Election
The race has hardly begun and already we're in most bizarre territory.

DURST: Lyingest Liars of Them All
The little boys who cried 'the other side is nothing but a bunch of big fat liars.'

HUTCHINSON: Don't Write Condoleezza's Epitaph Yet
Rice isn't likely to be the sacrificial lamb for the administration's alleged 9/11 failures, at least not yet.

Science may try to explain death as a biological process, but these explanations serve a purpose that's similar to those offered by mystics and dharma-addled hippies.

HIGHTOWER: A Cross of Political Infamy
Republicans stand to gain much from the rewriting of local district borders.

GONSALVES: How to Keep a Big Secret
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Wolfowitz and President Bush are pointing to the stars as if it weren't obvious that someone has stole the tent.

SOLOMON: The Media Politics of 9/ 11
The anger that we're now hearing from the White House is the sound of an administration being hoisted by its own 9/11 petard.

Alt Media

Naomi Klein, Live from Baghdad
Canadian journalist Naomi Klein has taken her critical reporting on globalization to occupied Iraq, tracking profiteers and privatizers, and analyzing their role in the reshaping of Iraq. Hear her findings on Wednesday's Your Call with Laura Flanders

Break the Chain
By building cars that burns less gas, cost less to operate and cut back on pollution we can break America's dependence on oil.

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