Rejects First Amendment Challenge to the DMCA
The ruling against "DVD Copy Plus"
gave short shrift to the argument that the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act itself violates the First Amendment.
Latest "Indecency" Row
What is the fuss about Janet Jackson's breast?
Part of
"USA PATRIOT" Act is Unconstitutional
The ban on "expert advice or assistance" to groups
branded as terrorist could include "unequivocally pure speech
and advocacy protected by the First Amendment."
Update on MATRIX
Only five states are left in this dubious surveillance program.
The Supreme Court Page
Michael Newdow makes an eloquent
argument for removing "under God" from the
Pledge; Justice Scalia refuses to disqualify himself
from ruling on his friend Dick Cheney's defense of government
secrecy; and other developments in free expression cases
before the Court this term.
Democracy and the First Amendment
Why it's important to break up
media empires, and how government regulation can advance free speech.
and Censorship
How does the government control erotic speech? FEPP's newest
fact sheet summarizes the history and current status of restrictions
on sexual expression in America.