((((( soundmuseum )))))

Turn your

Trent Harris video still
Trent's Vids

Scott Carrier CD cover
Scott's CD

Bucky Fuller dymaxion map
Bucky U

Animal stories logo
Jay's Animals

Julius Knipl city street
Knipl's City


Sounds for and from Mother Earth

The cryptomusicology of presidential patter

Presidential portraits of past primaries

The pilgrims at Pere LaChaise

Jack Chance chases Mongolian music

An email-list announcing upcoming HV works

Specials- Let's Eat | Prime Candidates | Earth Sings

Shows- John's Yage | Larry's Armpit | Sarah's Without & More


Larry Massetts's Sleepless in Tbilisi, Georgia

Nancy Updike's Ramallah Interviews & Images

Barrett Golding's Collage w/ Chad Harder photos

Scott Carrier's disturbing photo-audio-essay

Biking and Mic-ing the Lewis & Clark Trail


Tear Trails, Small Towns, Cannoli, & Cannons

Artifacts of Buckminster Fuller

The Medium is a Mess

A John Cage Page


Real Estate Photographer, w/ Jerry Stiller

Scott Runs After the Friendly Man. Green River Stories: floating Wyoming.
From Afghanistan: Mazur, Balkh & Kabul.

Android Sisters & Jack Flanders Radio Dramas

Audio Adventures of the Wandering Jew. 1930s Florida Folklife: recording expedition by Zora Neale Hurston.

Life Stories

The Tupperware® Burp

Dreamers, Visionaries, Eccentrics

Audiography in Action


From Auscultatio to Zang Tumb Tumb

Beaver Trilogy Filmmaker Hears Voices

Post-Electroshock Flavormaus Plays New Beijing

Vox Populi, Vox Dei


HearVox On-Air is an announcement list of upcoming HV-produced radio and web works (1-2 emails per month). Privacy policy: No one can or will get your email address for any reason. To join (or leave) the list, enter your eddress here:

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Curated by The Wandering Jew with support from:
Corporation for Public Broadcasting cpb.org
arts.endow.gov National Endowment for the Arts