March 3, 2025
Story: Dr.
Rice is Either Incompetent or a Liar
on Iraq: . . .
In Iraq, a 'perfect
storm'. . . Battles rage across Iraq . . . US senators warn of
Iraq civil war . . . Pentagon Covers UP Nuclear Poisoning of US Troops
. . . Protestor deaths leave Iraq in chaos . . . Senator Lugar: More
U.S. Troops May Be Needed in Iraq . . . 24 US Soldier Suicides In
Iraq Since Start Of War . . . U.S. soldiers tackle anti-American rebellion
in Fallujah
. . . Spanish Leader Rebuffs US Leaders on Iraq Pullout . . . HIDING
THE FALLEN . . . Is the US planting WMD In Iraq? . . . Rumsfeld
-- caught on camera lying about WMD . . . Robert Fisk: Iraqi
recruits put in the firing line while Americans retreat to safety of barracks
. . . The new Pentagon papers: how the books were cooked on WMD. . .
Americans Are Commiting War Crimes in Iraq . . . Chaos and War Leave
Iraq's Hospitals in Ruins . . . Fallen soldier's mother says her son
'died for absolutely nothing'
. . . A Canadian Underground Railroad for "Deserters"
. . . Greenland Melt May Swamp LA, Other Cities, Study Says . . . Save
the Heart of the Boreal Forest . . .US Wood Importers Pillage Virgin
Indonesian Rainforests . . . Earth Day Deadline for US-based Mega-banks
. . . One in eight of the world's bird species face extinction
. . . Melting Arctic sea ice might trigger colder weather in Europe and
North America . . . The 'Green' Way to Fight the Loss of U.S. Jobs . .
. . Bush Condemned by World's Leading Scientists . . . Pentagon
Declares Climate Change Urgent National Security Threat . . . The Ice
Age Cometh . . . Extinction of one quarter of all species of plants
and animals on Earth by 2050 predicted . . . 'US climate policy bigger
threat to world than terrorism'
Bill of Rights under attack:
. . . White House vetting could delay 9/11 report until after election
. . . . FCC Proposes Rules Prohibiting Any Speech That Criticizes Bush
. . . Court Opens Door To Searches Without Warrants . . . . Big Brother
Expands to Wisconsin . . . Controversial Terror Research Ongoing-US
Spies On It's Citizens . . .. FEMA: The Secret Government . . . Supreme
Court to decide if Americans need to "show your papers"
. . . Bush Government Wins Right to War Protesters' Records . . . The
IRS Claims New Patriot Act Type Powers to Punish Political Dissenters
. . . Military Actively Involved in Domestic Spying
. . . Growing GOP Dissent On Iraq . . . Support eroding for Bush on Iraq
. . . . Voters in L.A. Suburb Reject Wal-Mart Supercenter . . .
Uprising in Iraq could derail Bush . . . Will the 2004 Election Be
Called Off? . . . Leaders of 9/11 Panel Say Attacks Were Probably
Preventable . . . Is Condoleezza Going To Stop Smiling?. . . Running
Scared From Clarke . . . Insider's attack rattles Bush . . . Jefferson
Was Right: Rebel Against the Corporations . . . A Rigged Election Coming
Up in Ohio . . . Why Bush Supports Outsourcing . . . Letter of
Resignation to Green Party. . . . Senator Byrd: Bush Has Failed Us!
. . . FOX News Caught Coordinating US Senate Floor Activities . . . Will
The End of Oil Mean The End of America? . . . Bush Planning To Cut
Social Security Benefits . . . . Bush stance led mayor to back
gay marriages . . . Bush Aides Accused of Destroying Military Documents
. . . Bush Endorses U.S. Jobs Moving Overseas . . . Schwarzenegger's
Anti-Black Bias in His Films
Events: .
. . Spanish Officer, 3 Suspects Die in Madrid-Area Raid . . . Kerry
Indicates He Would Continue Bush's Pro-Sharon Policy. . . . Barbaric
Israelis Edge Us Closer to World War . . . . Bin Laden's right-hand
man slips net . . . Europe and the US are now adrift. . . The hypocrisy
of the west is beyond belief . . . Spain threatens Iraq troop pull-out
. . . . A growing insurrection against the Saudi royals . . . U.S.-Sponsored
Regime Change in Haiti . . . Repression of the Montagnards . .
. The Coming Implosion of the American Empire . . . Pentagon Preps
for War in Space . . . Secret Pentagon Report: Climate Change Will
Destroy Us . . ."Thought Crimes" Now Punishable in the UK
on Drugs:
. . . Supreme Court to Rule on Drug Dogs in Traffic Stops . . . A Minor
Victory for the Good Guys!. . . . The Hallucinogenic Way of Dying
. . . . Welcome first move on ganja . . . Psilocybin Cancer Research
Study Seeking Participants . . . Ann Shulgin talks about drugs and
the dark side . . . Peter Russell's Thoughts About Drugs . . . In 2000,
the War on Drugs cost American Taxpayers $40 BILLION . . . .Psychotechnologies
(Philosophical Tools) . . . Drug Wars' Super Sunday . . . Drug
War Clock . . . .Where the Presidential Candidates Stand on Medical
. . . Jordan warns Israel against harming Arafat. . . UK condemns
'unlawful' Yassin killing . . . . Edward Said's tribute to Mourid
Barghouti. . . . Palestinian Civil War Looms Closer . . . . Israeli
Troops Rob Palestinian Banks . . . Earthquake cracks Knesset . . . Palestinian
malnutrition at African levels under Israeli curbs, say MPs . . .
5 prisoners of Concience . . . Nation Mourns Loss of Fadwa Tuqan . . .
Accusing Israel's Critics of anti-Semitism will Have Dangerous Consequences
on Venezuela: . . . Kerry's South America policy looks like
Bush's . . . Venezuela's recall vote still in doubt . . . Tensions
soar ahead of Venezuela recall ruling . . . . Chavez Calls Bush "Asshole"
as Foes Fight Troops . . ..Venezuela grants refugee status to Colombians
. . . Videotapes show secret CIA & Venezuelan terrorists conspiring
another coup d'etat . . ..U.S. - Venezuela: From hostile rhetoric to
the brink of confrontation . . . Venezuela's Chavez Says U.S. Seeking
His Overthrow
. . . How Independent Radio Helped Depose Spain's Aznar . . . Liberal
Voices Get New Home on Radio Dial . . . Bill in Congress Makes Sports
Scores Private Property . . . EU Alert: Tell MEPs to Reserve Tough
New IP Enforcement Tools for Real Criminals . . . Where are Iraq's
Pentagon papers? . . . Why The Corporate Media Killed Dean's Campaign
. . . Bush Administration Proposes FEC and IRS Rules in Attack on Free
News from Africa
. . . Myths blunt Africa’s fight against AIDS . . . Thriving on
Death . . . Left behind to starve . . . The Truth About Zimbabwe .
. . Congo, Rwanda sign peace pact
& Health:
. . . Insanely Destructive Devices . . . Distant Sedna Raises Possibility
of Another Earth-Sized Planet in Our Solar System . . . Hubble delivers
best-ever view of early Universe
. . . . WATER ON MARS! . . . Encouraging a Positive Transcension
. . . Marijuana Eases HIV-Related Nerve Pain . . . Dark side of
creation, what is the universe is made of? . . . Scientists Discover A
New Form of Matter . . . Cancer Anxiety Study - Easing the Anxiety
of Death . . .Major Bribery Scandal at National Institutes of Health
on the Philippines:
. . . Philippines vows troops will remain in Iraq despite terror fears
. . . Sixteen firms want to hunt for oil in Philippines . . . Three military
officers detained over coup rumours . . . US Plans on Building New
Bases in the Philippines . . . Philippines tightens borders to keep
out militants . . . Communist revival worries the Philippines
Peace is Possible: . . . Global
Brain Waves . . . Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's University of Peace