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April 14, 2004

Unhappy Returns

Tax-prep firms are making billions off tax credits for working families. And the IRS may be making things worse.
April 12, 2004
P L U S :
Tax Relief

Daily Mojo

Denial in Egypt
The biggest obstacle to Bush's vision of the Middle East may be his ally Hosni Mubarak.

The Shia Insurrection
The uprising in Shia areas of Iraq was not a sudden explosion.

After a year in Iraq, our troops are living out the worst nightmares of the war critics.

Going Solo
Sharon comes to Washington seeking U.S. backing for his "disengagement" plan.

Must reads

April 14, 2004

4:30 PM PST Bush Camp Scales Back Advertising (Los Angeles Times)

4:30 PM A Dangerous Shield (International Herald Tribune)

4:30 PM Ashcroft Gets a Free Pass (Slate)


Mojo Blog

03:35 PM
Mistakes and corrections

11:45 AM
Fearmonger in chief?


Mother Jones Exclusive

Number of U.S. service members killed in Iraq since Operation Iraqi Freedom began on March 19, 2003: 686

Number killed since George W. Bush declared an end to "major combat" on May 1, 2003: 548

Number killed this month: 96

Source: U.S. Department of Defense


$Toxic Tipping Point

Are the CDC, the FDA, and other health agencies covering up evidence that a mercury preservative in children's vaccines caused a rise in autism?
March/April 2004 Issue

The Lie Factory

Only weeks after 9/11, the Bush administration set up a secret Pentagon unit to create the case for invading Iraq. Here is the inside story of how they pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war.
January/February 2004 Issue

M O R E   N E W S :
Charles Lewis: Clipping the Presidential Price Tag
Medicare's Hidden Bonanza


Iraqi Idol

Al-Sadr: He's the hot young star the whole world is talking about.
April 8, 2004

The Siege of the Sierra Club

Anti-immigration ideologues must not be allowed to hijack John Muir's vision.
March 22, 2004

M O R E   C O M M E N T A R Y :
$Public Domain: The No-Exit Strategy
Diebold's Political Machine


What America Needs: From Sea to Shining Sea

Mark Wojahn 93 minutes.
March/April 2004 Issue

M O R E   A R T S :
Book Review: Perfectly Legal
Book Review: Life on the Outside

Special Reports The UnGreening of America

Connecting the Dots:
The Bush Record

From the Archives

The Thirty-Year Itch

Three decades ago, in the throes of the energy crisis, Washington's hawks conceived of a strategy for US control of the Persian Gulf's oil. Now, with the same strategists firmly in control of the White House, the Bush administration is playing out their script for global dominance.
March/April 2003 Issue

M O R E   A R C H I V E S :
West Wing Pipe Dream
A Spurious 'Smoking Gun'
A Legacy of Lies

Check out the Web site of "This American Life" for an interview with Julia Whitty that aired on public radio over the weekend. Whitty is the author of "Smuggling Hope," the story of a daughter who turned smuggler to secure prescription drugs for her father's cancer at an affordable price.