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Pro Choice: the American Way
March - April 25 -
Washington, DC!

On the heels of the Bush administration’s newly signed anti-choice legislation, Washington DC is gearing up for the March to Save Women's Lives. On April 25 - only weeks away - we march on Washington to demonstrate the overwhelming majority support for a woman’s right to choose safe, legal abortion and birth control. Come to the nation's capital and speak for yourself!

And when you come -- or even if you don't -- show your solidarity by wearing a PFAWF March t-shirt. There's no more stylish way to broadcast your unwavering support for women's health!

Right-Wing Radio Rules?
Liberal "Air America" is on your dial and on the net!
Al Franken, Janeane Garofalo, Randi Rhodes and others have teamed up to unleash a bright rejoinder to the uber-conservative fare on the AM radio band. Go to, where you can find broadcasting stations or just listen online.
Right Wing Watch Online 2004
Does the Right have its own Ralph Nader? The buzz in right-wing circles is that ousted Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (a.k.a. the "Ten Commandments Judge") is contemplating a run for the White House on the Constitution Party ticket.
Myers Wins Narrow Judiciary Committee Vote
Lobbyist for Mining, Cattle Industries Wrong Choice for 9th Circuit
The Senate Judiciary Committee has voted 10-9 -- along party lines -- to send William G. Myers to the Senate floor. With no judicial experience, William Myers is one of the least qualified nominees the Bush Administration has put forward, and among the farthest from the mainstream of judicial philosophy.

Read the article on Myers from the premium -- free to visitors from!

Proposed Federal Election Commission Rules Are Perilous Rush to Judgment
The FEC is about to decide whether or not to adopt proposed rules that would drastically impair the free speech of all nonprofits and take a sledgehammer to democratic debate in our nation. The FEC should not rush to decide on such a radical change in the middle of an election year.
News From The Right
April 8, 2004
Featured: Reproductive Rights

Concerned Women for America asks it members to be "a Pro-Life Witness" at the March for Women's Lives in April. "Post-abortive women and those who support them plan on surrounding this rally of lies with a prayerful witness of the truth. We invite women to hold 'I Regret My Abortion' signs, men to hold 'I Regret Lost Fatherhood' signs...and students, family, and supporters to hold 'Women deserve better than abortion' and 'I'm Pro-life' signs."
Coalition To Protect Nonprofit Advocacy Opposes Proposed Restraints On Free Speech Under Consideration By FEC
Senate Sends Dangerous Legislation To President’s Desk
Free Speech Victory In Virginia Internet Case
Paige Remarks On School Oversight “Stunning, Hypocritical”
Senate Hearing: Waving the Flag, Not Saving It
Statement Of Ralph G. Neas on FEC Rulemaking
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News From The Right
Right Wing Organizations
Right Wing Watch Online 2004
National Priorities Project
Where Do Your Tax Dollars Go?
Washington Post
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Des Moines Register
Why is our government hassling anti-war citizens?
Campaign for Reader Privacy
Amend the Patriot Act!
Oppose Religious Discrimination With Taxpayer Funds

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