
9/11 Transcripts and Police Reports
Exclusive: Withheld by the authorities, released because of a lawsuit, and insanely expensive to purchase, these are the 9/11 documents that the Port Authority fought to keep under wraps. Previously unavailable online

5-Minute Video of George W. Bush on the Morning of 9/11
In this footage obtained exclusively by The Memory Hole, watch as the President of the United States sits and does nothing after learning that his country is under attack. Note: This is not the truncated, 2-minute footage that has been available for a year. This is a much longer version, never before seen by the public

High-Ranking Officials Admit 9/11 Could've Been Prevented
Appearing one at a time, usually deep within articles, these quotations are now gathered in one place

CIA Director Warned Congress About 9/11 Attacks
Listen to the audio clip from National Public Radio's coverage on 9/11: "just recently the Director of the CIA warned that there could be an attack—an imminent attack—on the United States of this nature"

Map: Hijacked 9/11 Flights and Military Bases
Graphically demonstrates that the planes went through some of the most heavily militarized parts of the US

German Intelligence Says US Knew in Advance About 9/11
See a scan of the original article from the German newspaper FAZ

Another Official Pre-9/11 Image of the WTC Being Targeted
June 2000 manual from terrorism/WMD-training for sheriffs shows crosshairs on the North Tower

Government Refuses to Release Communications From 9/11 Planes
The FBI, CIA, and FAA completely reject The Memory Hole's FOIA requests

FAA Releases Some Daily Reports for 9/11 Time Frame, Refuses to Release Others
Daily reports from New England are OK; reports from Eastern region are not

Congress' 9/11 Report
After months of bloody fights, Congress releases its joint intelligence committee report on the September 11 attacks. Now includes an HTML version

Documents from Congress' Joint Inquiry into 9/11
Includes material the Bush Administration wants to retroactively classify. Download it now, mirror it now

The Phoenix Memo
In an appendix of its 858-page report, Congress has released the famously unheeded warning about Islamic terrorists training at US flight schools

The Complete Firefighters' WTC Tape from 9/11
Exclusive: For the first time anywhere, The Memory Hole presents the entire recording of firefighters in the Twin Towers on the morning of 9/11

Air Traffic Control Recording of 9/11 Flight 93
This is the only available recording of communications from any of the doomed 9/11 planes

On 9/11, the CIA Was Running Simulation of a Plane Crashing into a Building
Despite the government's assurances that it never could have foreseen such a scenario...

Inspector General Report: EPA Misled Public About Health Effects of WTC Collapse
PDF and exclusive HTML versions

Transportation Security Admin Says at Least 6 More Months Until It Releases Any 9/11 Material
The wait for answers goes on. And on. And on.....

images: The 9/11 Artwork the Public Isn't Allowed to See
Images of falling people too much for public to handle, removed from display

Associated Press Story Change: The Flight 93 Tape
Crucial sentence disappears from later versions of article

Defense Secretary: "Lots of Warnings" Prior to 9/11
Also mentions something about a missile...

US Senator: At Least One Foreign Country Assisted the 9/11 Terrorists
Sen. Bob Graham: "I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States"

9/11 Survivor Describes Multiple Explosions
"I was convinced that there were bombs planted all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons."

NY Times Deletes Mention of Republican Convention From Article
That bastion of the "liberal media" erases references to the cynical exploitation of 9/11 during the upcoming Republican National Convention

Excerpts From Firefighters' WTC Tape on 9/11
Finally released after 14 months

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