Welcome to the online home of the Mike Malloy show.

Mike Malloy demo CD is now available online!!

Hi Truthseekers, thanks to Ben Burch of White Rose Society.org, Mike's demo CD is available online! Just go to www.whiterosesociety.org and scroll halfway down the page - the CD cuts are below Mike's archives.

Thanks Ben!


Just an update, Truthseekers! Kathy had an ultrasound and the experts agree - it's gonna be a girl! The due date is still August 4, 2004 and all seems well with the baby so far. We're considering the name "Molly." Too Irish?

Also, we're still working on our next radio gig, please hang in there and keep checking here for updates.

Mike Malloy profiled on Salon.com

"For nearly 20 years, Mike Malloy has been making talk radio like this: caustic, abrasive, inventive, confrontational and resolutely left of center. It has won him admirers and awards, and it has cost him jobs. At a time when the very genre of talk radio is widely seen as synonymous with strident conservatism, his career both ratifies and belies that premise. "
view the Salon article

NEW - Dennis Kucinich Drops in on Mike Malloy, and shows once again why he's anything but business as usual.

You can click HERE to listen to the interview in MP3 format.
(to download, right-click and select "save as" or "save target as".)

Mike Malloy asks Dennis Kucinich the people's questions.

His answers were hopeful, intelligent, thought provoking and heartfelt, and, to paraphrase a listener, he certainly didn't sound like he was reading any of it it from a piece of paper.

You can click HERE to listen to the interview in Real Audio.
(RealPlayer required.)

You can click HERE to listen to the interview in MP3 format.
(to download, right-click and select "save as" or "save target as".)

If you'd like to support Dennis Kucinich's campaign, or find out more about where he stands, you can visit his website here - www.kucinich.us


For earlier show topics, visit the archives



Mike has written a blog entry in the "Biting Back" section of the site, so check it out!

       Truthseekers served.

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