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April 10, 2004

Bipartisan Blogs?

Today, some of you may have seen the story in the Tulsa World about weblogs (blogs) and some of the controversial things that people say on them. Now, the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee has sent out a press release bashing me for linking to various sites.

Let me say this: about half the sites I link to are conservative, about half are liberal. They are all interesting reading.

Along this line, I will recommend the following reading material too. For the NRSC's benefit, I will note their political affiliation. Further note to NRSC followers, PLEASE don't read anything that you might disagree with, no matter how brilliantly written.

So, try the Washington Post (Note to NRSC: Moderately liberal, but favors Iraq War); National Review (Note to NRSC: very conservative, but very well written); The New Republic (Moderate, but favors Iraq War); the American Prospect (liberal, doesn't favor Iraq War); Weekly Standard (Conservative, but very important magazine to understand neo-conservative perspective); New York Times (liberal); the Daily Oklahoman (conservative); the Tulsa World (moderate).

If you are one of my supporters, please read a varied list of sources, both liberal and conservative, so that you can better understand the world around you.

If you are one of the NRSC's kind of folks, only read material that reinforces your political perspective.

Let me know your thoughts.

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Posted by Brad Carson at April 10, 2004 07:21 PM

Very good response, we need more level headed folks like you in charge of this country.

Posted by: jon at April 10, 2004 08:05 PM

Good for you sir.

By definition, democracy acknowledges the existence of differing viewpoints. Put into practice, its goal is that these differences are discussed, and worked out fairly and peacefully. Intolerance of an opposing view is not only antithetical to the democratic process, it is simply anti-American.

Posted by: Ian Bruce at April 10, 2004 08:50 PM

Thank you Congressman Carson for having an independent and open mind! I think Americans are tired of partisan politics in Washington and want elected representatives who put their constituents first! Good luck!


Posted by: AJ at April 10, 2004 09:08 PM

Congressman Carson, don't let them bully you, we need more people like you standing up for all of us, thanks for your work.

Posted by: Shayn at April 10, 2004 09:15 PM

Go Congressman Carson!!

The Tulsa World story only shows how partisan the NRSC is and how they want to dominate our politics here in Oklahoma. But we are smarter and more independent than they think.

Thanks for giving us a variety of reading material --- I can decide for myself what I want to believe.

Thanks. And good luck.

Posted by: Jennifer at April 10, 2004 09:15 PM

Bravo! Thanks for supporting, and participating in, free speech. If only there were more in our government who understood the issues as you do. Thanks for being a voice of reason in the land of the politically correct.

Posted by: donna at April 10, 2004 09:38 PM

I think it's important to first post a few facts about myself: 1)I'm a member of the GOP; 2) I'm a proud supporter of President Bush; 3) I believe in continous education throughout our lifetime. That being said, this is my first time to visit your site and my first time to read your blogs -- I admit I was too intrigued after reading today's Tulsa World story. Although I disagree with many of the blogs you posts viewpoints (and I agree with many of the viewpoints of the others). However, I can meet you on one point Congressman Carson and agree with you -- we all have the right to become educated, express our views and be informed citizens of our democracy. Thank you for giving Oklahomans a place (both Republican and Democrat) to have their voices be heard.

Posted by: James at April 10, 2004 10:26 PM

I agree with so many of the posts here thanking you for supporting free speech. Blogs have become an extremely important tool for me, helping me to understand issues in more depth, spotting biases in reporting, and challenging the mainstream media as the sole source of information.

Good job!

Posted by: Joy Jacques at April 10, 2004 10:34 PM

Sir, I disagree with you. If MarKOS Zuniga says about American contractors killed in Falluja "Screw them" and you tell your voters to read that guy's blog, Daily Kos. You are demeaning the sacrifice these contractors and all American soldiers made. They are heros, not rags, which can be used and abused by you, a cynical politician. Maybe you've become a surrender monkey and you think that's normal, but I don't. What kind of message are you giving the terrorists? We are Americans. We are strong. We will destroy our enemies. When your forefathers became Americans they weren't promised a rosegarden complete with sunshine. It took blood, sweat and tears to build this great nation. It will take blood, sweat and tears to maintain its greatness. We American must unite. United we are stronger. So don't side with the enemy. EVER!

Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 10, 2004 10:40 PM

I read everything, no matter what the partisanship, and I just adjust for slant as I go. But I'm a libertarian-constitutionalist and most folks think we're a bit teched. ;}

- Ironbear

Posted by: Ironbear at April 10, 2004 10:42 PM

Thank you for your clear defense of free speech and the duty of Americans to be well informed. I remember a movement in our local public schools to encourage "critical thinking". It seemed so basic and then I realized how precious it is to be able to read all sides, examine all points of views and then evaluate and develop a point of view. And then you read some more, talk to some more people and may change or modify your beliefs.

We need leaders like you. I don't live in Kansas but my brother does, and I'm emailing him today with a link to your website. Thank you for your courage and your American leadership.

Posted by: Razzled at April 10, 2004 10:49 PM

I linked to your site via The Washington Monthly blog and find it refreshing that you read/respect the liberal side of the Net. Too many of us (& I include myself) read only the articles/blogs that we agree with & disdain the writings of our opponents. As a personal libertarian & political progressive, I straddle some of the battle lines but try to understand where/how the other positions were derived from. I just hope that there are other Republicans like you in this world.

Posted by: daveb at April 10, 2004 11:02 PM

SOrry about the Republican tag; the connection between the keyboard & brain screwed up.

Posted by: daveb at April 10, 2004 11:05 PM

I like your sense of humor and your attitude towards sources of information about contemporary politics. You can thank the NRSC for a spike in hits to the blog and hopefully increased donations. OK, so where is that "donate" link?

Posted by: OtherDoug at April 10, 2004 11:06 PM

Go BRAD Go!! Good comment about the donation link, -- Here's my $75.

Posted by: Celeste at April 10, 2004 11:14 PM

This may not be the place to jump into a debate, but I think Ricky Vandal needs to educate himself a bit more about the situation in Iraq and the history of US "contractors" in war zones, particularly El Salvador where Markos Zuniga grew up during the 1980s civil war. The "contractors" are little more than mercenaries fighting for the profits of their corporations. They are under no chain of command and are answerable only to their corporate officers. Their presence and attitude may be hurting the situation in Iraq. I've already read reports of US officers commenting to that effect.

I disagree with the comments that Kos made. I think what was done to those people was horrendous and a real tragedy. But I completely understand where Kos was coming from when he made those comments. He knows first hand what the impact of such "contractors" can be having experienced the civil war in El Salvador where such "contractors" supplied, trained and transported the paramilitary forces that terrorized the people of El Salvador. The ugly business was contracted out to them so that the US government would never be implicated in those activities.

Take that history and add to it the possibility that the presence of the "contractors" in Iraq is adding to the hostility our service members face increasing their chances of getting killed or wounded, that those "contractors" are not a dependable part of the chain of command in Iraq, and that they include former members of the East German Stasi and the apartheid government of South Africa, and I think you've got good reason to question their presence.

Kos may have been insensitive in his responses, but you only need to read a little to understand that the situation is not so black and white as those condemning him would like it to appear.

Thank you Congressman Carson for supporting free speech and keeping at bay those who would shout down all who question the approved version as dictated by Washington.

Posted by: OtherDoug at April 10, 2004 11:35 PM

Dang, Celeste, you're going to make me look bad! All I could afford is $25. Ah, well, I'll come back once my next paycheck clears.

Posted by: OtherDoug at April 10, 2004 11:37 PM

Thank you, Congressman Carlson, for supporting free speech. Taking a stand when in political office and at a time when the country is evenly divided on so many issues takes a great deal of courage. I'm glad you showed that intestinal fortitude and wanted you to know that your act of courage was both noticed and sincerely appreciated. We need more political leaders like you.

Posted by: Mushinronsha at April 10, 2004 11:59 PM


Posted by: Derek Mazzeo at April 11, 2004 12:12 AM

"I'm glad you showed that intestinal fortitude and wanted you to know that your act of courage was both noticed and sincerely appreciated." - Mushinronsha

Wellll... I've been looking around, and unless I'm missing something, I'm not seeing a blogroll or a links page, so... I'm not sure how much "intestinal fortitude" is involved. Anyone can talk about about bravely linking to both liberal and conservative sites, but without, like, links... how brave is it? ;}

Posted by: Ironbear at April 11, 2004 12:15 AM

Ironbear: The links referenced in all the hullaballoo are the ones in the various entries. I went through the recent entries and found one to Brad DeLong and Atrios, but not the one to Kos. I think that Brad Carson was getting hit simply for linking to posts on the other blogs, even worse than getting hit for having them on a blogroll.

Posted by: OtherDoug at April 11, 2004 01:40 AM

I got a kick out of the annotations to the publications. "Dear NRSC: don't read this, it's liberal; this one might be ok..." Funny and the only way to deal with foolishness of this sort, I think. Good on you.

Posted by: Linkmeister at April 11, 2004 01:45 AM

Heh. That would be my surmise, if that's the case. I hunted for "Daily Kos" and variants, and for a links page: I've been known to link to De Long and Atrios from within an article, and I'm a conservative-libertarian, so those didn't strike me as outre. Both De Long and Atrios occassionally have interesting points to make, wether I agree with them or not.

If you're correct and the NRSCC was slamming just for links in posts, then extend my snark out to cover them: that reflects more badly on them than it does on Brad. I'll note that when I blog on it.

Now... I am a T'salagi with relatives in Oklahoma who'll be affected by this race, so I'm going to nose around into Brad's *policies* and stances a bit. Especially on Amerind affairs. It's entirely possible that I'll end up opposed to him just based on his politics. But that's fair enough: that's what Amerinds will be voting on - his politics.

Posted by: Ironbear at April 11, 2004 01:53 AM

Note: my response was to OtherDoug. Linkmeister snuck in while I was typoing. ;]

Posted by: Ironbear at April 11, 2004 01:54 AM

Bravo, Sir.

How can a link to a site where many people express many views ( is only one of the many community blogs) be considered an endorsement of one person's comments in one blog entry? And even if Kos were the sole blogger on his site, and his unfortunate lapse not a rare occurance, what then? The greater exposure to the views of others, and the more open the debate about those views, the more we show respect and honor for the principles which are the foundation of our country.

Thank you for recognizing the value of broad education and debate. One can only hope that other office-seekers and office-holders (most notably John Kerry) will follow your excellent example.

Posted by: Ellen Dana Nagler at April 11, 2004 02:28 AM

An open minded congressman?

There are too few. Too few.

Bravo on the comments.

Posted by: Karl Noyes at April 11, 2004 02:52 AM

FYI: Mr Ricky Vandal is a known psychiatric patient with a likely diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder suffering from auditory hallucinations, delusions of persecution, and episodes of both depression and mania. He has a history of not complying with his medications and failing to follow up with medical care.

Posted by: Ray de la Cruz at April 11, 2004 03:22 AM

You are a rare and valuable breed, Brad. If only more in public life were like you. Wish you were running in Texas...oh, wait..scratch that. You would have to learn that whole goosestep thing.

Posted by: Malcolm at April 11, 2004 04:51 AM

My compliments. Intelligent irony, specially when seamlessly in line with constitutional cornerstones, is always refreshing and endearing. Best luck for your race.

Posted by: Fernando at April 11, 2004 05:36 AM

I can't afford to donate at the moment, but I'll send a link to friends in Oklahoma. Maybe I can get you a few votes instead.

Posted by: StinKerr at April 11, 2004 06:10 AM

Hey Brad, you are being disingenuous. Daily Kos is a closed OPINION blog operated by Markos Zuniga. He is the owner and only columnist on the site. Anybody who does not agree with his ideas is banned from commenting. Markos Zuniga is NOT an information source as you are trying to tell the Kool-Aid drinking people here. Markos Zuniga is figuratively speaking bathing in the blood of American soldiers. Markos is an EXTREMIST. A left wing extremist. I would respect you if you came out and said you want your constituents to take stock of his opinions. His opinions about 4 horribly murdered Americans being "screw them". Democratic senator Byrd was with the Klu Klux Klan. He said so and the people voted for him. If your idea of good information is extremist Markos Zuniga, you should explicitly say so to the constituents. And your opponent will win in a landlide. Cause Oklahomans DO support our troops. In the 70's Kerry rode the body bags of American soldiers, killed in Vietnam into the SENATE, now he is trying to ride the body bags of dead American soldiers, killed in Iraq into the White House. To these kinds of politicians I'd like to say. IT WON'T HAPPEN. Americans won't let ya! What you don't seem to understand is we're in a war. You are either with us or against us like the terrorists. Grow a backbone and stop supporting America hating bloggers like Markos. We are Americans. We are giants amongst the scum of the Earth. Who do these terrorists think we are? This is our land. We will NEVER surrender.

Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 11, 2004 07:02 AM

i don't want to admire intelligence, i want to state to stop stealing half my income.
i don't want to be distracted by janet jackson's breast, i want to put a stop to the catholics buggering children down the street.
wallow in you lame blog. can't even do html like any 14 yr old. meanwhile - how much is this costing me? you're not weird al - i get funny at a better bargain from him - what have you done to stop screwing me lately?

Posted by: okrox at April 11, 2004 07:10 AM

Nicely done. I made a small donation just for this post.

Posted by: J from VJ at April 11, 2004 07:33 AM

Brad is being deliberately deceptive here.

Everybody knows the issue here is Brad's link to the disgraced Daily Kos blog, which said of the brutal murders in Fallujah:

Every death should be on the front page

Let the people see what war is like. This isn't an Xbox game. There are real repercussions to Bush's folly.

That said, I feel nothing over the death of merceneries. They aren't in Iraq because of orders, or because they are there trying to help the people make Iraq a better place. They are there to wage war for profit. Screw them.


On March 16, Carson called Kos "one of the most popular Democratic sites on the web, and rightly so."

That post has now been censored by the Carson campaign. Click my name or the link for Google's cache of the uncensored Carson link to Kos:;=en&ie;=UTF-8

Even John Kerry had the decency to publicly explain why he was de-linking Kos. Carson just disappeared the reference.

Posted by: Jake at April 11, 2004 07:44 AM

Thanks. All sides should note your points. I've saved your text and attribution for my daughter to read, too.

Posted by: greenbird at April 11, 2004 07:49 AM

UPDATE: Note the nice photo right next to the Brad Carson for Senate ad.

Posted by: Jake at April 11, 2004 07:51 AM

WTF? All those sources were corporate media, how the hell is that a balanced perspective?

Posted by: Doug at April 11, 2004 07:51 AM

OOOOOOOOH Brad, now you've done it! You are among the most despicable people I've ever met. Have you seen the link Jake provides to the nathan newman blog? There is a picture of an Iraqi kid with his brains blown out. By American soldiers is the tenure of the article. Next to the dead kid's picture is YOUR ad asking people to support you to become a US senator. Are you saying American soldiers are child killer like Nathan Newman is doing over and over again? Do you associate with that kind of extremist, terrorist apologist military bashers? Hey Carson come out of your million dollar mansion and answer this question to the tens of thousands of American troops fighting, getting wounded, dying in Iraq right now doing their duty and protecting America. Are these soldiers child killers?

Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 11, 2004 08:43 AM

Ricky & Jake-

My take on this: I have supported the removal of Saddam Hussein, voted for it in Congress (against most of my colleagues in the Democratic caucus), believe to this day that we are a better place for his removal. You will find exactly no references to my being critical of this war. I believe this is a critical battle against the terrorists and that we must MUST prevail. We have no other alternative.

Now -- before everyone on the other side of this issue goes berserk -- let me reiterate. Some may agree with me, others may disagree, but this is what I think: I supported the removal of Saddam.

This issue right now is not about the war -- because I supported it -- but about the right of people and media sources to say what they want, EVEN IF I disagree. I certainly disagree with Kos, the Nation, National Review, the NYT and EVERY other publication on many issues. I also disagree with many of the sites I advertise on (whether internet or not) like editorials in the Tulsa World or the Daily Oklahoman or a host of other small papers. Advertising in the New York Times hardly implies a ringing endorsement of every editorial. So, too, with the internet.

So, Jake and Ricky, criticize my views on the war if you like, but understand first what they are.



Posted by: Brad Carson at April 11, 2004 08:55 AM

Mr. Carson,
Good for you! This ridiculous partisan attack should be met with a cool head.

Posted by: heet at April 11, 2004 09:13 AM

Dear Congressman:

I salute you for your bipartisan reading list! I am finding it very difficult to find real objective writing about current events that isn't flavored with bashing the other guy. I will start checking out your recommendations.

Lara W., Princeton, NJ

Posted by: Lara at April 11, 2004 09:15 AM

Sir, the The New York Times is a journalistic endeavour. It is objective. Nathan Newman's site is an opinion blog. It mean if you have ads on it you support the view. Cut and clear. Sir, if let's say Billy Bob is running for US senate in Georgia and he advertises on an extremist Confederate site, what does that mean other than that he is first supporting them by buying ad space and secondly legitimizing them? Sir, you are wrong. You know it. Just like the 4 democratic candidates for congress who pulled their ads from the Daily Kos site. Just like the official John Kerry campaign which de-linked from the Daily Kos site. Nathan Newman is even more extreme than Daily Kos. Sir, do the right. Wash your hands off these sites. You are hurting the families of our soldiers. The ones dead, the ones fighting right now. Sir, you are not running for congress in some left wing extremist constituency in San Francisco. You are running for Senate in Oklahoma. A state which is proud of its men and women serving in our wonderful US army. This is not about partisanship. This is about honor. Sir, please do the right thing.

Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 11, 2004 09:41 AM

Thank you! You have just won my vote. With every passing day, it becomes clearer what a very dangerous situation the NRSC and their kind have created. I commend you for speaking up.

Posted by: A supporter at April 11, 2004 10:15 AM

Daily KOS is one of my regular daily reads (along with many others on both sides of the political spectrum). One hallmark of liberal bloggers is (1) reasoned arguments and (2) ample supporting links to allow further education on the issues being discussed. It is, unfortunately, often a hallmark of the Right that reasoned argument seems to be replaced with rants about how anyone with an independent view (i.e not consistent with their own)are traitors and cowards. All of vandal's posts seem to run in this vein, while those opposing seek to examine the issue and provide reasoned analysis.

Kos's comment on the mercenaries was a bit blunt, but I understand the point he was making and the issue of "civilian contractors" running around Iraq with advanced weaponry should be of concern to us... and subject to debate. Should we be hiring a mercenary army while continuing the political posturing "that we have enough troops in Iraq"? Should regular troops risk their lives rescuing (or avenging)these $1,000 a day "contractors"? Should hundreds of Iraqi men, women, and children be killed in Falluja to satisfy our need for revenge? Should dozens of Marines be killed or wounded in the process? How does this make us look to the rest of the world... and in future history books?

These are issues that need to be discussed and KOS has not committed any crime in triggering that debate.

Brad... please move to Indiana... we've got some officeholders here that need replacement by someone of your stature.

Posted by: Rhondalynn at April 11, 2004 10:40 AM

Mr. Carson - I am disheartened to see what your "grand old party" is doing to you. I, as an American, appreciate the freedom to "link", whether it be cyberly or in real life, to anyone whom I may choose to. As an American who feels that honest discourse is key to the health of any Democracy, it is imparative to see, hear and learn from many voices, opinions and "websites" and not just those dictated from "the chosen few." Isn't that what our country is all about? Isn't that what our founding fathers dreamed of?

Posted by: jillian at April 11, 2004 11:06 AM

Mr. Carson - I don't live in Oklahoma and I don't know much about your political beliefs. However, the fact that Ricky Vandal is against you, motivated me to donate $25.00 to your campaign.

Posted by: Bob at April 11, 2004 11:47 AM

If thats the best attack the Republicans could come at you with....then I'm looking forward to November when we can call you Senator!

Posted by: Brandon at April 11, 2004 12:18 PM

Hey Jake:

Whose profits do you think our soldiers are dying for over there in Iraq? Don't diss the mercenaries while at the same time closing your eyes to the greedheads whose oil profits we're over there to protect.

Brad -- good on you for posting links to viewpoints from ALL sides of the political spectrum. People who don't like it probably only believe what their preachers tell them to believe. We have minds and we should exercise them, not waste 'em.

Posted by: Powerwoman at April 11, 2004 02:13 PM

Brad, you remind me of this haiku. Listen very carefully, because there is a lesson in it for you.

The epicurist ate his own feet.
Mmmm, they tasted good.

Posted by: Ricky Vandal at April 11, 2004 02:52 PM

Okay, Ricky, enough enough.

That's not a haiku, by the way -- more like a Zen koan, by way of Greece.

In any event, let's stop this now. You've made your point, and there is no need to post further.

Go back to the Church of Fandal ( ), from whence you came. I respect all religious differences, even when a little out there, as I hope readers will click on this link to learn.

Good luck, and Happy Easter.

Posted by: Brad Carson at April 11, 2004 02:53 PM

Brad, you've effectively spoken up for yourself. I know you will continue to do so, and will do a great job speaking up for your constituents as Senator.

By the way, I wouldn't want anyone to be deprived of Ricky Vandal's website, and the link was posted with an extra couple characters.

The correct link is:

Hope that works.
Happy Easter

Posted by: Pete at April 11, 2004 05:30 PM


When John Kerry de-linked his blog from Daily Kos, he was at least forthright enough to acknowledge publicly why he was doing so.

You, on the other hand, simply whitewashed your endorsement of Kos as one of the "most popular Democratic sites on the net, and rightly so," thinking Oklahoma voters wouldn't notice.

Moreover, whether or not you agree with every word uttered in publications your campaign advertises in, it really is telling to see WHY you place those ads. You advertise in the Oklahoman whether or not you agree with them because it will reach voters. But blogs like Daily Kos, Nathan Newman, and Atrios have very few (if any) Oklahoma readers. They are fueled exclusively by hatred of President Bush and the war in Iraq, and you are seeking a financial advantage by catering to these ultra-liberal blogs while presenting the opposite image to Oklahomans.

After all, if you are so proud of your position on the war in Iraq, why not feature it in your ads on Daily Kos and Newman's site?

Posted by: Jake at April 11, 2004 06:06 PM

Thanks for blogging Brad Carson.

Someday when every single Congressman in the United States has a blog, history will show that you were the first to lead the way.

Good leadership and thank you very much for the uncensored reader comments and the links to other blogs.

Who will be the next Congressional Representative to show the courage of Brad Carson and begin to blog for the people every day?


Posted by: Doug Kenline at April 11, 2004 08:24 PM

taken directly from the morrison site:-

I do not believe advertising on a web site entails an endorsement of everything said on that web site anymore than I believe a television ad represents an endorsement of every program and commentator on the network.

Posted by: Calvin Mutt at April 11, 2004 09:29 PM

I thought you handled this manufactured controversy very well, and like the fact that you're the first elected official who's a true blogger. Good for you.

Posted by: Josh Arnold at April 12, 2004 12:53 AM

So, Brad, do you have a link to your actual congressional voting record on Amerind related bills, and on 2nd Ammendment related bills I can peruse while I'm making up my mind? I've read what your campaign list says: I'd like to see the record.

Perspiring voters would like to know. ;]

Posted by: Ironbear at April 12, 2004 05:07 AM

I am very saddened by this response.

I have supported Brad in the past. I was happy when he decided to run for the Senate, and I was also happy to give a donation towards this effort. But this is not right. This non-response to Kos has really shaken my view of Brad.

Of course I think it's fine to link to sites with various political ideologies. But the vast majority of people recognize that there are certain comments that are not suitable for civilized political debate.

The comments posted on The Daily Kos clearly fall into that category, by any reasonable measure. These words are not an expression of a reasonable or legitimate political view or just another "varied source" for commentary, but rather a comment that viciously trashed some good men with homes and families who were brutally murdered just because they are Americans:

You can read Martin Frost's official response on the site above. Upon learning of the comment, Frost immediately cut all links/fundraising ties with the Daily Kos. He understands that this sort of speech is unacceptable and contemptible - his spokesman calls it: "extremely irresponsible and highly offensive." Several other candidates have also cut ties, including John Kerry.

Unfortunately, I am sad to say that I read this latest post as meaning Brad does not hold the same view as his colleagues.

Understand that I say this with a heavy heart: until Brad cuts off ties with the Daily Kos in a manner similar to Martin Frost and John Kerry, I cannot and will not support him, and I will urge my friends to do likewise.

Posted by: Atticus at April 12, 2004 08:55 AM

Atticus: I really cannot understand your problem. In the previous post there was a response to the error and that it was corrected. Unless you are one among those wagging tails of Bush & Company, you won't harp on this for so long! This routine of pointing fingers has become a standard escape route to divert the attention. What you are doing is no difference!


Lets talk about jobs, education, economy, healthcare ...

Posted by: Janet Carry at April 12, 2004 10:07 AM


I don't know whether to be refreshed by the simple wisdom of these comments, or alarmed by their rarity.

Posted by: Curtis Erhart at April 12, 2004 10:07 AM


I have no idea how to best deal with these simple, narrow-minded fools on the far right who are trying to cling to power through channeling Joe McCarthy and preying on people's baser instincts. You, however, seem to be part of the solution so I'm throwing the few bucks I can spare into your coffer in the hopes that you can add one more voice of honesty and reason to the national debate. Good Luck.

Oh, and my site is filled will lots of angry statements that Republicans won't like and is not in any way endorsed by Brad Carson or his campaign.

Posted by: Simon at April 12, 2004 10:49 AM

Brad: Keep linking to Kos, Nathan Newman and all of the other bloggers who may occasionally irritate the rightwingers. They have no ground to stand on until they are willing to stop linking to Instapundit, Little Green Footballs and all the other right leaning blogs that advocate killing Iraqi civilians. When the "Nuke Mecca" faction gets shouted down as forcefully by the right as they expect us to shout down Kos and others I'll actually be willing to listen to them.

I don't exactly agree with your particular stance on the Iraq war, among other things, but you've got great instincts and I applaud your unwillingness to bend in response to this manufactured controversy. Here's hoping we'll get to call you Sen. Carson in 2005.

Posted by: OtherDoug at April 12, 2004 01:10 PM

Well done, sir. I am happy to disagree with an open mind.

Posted by: flickeringclown at April 12, 2004 01:49 PM

Excellent, that was really well explained and helpful

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