What's David Bernstein on about? After a decent criticism of a sloppy (and ugly) anti-gay marriage piece by Maggie Gallagher, he throws out this teaser, which I can't follow:
I'll blog more about this some other time, but how come no one seems to have written about the fact that the legal accouterments of divorce--a unilateral breakup leads to alimony, equal division of assets, etc., don't seem to be at all appropriate for a typical gay male couple?
What exactly about the potential for alimony and the equal division of assets isn't appropriate for any couple who gets married? The thrust seems to be that gay men are somehow so far out of line with proper American culture that the old rules of divorce are just inapplicable to them. But I can't imagine why or how that is. And any other interpretation I can come up with makes even less sense. Hopefully he will clarify soon, but whatever it is can't be something I would agree with.