How the Grinch stole the White House
He didn't arrive there by the will of the Whos, but stole the election that he really did lose.
by Doctored Seuss
Bush/Cheney '04 Bumperstickers #2
More slogan ideas for the Bush campaign, this time with help from the bloggers at Eschaton.
The Incredible Shrinking President
Or, High Noon with Dubya Fudd.
by P.M. Carpenter
Things you have to believe to be a Republican today
Nobody said it was easy.
The S Factor
Explaining Bush's popularity.
by Neal Starkman
Stupid Vogue
Stupid is the key to life itself. Join the masses and embrace it as your own.
by Jeffrey A. Tucker
It doesn't matter what he says or does because he is blessed. So in the words of The Annointed One, "what's the difference?"