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"Good Taste Be Damned!"


The Arts


Life & Culture





Bush is my brother-in-law, The Shlub
Bush is like that loser brother-in-law that almost everybody has.

Special Feature

Quick Quotes Classics
A collection of some of the most amusing comments by the clowns who have been running the circus for the last several years.

The Arts

The Bush Family Hillbillies
As sung to the tune of the theme song from The Beverly Hillbillies.

I'm on the list #7
Austin City has limits.
by Gary "G2 the G" Griffin


The ScreamThe Scream
Why the media decided for us that Howard Dean was not electable.
by David Podvin

The Power of Audacity
An excerpt from The Book on Bush.

Life & Culture

The evil that is Wal-Mart
What every American needs to know about the giant retailer.

Curse Words For Janet JacksonCurse Words For Janet Jackson
Daddy, why does that f--- politician hate women's breasts? Because he's a s-- and a hypocrite, honey.
by Mark Morford

Dear Mr. WillDear Mr. Will
An Open Letter to Political Columnist George F. Will of the Washington Post


How the Grinch stole the White House
He didn't arrive there by the will of the Whos, but stole the election that he really did lose.

Bush/Cheney '04 Bumperstickers #2
More slogan ideas for the Bush campaign, this time with help from the bloggers at Eschaton.

The Incredible Shrinking President
Or, High Noon with Dubya Fudd.

Things you have to believe to be a Republican today
Nobody said it was easy.

The S Factor
Explaining Bush's popularity.

Stupid Vogue
Stupid is the key to life itself. Join the masses and embrace it as your own.

It doesn't matter what he says or does because he is blessed. So in the words of The Annointed One, "what's the difference?"


Bush is my brother-in-law, The Shlub
Bush is like that loser brother-in-law that almost everybody has.

Big Brother Bush
Orwell had it right. His prediction just came true twenty years late.

How to determine who should get married
Separation of Church and State, George. Remember that phrase and say it at least ten times a day.

New new rules
The return of our favorite political thinker and social satirist, in which he continues to lay down the law.
by Bill Maher

The Political and the Personal
An account of how one became inseperable from the other.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Time left until the US has an elected president

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George Bush and the Treacherous Country
by Steve Erickson

The Corporation
(a documentary)

It's alive and it's psychopathic!

Where is Mary Cheney?

The new 9/11 campaign ad concept for Bush/Cheney '04

The Despoiling of America

How George W. Bush became the head of the new American Dominionist Church/State

Holy Matrimony
What's really undermining the sanctity of marriage? Hint: it's many things that are not gay marriage.

Running Out of Oil - and Time

Panic will strike if we're not prepared with new technologies

Bush: Our Long National Nightmare of Peace and Prosperity Is Finally Over

A remarkably precient piece of prognosticating from the Onion

Top Gun?

The Pulp Art of Bruce Yurgil

What is GWB hiding by refusing to release all his military records?

Listen to Amy Goodman's interview with J.H. Hatfield, author of Fortunate Son, the unauthorized biography of George W. Bush.

Escher and the Droste effect
Applying mathematics to Escher's Print Gallery is simply mind boggling.

Triumph, The Insult Comic Dog
The borscht belt pup has a new CD, Come Poop With Me, featuring such tracks as "Underage Bichon" and "Lick Myself."

The crisis of American journalism
A disturbing look into the loopy mind of conservative columnist Peggy Noonan as revealed by her book.

A medley of favorites by the Bushies

John Ashcraft's
Evil Communiversity

If you're REALLY into evil, then why not take classes?

War in Iraq: Not a Humanitarian Intervention
By Ken Roth

Power Rangers
by Joshua Micah Marshall

Did the Bush Administration create a new American empire -- or weaken the old one?


Where were you in '72?

The Ann Coulter Pinup Poster

Rush, Newspeak and Fascism Newspeak: An exegesis
by David Neiwert

Christ converts to Islam

The Bubble of American Supremacy
by George Soros

Up to 15,000 Iraqis killed in invasion

The Logic of Withdrawal
by Howard Zinn

Bush in 41.2 Seconds

U.S. & Coalition Casualties

The George W. Bush G.I. Joke Action Figure

Babes Against Bush

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