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The Leos of Livejournal

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[26 Jul 2003|09:09am]

Birthday gift for a leo guy? Nothing I think of seems to be quite right. Suggestions appreciated.
1 hear me roar| I am Leo.

Horoscopr For Today: [25 Jul 2003|01:31am]

[ mood | drained ]

My birthday s coming up August 10th and Im going to 17...Anyone share this birthday with me? Happy birthday to all the LEO's these months... Muahz

Things may be rolling along nicely in the world of love and romance, but all of a sudden you run into a major snag, dear Leo. Perhaps there is an important birthday or anniversary that you failed to recognize. Approach the person you hurt. Do so honestly and apologetically. It could be that you were expected to act a certain way, or take a certain step that you failed to do. Remember that nothing is written in stone, and that you write your own rules. Your way may be different than someone else's and that doesn't make it better or worse.

3 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Hip-hip! [23 Jul 2003|08:55am]

[ mood | hyper ]

Happy birthday to all the leos out there for the next month or so! xox

3 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Hmm... [22 Jul 2003|02:35am]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Stone Sour's "Monolith" ]

Situation: one of my guy friends (who is a Leo as well - b-day 2 days after mine!) has a g/f...but he and I kinda almost dated before he got together with this girl. We've kissed and come pretty close to "going all the way" (trying to mini-cencor things as I'm not sure what comm rules are about graphic content).

Problem: I'm still attracted to him, but am content to remain on a friendly basis. However, everytime we are around one another (might I add we WORK together a lot), the flirting comes out full force. There's a lot of physical and mental flirtation too. He's supposed to be staying over at my house sometime this week. And I want him BAD.

He's cheated on his g/f before, when they dated months back. He hasn't "so far" this go around.

Point to post: It's obvious he has feelings for me as well. And I know, with the 6 pack in my fridge and the choice of other illegal items we have access to, things are bound to "go that far."

I doubt it will change our friendship though. Hell, he may even break up with his current, especially since things haven't been going smoothly as of late, and he's starting to drift from her. But I'm still weary of the course of actions that may take place.

If you were in the same situation, how would you handle it?

7 hear me roars| I am Leo.

[22 Jul 2003|01:35am]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hey all. My first post here =) I'm a Leo, birthday is coming up soon! Everyone seems to be very quiet this past while and that's not like us now is it?? Anyway, I don't know about all of you but I haven't been in a good mood in ages but now I'm starting to pick up again and feel ..happy? How are you all feeling? Also, I'm currently seeing a Sagittarius and I'm just wondering if anyone has been in a leo/sag relationship? If so how'd it go?

3 hear me roars| I am Leo.

[06 Jul 2003|11:34pm]

Your Weekly Horoscope for July 07 to 13

Four planets in your house of mysticism and unconscious mind may make you feel as though you have ghosts in the attic, or even skeletons in your closet. No matter how peaceful everything appears on the surface, you may not be able to shake off the possibility that you are treading on thin ice. You may also suspect the possibility that the peace is suddenly going to be shattered by a revelation or event. Still, Jupiter in your sign is keeping you buoyantly optimistic and enabling you to carry on, despite those shivers that are running up and down your spine. If you can manage to stay aware and awake to your innermost thoughts, you may discover a few enlightening facts. These facts are about how, despite your best intentions, you could be working against your own best interests, in a roundabout way. Saturn in this part of your chart is helping you to own up to deep patterns of thought that may not be helping you succeed. It is time to acknowledge them and to begin to work though them and with them. Over the course of the coming days, you could find yourself reluctant to act, yet eager to get over inner blocks and hurdles. If you don't start to do something, you will regret it later. Begin the process of inner transformation now.
2 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Kiss the darkness and turn your back to the light... [04 Jul 2003|07:52am]

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | For My Pain... -- Broken Days ]

Hey everyone!

New to the Leo community, and just thought I'd intro myself. I'm 20, from Virginia, a hardcore leo as my mother would say [yet I have some Virgo-ish tendencies], and currently dating an Aries...

Not much else to say, but hi :D Speak with ya soon :)

3 hear me roars| I am Leo.

[03 Jul 2003|06:38pm]

i'm so drained lately, in more ways than one. any body else in the same boat? there COULD be a physical reason for it that i'm not currently comfortable disclosing...but i don't want to find out yet...too scared and beyond that i think itd be too soon for real results anyway. *le sigh*
hows everyone in their fire sign-water sign relationships??? :D
16 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Even small victories taste sweet! [03 Jul 2003|12:24pm]

[ mood | determined ]
[ music | We Are the Champions ]

I don't know about all of you, but I'm fiercely competitive. I find that even simple games I am compelled to win, and usually do.

Today, the school I work for had a games day. For my lunch break, I wanted to play games, and my friend wanted a shirt. (She's one the Gemini's I've been getting along with so well lately.) Well, the only game going on when we were able to go was the egg toss, and so I entered us in. She's not very competitive, but wanted a shirt, so I was able to get her to throw eggs at me and visa versa. (Otherwise, she probably would've just sat around and whined about not getting a shirt, instead of actively doing something about it. Blah!)

Well, she had never been in an egg toss, and didn't know how to throw or catch, so before the toss, I gave her a quick demo on both. She was a little shaky at first, but I was determined to win, and wasn't going to let her drop the egg.

There were quite a few teams but by the time we were about 8 paces away, it had dropped down to us and 2 other teams. Around 12 paces it was down to us and another team. Back and forth we went until we were impossibly far away from each other just hurling eggs in the air, and matching each other toss for catch. Finally, it was my friends turn to toss the egg back to me, and she really had to hurl it though the air for it just to reach my side...I caught and cradled to reduce the momentum, and the other teams egg cracked against her hand when she caught it. I held the egg up triumphantly and my friend and I offered to sign the egg to give it to the other team. (That was my idea!)

Well, my friend got her shirt, and I got to taste victory! VICTORY!

A friend came up and congratulated us on our victory in the egg toss, and was like, "you did such a good job!" To this my response was my typical, "I know." My friend was like, "Such humility!" All I had to say to that was, "Humility is sooo beneath me!"

=) Have fun today everyone!

2 hear me roars| I am Leo.

a little off topic [01 Jul 2003|11:32pm]

[ mood | crushed ]

I've always be self concious about my body, but lately more and more people are commenting and I look in the mirror and I ask myself questions. I don't want to go down the road of destruction again. I don't want to starve myself or throw up. But Lately... all I hear is that:

I need a belt, a longer shirt, a breast reduction, I need to work-out, that's too small, go to the gym, don't eat that, put some clothes on, you're a fat slob, at least I'm a size zero, not a 14.

Those are quotes. My friends. My family. Strangers. What's so wrong with being happy with myself?? I can never be a size zero. It's impossible. I'm five foot eight and 190 pounds with bigger bones then my twig sister.

What's wrong with me?

I eat when I'm around my friends. When I'm bored. I can't help it. I have urges. I have cravings. I can't stop. I try and choose healthy. I try not to eat everything I desire and have multiple servings. I'm trying. I just.can' thin. I tried on a formal dress at the mall today and it's a 13/14 and it's a little snug. I bought it. I'm going to try and lose weight. But I'd have to lose my ribs.

Do any other leos feel like this?

Me and my rather large fat 38D boobs are going to bed.

4 hear me roars| I am Leo.

:( [30 Jun 2003|08:57pm]

sad...the libra girl i was was all a game.
2 hear me roars| I am Leo.

::sigh:: [30 Jun 2003|01:11pm]

what is it with us leos and love? I always have romantic thoughts but never romantic actions. :( Anyways, if there's one thing i'm proud of(when it comes to love) it's my wilder side(which of course only comes out in the dark). I know u guys know what i'm talkin about. ;) Btw, i'm new and my name is Ariane.
3 hear me roars| I am Leo.

weekly horoscope folks... [29 Jun 2003|01:44pm]

It is that time of year when you seem to be keeping a much lower profile, even though you still have plenty to keep you occupied. Mercury has joined Saturn and the Sun in Cancer, and Venus will be moving in later in the week. With so much emphasis on the twelfth house you may find that your goals and plans are suddenly not as clear-cut as you thought they were. All kinds of issues may arise now to complicate matters, many of which will appear to be out of your control. It will seem like you no longer have a handle on your affairs, and can only sit and watch as everything happens around you. It may be time to take a rest and allow things to take care of themselves as far as it is possible to do so. Mars and Uranus are moving through Pisces, which could coincide with concerns about your finances, especially any joint financial matters. Money may seem to zip in and out again at the rate of knots, which may be adding to your feelings of insecurity. You need to trust that whatever the outer picture may be, the cosmos has your best interest at heart, and is teaching you to have faith even in the most extreme of circumstances.
7 hear me roars| I am Leo.

[29 Jun 2003|11:57pm]

Thanks to all those who responded to my earlier post. It was perhaps unfair of me to make a generalization, but anyone who's into astrology knows it's one of the necessary evils.

In spite of the mixed answers, you all gave me insight (hope as well), mainly to reach the conclusion that it's not really possible to limit your regard to someone merely because of their sign. Thanks again.
1 hear me roar| I am Leo.

odd? why yes it is [28 Jun 2003|05:05pm]

[ mood | confused ]
[ music | "All The Pretty Ones" The Exies ]

Currently I find myself oddly enough (well at least for me) attracted to a Scorpio and a Taurus. I've never gotten along well with water signs although my experience has been mainly with females. Earth signs I've always found cold. Thus making my current state of attraction to the lovely Taurus and Scorpio gentlemen a mystery.
What I am getting at is does anyone else have an attraction to these signs or have any experience with either? Good or bad, I'd welcome both gladly.

12 hear me roars| I am Leo.

[29 Jun 2003|02:07am]

Okay, I hope Im not offending anyone when I say it's known that Leos juggle multiple relationships.

If a Leo tells someone that theyre finally going to be monogamous, should that person be believed?
11 hear me roars| I am Leo.

leoness [26 Jun 2003|10:42pm]

[ mood | anxious ]

hey wow. I'm seriously wierded out. lately I'm dreaming about my ex boyfriend. Is it just me or is it random leos... either way. Have A really great day. Hope yours rocks and you can find your own spotlight during the day

6 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Hellos and stuffs... [24 Jun 2003|11:55pm]

[ mood | tired ]

'Ello, my name is Yoru and I am a Leo...well I am a Leo with a lot of water in her fire but still have high Leo tendencies.

I am happy to have found the community, but don't have much to say [urk!]

but 'HI!'


I am Leo.

[24 Jun 2003|01:05am]

[ mood | lonely ]

Is anyone else feeling a little overwhelmed by romantic/sexual feelings?

I read a little while ago that this is the time for it according to astrology. But even before then I have just wanted nothing more than to be loved, touched, etc. Now, I'm almost ALWAYS like this to a certain degree (especially since I'm single) but it seems to be worse than usual.

So is anyone else experiencing this or am I just having an overactive sex drive again? :)

10 hear me roars| I am Leo.

Hi [19 Jun 2003|03:50pm]

[ mood | okay ]

I'm new here, so I thought I'd introduce myself. My name's Corey, for those who are interested. Not much else to say. Bye.

I am Leo.

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