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      v1.5 - DNAngel

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And I don't feel light when your gone away? ;) [2003.04.07|09:27a]
[ mood | Unenthusiastic ]
[ music | Broken - Seether ]

I'd like to say this: I really kinda suck at Warcraft III. Something keeps attacking me long before I have adequate defenses. ::sigh::

In other news: I overslept and missed an hour of work friday. Gonna make that up today. Yatta!? Maybe not. . .

Gimme a drink. . .

It's sunday morning. . . [2003.04.06|01:55p]
[ mood | mellow ]
[ music | Song For Dot - Space Raiders ]

Someone I don't know has added me. Well, don't I feel loved? :) ::waves @ userinfodejectedpharaoh:: Hi. . .

I just woke up about a half an hour ago. Which makes no sense, really. . . I went to be at midnight, which is QUITE early for me these days. Yet, on Friday/Saturday, when I went to be around 3:30, I woke up at 8 for some unknown reason. Yesterday, I stayed up late having a womanly chat with one of my favorite sources of female advice. Maybe it mentally drained me to do so. ::shrug::

Also occurring last night: my sister-in-law and her fiancé came over to make use of our washer/drier because they were feeling particularly broke I guess. And suddenly, I feel so much older. ;P It's odd. . . My mind can't seem to decide if I'm stuck at 12, or if I'm 20 going on 35. The past few days, the comment about how reliable I am keeps getting tossed around. I know it's meant as a good thing, but it really does feel quite weird sometimes. Makes me wonder if people would worry about me if they caught one of my really immature streaks. I'm sure those I've known since high school are used to it at least. . .

Also yesterday, I got done up like a girl. I swear, userinfohope19angel is really trying to be the death of me and my anti-woman ways. kowaii! I think I'm just going to let my brain vegetate today. There really has been a lot more human interaction the past few days than I'm used to.

Gimme a drink. . .

Aaaw man. . . [2003.04.05|01:20p]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Crazy Beat - Blur ]

I think my beta is about to die. I've tried meds for the things that look wrong with him, but while his fin/tail rot issues seemed to start clearing up, he now has this freaky weird white film on his back, and his eyes aren't clear. The gunkey eyes I noticed last night. Maybe I'm a complete freak, but this really does make me kinda sad. Dax is really cool. . . I dun want him to die.

Granted, I would be more disappointed if one of my cats died, because I can cuddle with them, resulting in a stronger attachment to the lil demons, but still. I've always been one of those "animals are easier than people" types. Maybe I'm just lazy, and don't make the effort to get to know people enough, but it's all a bit more time consuming than my life allows for. Plus there's that patience thing, which I have a fairly limited supply of as far as interacting goes. Which is why I tend to stick with the same people until they get fed up with me and move on.

Speaking of people, my little adventure out last night was. . . weird. I can't say I was stupidly bored, but I really felt like a fish out of water. I don't quite understand the appeal of being in a dark room stuffed full of drunken total strangers like a thanksgiving turkey. Oh yeah. . . and the loud music that makes intelligent conversation impossible. I was basically a wall-flower all night, except the occasions that userinfohope19angel kept grabbing my arms and trying to make me shake it. I don't stake it. Period. . . well, unless I'm seriously fucked up. Which I wasn't. Damnit. Other co-workers of mine kept looking at me weird. Should have stayed home where I could at least get wasted. Oooh. . . and someone fucking grabbed my ass, but when I turned to smack whoever it was, I couldn't figure out who to target. Why! Why do people enjoy this!?!

I just don't understand people.

Gimme a drink. . .

Utter Terror [2003.04.04|07:33p]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]

Two of my co-workers have talked me into going to a club because a good chunck of my co-workers will be there. Social gathering. . . being the social moron that I am, I'm not only disturbed, but kinda terrified.

I can't get a hold of anyone I've been tring to call on my assorted breaks. userinfobitemenavy and userinfoshinigumi. . . Are you guys alive out there?

3 shots!|Gimme a drink. . .

[ mood | okay ]
[ music | The Chemicals Between Us - Bush ]

The older I get, it seems that I'm slowly caring less and less if I make an utter fool of myself. The lil voice in my head that tells me when to hold back is getting quieter. . . Which is just weird.

Recently I've become a lot more willing to express thoughts that my better judgment likes to think I should keep more or less to myself.
Poll #120235:
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Should I worry?

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0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

1 (20.0%) 1 (20.0%)

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2 (40.0%) 2 (40.0%)

I dunno. . .
2 (40.0%) 2 (40.0%)

The real Part of my post:
The older sister and her other half (userinfofrostfire and userinfoamoryl respectively) have been visiting the past few days, resulting in less online time. Not that I mind much. I haven't been able to actually do much with them though because of my work schedule. . . Which is fairly lame.

Otherwise my life has been nearly as un-exciting as ever. Yay?

Hope all is well for you guys. Sorry if I've been boring to keep on a friends' age recently.
Gimme a drink. . .

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