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January 2004
I gave away to Tatiana. I just don't have the time and money for a domain right now, and I'm quite convinced that Tatiana will put it to better use than I did, but I'm still a little sad to see it go. Stupid as I'm sure that sounds, I think now I can get some closure and enjoy the interweb again. Or something. Anyway, I present to you the stupid celebrity of the |
I'm still alive. And despite having a small, rather painful lump on my earlobe (yeah, I don't know what it is, either), I'm feeling quite fine, too. Of course, life would be much easier if people did not think that prefacing their off-topic posts on message boards with something along the lines of "I know this isn't the right board, but more people will see it here" will excuse doing something against the board rules. I also wouldn't mind if Bill Chambers dropped off the face of the net, but alas, you can't have everything, can you? In case you couldn't guess, my New Year's resolution was to be much nicer, and I think I'm succeeding nicely so far. Last year I would've written earth instead of net a sentence back. Current Music: Alcoholic |
So, we have Saddam Hussein. Now we just need to get that Bush guy and we'll be able to live in peace again. |
I want a penny for every time I have to listen to a white person whining and bitching about "reverse racism". And one for every time someone claims that there are more people of ethnic minorities in the US than white people if you add up all minorities. Just get over yourself and stop playing the victim, please. I had a very strange, yet pleasant dream last night. I can't wait to get back to bed. |
Dear Sa Since you more or less ignored me last year and brought me neither a baby paint brush nor a second Chihuahua, I have decided to a) send my letter to you earlier this year, b) be more modest and c) give you a greater variety of items to choose from. Without further ado, here is my wishlist: ¤ this strangely shaped piece of Charoite, because it gives a whole new meaning to the term "rock hard". ¤ a wonderful imaginary boyfriend who sort of looks like my dad when he was younger. Actually, scratch that, that'd be somewhat scary. ¤ a neat new car ¤ something that will add a little fun to making breakfast ¤ a beautiful wig ¤ umm, this, because the world isn't ready for Lily II or Oliver junior yet. ¤ something to remind me of better days and finally ¤ a cute little pet rat Oh, and before I forget it, Santa, I've been a moderately good girl this year. Hey, look at my wish-list, you can't actually ask for much, can you? Current Mood: bored |
What the hell makes people admit that they have pirated software on their PC on their LJ/public message boards? I've never really understood this, but lately I see it happening more and more often. You know it's pirated, hence you know it's illegal. Why would you want the whole world to know? It's bad enough when 13 year olds say that they have Photoshop (yeah, fat chance you bought that yourself), but why add that it's a pirated copy you downloaded off Kazaa? |
Rock vixen Debbie Harry had a face-lift to try and preserve her famous good looks. The Blondie frontwoman's stunning features made her one of pop's most desirable women, but at 58 she confesses she has had to resort to a little cosmetic help - and she wouldn't rule out more surgery. Harry says, "I'm about ready for another. I don't know if I'm really ready for another but if you look good, you feel good. Why not? I think it helps me, makes me feel energized. It gives you all the things you need to walk out and be part of what's going on, part of the action. I don't feel like hiding away." And she even has some alternative surgery planned for next time she goes under the knife; "If I get really dried and saggy, I've often thought I'd like to try to become Chinese or something. Have extreme surgery. Be really artistic, as if I was trying to change my identity. Wouldn't that be cool?" Source: WENN Fuck |
In case you're wondering why there are suddenly entries from 2002 turning up in my journal, no, it's not because I'm making those up out of thin air. I'm manually importing my Movabletype entries right now. I started regretting it right after I, um, imported the first two entries, but it's kind of nice having everything in one place. So, I did it. I added Harry Potter books 1-4 to my Christmas wishlist. That and Below. I wish Amazon would let me sort the things on my wish list by importance. Since I've already seen it and he knows that, I'm sure Below will be on the bottom of my dad's list of things to buy. Which is a real pity, because |
All the Asian guys who complain that Asian women are fetishized and that their 'dating pool' is getting smaller and smaller should take a look at this: asian_boiz. I saw three different MSN/Yahoo groups with the same theme today. Talk about Asian fetishes.. |
I am seriously contemplating buying (and reading, of course) the first Harry Potter book, just because I feel so left out when my friends discuss whether Harry and Draco should get together in the next book or not. Obviously, there must be something good about it if 20 year olds feel it's interesting enough to talk about it practically all the time. Please note: I really don't want to hear your opinion about Harry Potter if it sounds something like, "OMG!! it's lyke so teh greatest! and not fro kids at all!". It's rated ages 9-12, of course it's for kids. On a completely unrelated note, I saw Tattoo on Sunday. Very atmospheric, well-done German thriller. It also helps that the guy who played the main character, August Diehl, is cute. If you like men that look 10 years younger than they really are, that is. |
I remember reading somewhere that the more dust particles are in the air, the prettier (as in: the redder) the sunset will be. Boy, is it ever true. So anyway, this Halloween was pretty uneventful. Did the usual (as in dress up as a BDSM librarian and get drunk out of my mind at Anna's party). I tried to get Oliver to buy and wear this little gem, but he decided to ignore me and dressed up as a pirate. The amount of pirates I encountered this year makes me think that Pirates of the Caribbean was more popular a movie than I'd hoped it would be. On a completely unrelated note, I saw Bones on Saturday. The movie itself is mediocre at best, but it made me remember why I had made a vow not to see any movies with Michael T. Weiss in them a while ago. The guy has the voice of a bulldog, and a hoarse one at that. Current Music: The Ship song |
It is always so interesting to see what a sole man can do. I'm a little disappointed about not getting evacuated. Apparently, the brush fire's still too far away to warrant evacuation. Figures, I was already making plans on how to refurbish my room. |
Jabba the Hutt is selling Star Wars action figures on eBay! I think I'll put C3P0 next to this stylish Frankenstein squirrel. Oh, it's just perfect for my future apartment! Someone should tell Daryl Hannah that she looks like a |
It shouldn't, but the text of this never fails to crack me up. "If you are someone, ..." |
Random Lily trivia: I used to have a crush on Corey Feldman when he was in Stand by me, even though I saw the film 6 years after it came out and I was only 9. It's a pity he has grown up to be a bad joke waiting to happen. Since I have nothing else to write about, I present you this little gem, taken from the Gaia online boards and written by a delusional System of a down fan. ( Your great-great grandfather was alive in 540 AD? ) PS: I hate my friends. Noone is willing to come over and play drinking games with me at 3 PM. They keep making up sorry excuses like "It's too early", "I have to work" and "You have no tolerance for alcohol anyway, why do you want to do that?". |
I have lost all the faith I had in my parents, the people of California and university police offers. If I could, I would move to Bao, deny any affiliation to my "OMG, it's ah celebrity! Let's vote for it!" mother and pretend that I've never seen a picture of Maria Shriver. Which reminds me.. I have too much time on my hands. If you're insane enough to like that icon, feel free to use it (and credit me). Anyway, I found this post through LJDrama. I love people like laren. Just take a look at these comments (something tells me I should add she's a white girl who loves anime): First of all, it's totally reasonable for him to choose an asian girl over you. Asians are superior to white people in so many ways. I wonder if she thinks that our shit smells better.. The only asians who eat dogs are North Koreans, and they only eat dogs because they are starving in North Korea (literally NO food there). Umm, no. Dog meat is eaten in South Korea, China, the Phillipines, Thailand, .. and is considered a delicacy. It is also enjoyed in Senegal and Polynesia. Usually, people don't eat their pet dogs anyway, so I don't see what the big fuss is about this one. What? Hey, cows and pigs can be pretty cute, too, and apparently some pigs make great pets.. and we still eat them. They are amazing with technology, music, and more forms of martial arts than just karate. See comment #1. Not all Asians are amazing with technology, and when it comes to music, well, whether or not you like Asian music, American, European or African depends largely on your personal taste. Of course, you should all bow down to my (imaginary) tai chi skills, but still, a lot of Asians (like, um, me) don't know any form of martial arts. I know my LJ entries suck. Trust me, you don't have to tell me. |
[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a href"">') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.] I am the <a href="">biggest hypocrite</a> to ever walk this earth (in addition to also being the best procrastinator, but that's secondary). Hey, at least I can admit it and still feel good about myself. Speaking about feeling well, I definitely don't. I have a sore throat, runny nose and I sneeze all the time. I am convinced that this is because I have started thinking about entering <a href="">NaNoWriMo</a> again. Last year, I signed up for NaNoWriMo and got the mother of all colds only three days later. <a href="">Remember</a>? God, was that unpleasant. In other news, Shrek author William Steig <a href="">died on Friday</a>. I hated Shrek with a passion, and after reading that CNN article, I'm incredibly relieved that I never had to look at the rest of his work. Still, wherever he is, hope he's doing fine. On a completely unrelated note, Oliver broke his arm on Friday. He looks so sexy <a href"">in a cast</a>. |
You know you want to buy me this. So, my birthday went by more or less uneventful. I got many nice birthday cards and gifts, and today my friends are taking me out for dinner. I feel so incredibly old Saw Signs last night with Anna, mainly because Joaquin Phoenix is in it and the guy has the most perfect eyebrows I've ever seen on a guy. Unfortunately, his eyebrows were the only good thing about the whole film. |
Best movie review quote for today: The film also stars the girl who played Jodie Foster’s son in Panic Room. (GopherKhan on Cold Creek Manor) |
Things you can learn by hitting the Random button on LJ: ¤ no matter how stupid, unpopular or ugly you are, there are lots of people on LJ who are even more pathetic. ¤ there are thousands of LJ users who, lacking other talents, think they are wonderful photographers. ¤ maybe 0.001% of them really are. ¤ 86% of all teenagers are tortured soul poets. ¤ there are more yaoi fans than you'd think possible out there. ¤ they may be harder to find, but there are some great writers on LJ. |
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