11:27am 29/05/2004
mood: happy
music: Cruxshadows..."Flame"
Yes I know I haven't been on here for a while, please forgive me. It's just been a rough few weeks. I have been making the transition of not being in school to looking for a job and what not. A lot of other important things have happened in my life over the past few weeks, too much to explain, but all good. Steve & I are taking care of Audra this weekend...I love her to bits :).

Hmmm...for some reason although my spirits are exceptionally high, my health does not feel like it's in the best condition, I mean, I feel all right, but yet, I dunno. I've made plans to go to the doctors just to make sure.

Well it's almost time to take Audra to the park so I must get going, bye bye <3.
at Steve & Banshee's   
05:12pm 16/05/2004
mood: indifferent

I've been done school for about 3 days now...I hauled ass up there on Friday to clean out my locker & shit. I couldn't help but feel a little sad about it, especially since I don't know if I'll be returning come September. I dunno, I'm just happy to be rid of a little portion of stress in my life...

OKee, Joey just popped in so I'm going to chill with him, Banshee, & my Steve <3. bye bye
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I'm back   
07:45pm 27/04/2004
mood: artistic
music: Peter Murphy...
Well I've been uber busy lately but I'm back. I've been weighed down with school work & the like, but for once in my life I can say it's a good busy. Not manic, not forced, just a busy kinda busy (if anyone can understand that).

I just popped on here today & found that a lot of people added me to their friends lists, I feel loved today <3.
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pointess silly entry   
04:20pm 10/04/2004
mood: silly
music: Disturbed..."The Game"
You're a spoiled brat & a big baby!

*wah wah wah*
some random ish   
01:25pm 25/03/2004
mood: blah
music: my NY Labyrinth mix
Wolfsheim was bangin' last night.

New York scares me, yet I love the scene there.

I wanna talk to Steve, since my battery died last night on the train while we were in the middle of a great conversation. :(

I have class in like 2 hours.

That is all.
if I could be any model but me I'd be...   
02:09pm 18/03/2004
mood: busy
music: VNV Nation..."Airships"
Yeah, I'm not kidding. That's supposed to be a model.
You're GirlAfraid!
The high and holy webmaster of yore, you're almost
as draconian with your IP rights as
JosieNutter. You turned $100 in to a land war
in China.

Which egomaniacal goth 'model' are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Sorry, Dani ([info]girlafraid), but after I saw this on my LJ I had to take it. I just think it's funny how my results turned out. After all, I always looked up to you since you are my sister & all. I love ya dear (& you're way prettier than that girl on the picture).
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don't worry   
11:22pm 17/03/2004
mood: calm
music: Lucia..."Feels Like Summer"
I'm A - OKee...things are finally turning out kinda cool for now.
new icon!!   
08:23pm 06/03/2004
mood: bored
music: Stromkern..."No Release"
Isn't it spiffy?

It's Kim Possible (my animated double on the right) facing drama (much *hugs* to my dear girlie [info]ali_ant_9711 for making this for me). Ironically, this icon is true to life for me at this point in time.

Yeah so all my plans for tonight went to shit. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that someone calls at 2 AM (which is so often the case) & drags my ass out for at least an hour or 2.

Later, drama queens.
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01:23pm 29/02/2004
mood: melancholy
music: Tori Amos..."Mary"
And today...is the day...I realize the sanctity of sanity.
01:35pm 28/02/2004
mood: refreshed
music: Cold..."Bleed"
It's another long, lazy Saturday afternoon & I just woke up from the best sleep ever. I never felt so awake & rested. My mind is totally clear which is quite a rare event.

I usually don't post these things in my journal, but this was too good to resist!

Queer As Folk is sex love.
06:29pm 26/02/2004
mood: exhausted
music: "Seinfeld" on TV
I survived another school week...*yay* me.
11:57am 26/02/2004
mood: blank
music: Tori Amos..."Me and a Gun"
Work is over...now all I have is 1 more class, then the weekend is here. I hope today goes quickly & the weekend feels longer than it actually is.
01:44pm 25/02/2004
mood: accomplished
music: VNV Nation..."Epicentre"
Well I headed up to Moore today for a meeting the Art Education chair. I wasn't too happy about it since I don't have classes today & I had to call out of work for today (my supervisor just gave me the day off, no questions asked. *woo*). The meeting was only like 7 minutes so taking a 45 minute train ride for that period of time (for a meeting no one was at) was a real pisser, but it's a top priority of mine. I had a nice lengthy conversation with Dr. Fitzpatrick on my lesson plan that I will be teaching on Friday (she wants a copy of my plan) & the work of Kaethe Kollwitz. Before I left she gave me some watercolors for the lesson on Friday & a neat informative print about French Impressionism. Now I'm home for a nice long day of art & vegitation. I totally need it.
05:27pm 23/02/2004
mood: calm
music: A Perfect Circle..."Ortes"
For anyone who tried to get in contact with me this weekend & couldn't I'm sorry...I'll make it up to you guys, I promise.

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"can you launch rockets from here?"   
10:56pm 19/02/2004
mood: ditzy
music: Tori Amos..."Snow Cherries From France"
I'm feeling totally dreamy right now...today was the last day of classes for week. I only have work until 2:30ish tomorrow then the weekend is my own. I can't wonder what this weekend will hold. Tomorrow I'll be in the city for the whole day & for some reason it seems almost magical to me, which it never did before...

02:21pm 18/02/2004
mood: ecstatic
music: Peter Murphy..."Cuts You Up"

*hugs* to my Dani ([info]girlafraid), the best photographer I know!
the happiest I've ever been in a long ass time   
08:12pm 17/02/2004
mood: happy
music: Calvin Key..."Frozen Sky"
For once in my life, I can say that everything is perfect. School is going so well. I'm working so hard & I got reinstated into the Art Education program. I see my techniques & skills getting stronger & stronger everyday. I'm also surrounded by my closest friends (ie: [info]hailgreatmoloch) , who have been so supportive of me & to them I am forever in their debt. Work is going well too. I'm beginning to teach lessons to the classes & my groups of children are starting to become more structured. Tomorrow I will be meeting with the school art teacher to collaborate on a lesson that I will teach one of her classes, I guess that kinda makes me her intern for the time being.

Not only has my professional life turned into a dream come true, my personal life has also taken a turn for the better, but I will save that for another day...=)

Life is good & I'm finally in control. It looks like little Geni has finally grown up.
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04:06pm 13/02/2004
mood: drained
music: Peter Murphy..."Subway"
I can't remember the last time I felt so worn out. Work was fun today, everyone had a mild case of Valentine's Day fever. 1 of my classes gave me valentines & I never felt so loved :) Today was also the first time I taught a class on my own, It was exciting & scary at the same time, I had no clue what I was doing! But the teacher loved me & loved how I presented the lesson & told me I was totally ready to teach. How fucking awesome is that?

So now the weekend is upon me again, & for me, this is the time I live for. I could live without it being Valentine's Day this weekend, but one can't have all their wishes come true. Maybe something really cool will happen this weekend, I dunno...I live on a string anymore, just going with whatever happens (if that makes sense).

OKee, time for "21 Jump Street"...bye bye
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new user icon   
08:18pm 10/02/2004
mood: calm
music: Apoptygma Berzerk..."Coma White"
Cute huh?

Many thanks & hugs to LuLu ([info]museofbahroy) for making it & taking the picture (before Steve's New Years Eve party).
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my experience has come in handy   
04:09pm 06/02/2004
mood: I made an impact
music: "21 Jump Street" is on TV <3
I'm the best cousin in the world...