Tuesday, February 10th, 2004
10:19 pm
11:30 am - Good News Bad News (Car update)
Alrighty...I just got off the phone with the collosion center.
Good News! Car is expected to be completed on Friday!
Bad News! Car is up in their Bothell/Mill Creek center, not West Seattle.
Good News! I can just sign over the insurance checks to them, plus write out a $100 for my deductable.
Bad News! I may have to wait until Monday or else have someone drive me to Bothell/Mill Creek on Saturday between 8am-9:30am. *wince*
Heh...If Monday, I will have been without my Baby (formerly the California-Satanmobile) a fully frickin' month.
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Monday, February 9th, 2004
11:53 am
Blah...I don't want to be at work today. There's nothing appealing about entering timesheets in, especially when its not a pay week.
Anyway, back from my extremely short jaunt down to LA.
I surprised lpamelaa for both her bridal shower and bachelorette party. On Sunday we caught the first showing of "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!". ($7 for a #&@>$#* matinee?!??!?). Its was just want we expected (and wanted)...fluffy mindless girlie eyecandy fun!
I already miss the lovely sunny blue skyed weather. But hey! I go back in two weeks (w/ Darren) *crossing fingers* I hope the weather remains equally as nice as it was this past weekend.
Ugh...I better go and work on mind-numbing timesheets....
PS: Hollywood makes me feel fat...but I looked better than most of them...and had the Hot Boots of DOOM(tm)!
PPS: Said boots didn't hurt my feet at all despite being a higher heel than I normally would consider wearing.)
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Saturday, February 7th, 2004
10:57 am
Silly me...yesterday I mentioned 'a good thing' and I couldn't wait for the end of the day...and I neglected to mention what it was...
I'm in LA right now! Yes...Los Angeles. WHOO!! No rain here!!!
current mood: sunny
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Friday, February 6th, 2004
9:37 am
Ugh. Cramps. Sucky. But I have HOT BOOTS(tm)!
I can't wait for the end of the day...not supposed to really say why...its a good thing.
Did I mention that I have HOT BOOTS(tm)!
current mood: grande valencia latte current music: Jerry Lee Lewis - High School Confidetial
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Thursday, February 5th, 2004
8:06 pm
So what happens when you're in a bad mood? Feeling down on yourself? Wah wah wah??
mine mine mine mine mine mine
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4:50 pm
10:17 am
I've been developing a bad habit....Getting coffee from Starbucks while waiting for my bus downtown.
This morning, with the usual busy bustle, they skipped my drink. Grrrrr...they quickly made me one right after I pointed out their fault. Good. Nice. Hot.
And gave me a coupon for a free drink.
current music: Outkast - Behold A Lady
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Wednesday, February 4th, 2004
9:58 pm
There is a direct correlation between riding the buss and the rising hate of humankind.
I started feeling very very uncomfortable on the ride home tonight when the guy across from me kept staring at me for 15 minutes straight. Yesterday I wanted to knock a guy upside the head for taking up two seats instead of moving over to let a mother and her child sit down. Let us also not forget the gal whom decided to share her half of a conversation on her cell phone.
- - -
I watched American Idol this evening. I feel dirty for enjoying it.
current music: Smokey Robinson - I Second That Emotion
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Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
12:17 pm - The Verdict
11:16 am
I feel so....well, blah. My creativity has been in the shitter for godknows how long.
I do see something out my work window that I may need to explore camera-wise during lunch (if the sun remains shining.)
EDIT: goaddamnit! gimme my sun back! *gumble*
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Thursday, January 29th, 2004
4:35 pm
Darren, being a sweetheart, dropped off my insurance papers that I had accidently left at home. I call the collison/body shop, get the ball rolling, two minutes after I get off the phone, the towing company calls me to verify the location of my, 15mins later they're in my work parking lot taking my car to its temporary home while it gets worked on!!
YAY! I'll know tommorow how long it'll take. The only snag in the whole situation is that shop has no room at its West Seattle facility, so its being brought to their center in Bothell/Mill Creek and will be returned to either 1) the west Seattle location (just minutes from work) or be delivered to me at work or home.
current mood: YAY!!
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
9:33 pm - Octopussy
Monday, January 26th, 2004
4:44 pm - Be There Or Be Square
Tonight's the last night of:
XENTROPIC triphop, downbeat, ambient 21+ @ Mercury - 1009 E. Union - Lower $1 cover
current music: go go go go go go
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Saturday, January 24th, 2004
9:43 am
Wednesday, January 21st, 2004
10:25 am
Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
4:04 pm
Hmmm...though no 'official' lineup has been given, headlining Coachella is the Cure, Kraftwerk, the Pixies, and Radiohead.
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Monday, January 19th, 2004
3:13 pm
*grumble* This is so frickin' annoying...Fuckin' accident. As of right now, dipshit is not returning phone calls. Maybe not insured after all??!?? We'll see...
I talked to the claims office today (hey! they're working today! whoo!) and strongly suggested to fill out a report with the police. Joy. Need to get that ball rolling.
An estimater is going to look at my car damages in the next couple of business days. Cross you fingers for me and my car that it won't be declared totalled. (I don't think it will, but you never know.)
current mood: pissed off
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Saturday, January 17th, 2004
3:11 pm
Friday, January 16th, 2004
7:09 pm
suck suck suck
stupid asshole
car accidents blow
yes, I'm fine just a little shaken, annoyed, and pissed
current mood: frustrated
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