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Grendel Kitty Monster's Journal
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Below are the 12 most recent journal entries recorded in Grendel Kitty Monster's LiveJournal:

    Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000
    8:43 am
    Thursday, November 16th, 2000
    4:30 pm
    I went to scary place! Girl put me in coat pocket and I could not see! Took me to place with pokey sharp things and things down my throat! MEEEER!!!!

    I weigh 1.9 pounds. Girls laughed at that. Said I am shrimp. Also I am a boy for sure now.
    Friday, November 3rd, 2000
    1:24 pm
    Did you have good Halloween? Grendel kitty did. people came over to see me. i got a manicure and a photo shoot with a real photographer, not just girl with her digital camera. For some reason this photographer was wearing fangs. Artists are funny.

    I must tell you, this plastic bag I found on the floor is fabulous. Today I heard girl say "clean room today". I hope this does not mean taking away things on floor.

    The bathroom floor is getting more sly and also more adventurous. It has gotten to the point where I must subdue it every morning after I drink some water. Girls and boy do not understand the threat. They walk freely on bathroom floor as if it were not plotting their demise beneath their feet. I try to warn them. I bite feet! all i get for my efforts is a kick.

    Current Mood: restless
    Monday, October 30th, 2000
    10:11 pm
    meer! i tell story. scary story!

    once was a kitten named Lednerg. cousin of Grendel Kitty Monster (me). Lednerg was very curious. Like Grendel, was very clumsy. Just the other day I fall off table. The girls and boy were all sitting there and they laughed at me. I was like "meer! i see you in the shower and i laugh too!" where was I?

    Grendel cousin Lednerg very curious cat. He had a person who owned a factory that made things. Cute things for shelves. is knicknacks? I don't know. fun to knock off shelves. anyway, Lednerg play in factory most days. eat dust off floor, bite feet of workers. Workers job to stir big kettles of hot stuff. Plastic to be made into toys. I have some plastic toys. But even better is plastic that comes from sour cream lid. oh i do love this plastic.

    Anyway, kitty Lednerg get tired of biting feet. Decide wanted to bite ears. So he work up nerve and one day climb stealthily to high point and take aim. Leap from high shelf and try to land on head of worker. But worker move and last second and

    20349u5laksmdgf29paaaaaaaafffffffffeeeeeeeeeeee be right back.

    i had to check the bathroom floor. you never know what it's up to.

    oh story. Lednerg fall into tub of liquid plastic. Come out very strange. For the rest of life, face frozen in the midst of saying "MEEEEEEEeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!"

    also, kitty very shiny now.

    the end.

    Friday, October 27th, 2000
    6:38 pm
    mih. girl put jalape?o juice on the computer and tv cords. hurt my tongue! meeeeer!!

    i sleep now under couch.
    Thursday, October 26th, 2000
    8:47 am
    I tried to sleep inside girl's brain last night but I couldn't find the entrance. I thought it might be under her hair. I spent all night looking for it.

    She did yoga this morning and I helped by biting her feet so she wouldn't fall asleep.
    Wednesday, October 25th, 2000
    1:03 pm
    I was sleeping on top of the big stuffed scooby doo but girl and boy woke me up. boy is showing me his room. lots of videos under this bed.
    9:03 am
    i took a flying leap and landed in girl's peanut butter toast. left little peanut butter pawprints on the table.
    7:46 am
    I WAS TAKING A NAP AND I WAS ATTACKED!!!! what is this thing?? pounce!
    oh. tail. move along folks, there's nothing to see here. back to sleep.

    girl says I make alot of noise for such a tiny monster.
    7:22 am
    so tired. sleep now on girl's bed.
    7:13 am
    Where am I?
    7:06 am
    I am here! Still dark out. Rode in car for 9 hours in rain with Green Hat Boy. I watch lights! I chase windshield wipers! I say MEER! alot.

    Now I am inside. Girl holds me says "ohhh baby kitty!" Other girl comes out and takes me. First girl says going back "to sleep". I don't know what this is. Other girl shows me "living room". I find chairs! chairs and table! so much fun with chairs. run under, hop over. under, over. underoverunderoverunderover! I am James Bond! WHAT IS THIS? A THREAT TO HER MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY! it tastes good. piece of popcorn.

    Back in girl's room I find the BEST THING EVER! shiny thing. Girl says, part of "halloween costume". She is up early to write a paper, but I will not allow this! I hide under bed. Make lots of rustly sounds.

    Now I am in box, says AMAZON.COM. Crinkly thing in here. Perhaps I shall stay.

    Current Mood: meer!