LiveJournal for Katie.
Friday, March 19th, 2004 |
I spent the last eight hours of my life with a stomach bug that has been trying to kill me from the inside out. I haven't been this sick since I had my surgery in `99. |
Saturday, March 6th, 2004 |
The Ugly: I just spent almost $200 at Bed, Bath & Beyond. The Bad: Buyer's remorse. The Good: We can afford it. :) And our bed is more comfortable now and Nathan's bathroom looks pimp. |
Friday, February 27th, 2004 |
Thank God It's Fuckin' Friday! I'm leaving for the airport in 10 minutes. I'm flying to Dallas tonight and Nathan's driving up tomorrow night. We'll be back Sunday evening. We're going to visit our new nephew. Pics to come when we get back. |
Tuesday, February 17th, 2004 |
After complaining to my mother over the phone earlier about how jacked up my feet look right now with the wearing of the high heels every day and not being pedicured, she said, "At least it's your feet and not your face." The woman has a point. |
Wednesday, February 11th, 2004 |
Stolen from I don't even know who, but respond and put it in your livejournal and find out other people's responses to you. Song Meme |
Tuesday, February 10th, 2004 |
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!! | ||||
Monday, February 9th, 2004 |
Because this shit just doesn't get any funnier: |
Sunday, February 8th, 2004 |
Monday, December 22nd, 2003 |
So how much do I depend on this little box to show me the level of regard I might have. Why do I write in livejournal for my friends to see? Aren't I supposed to see my friends? And aren't we supposed to sit around small tables in crowded rooms where our elbows touch each time we lift our cups of this-or-that-concoction. And we laugh at each other's silly word fumbles while sharing stories of yesteryear and five minutes ago? I have been so far out of this loop for so long, that I'm afraid I've almost lost my friendship confidence. I'm friends with Nathan. Of course. He's my best friend to whom I owe the most. I'm friends with Miranda. She's taught me more about just being there for your friends, and talking things out (or screaming and crying them out sometimes) than anyone else in this world. I'm friends with Kelley. Sometimes I feel sure in our relationship, other times I don't. I know I love her for the person she truly is, but either I don't get to see enough of that person or she doesn't let me see it like she used to. These are my closest friends, and each of them bring something very special to my life. But what do I bring to theirs? It's not necessarily that I crave more friends. I just crave more. Period. I want to see more, laugh more, hang out with more people, the possibility of new friends. I want to stop hearing whispers and start listening to more heartfelt words. I want to walk more and drive less. I want to make love more and sit on the couch less. I want to smile more. And I want people to share this with. Over the years of drug abuse, my dependency on Nathan, then delving headfirst and blindly into schoolwork for the past 18 months, I lost sight of who I am. I know who I can be, but who is Katie now? I know I'm not the only person who asks themselves that. I'm quick to pull my bridge in because of all the times it has been burned before. But I also see evil in parts of this world where I want nothing to do with that kind of darkness. I'm not jealous of anyone for their friends. There's a lot of people in this town that I don't want to be friends with. I'm envious of the friendships themselves. Because I want that too. I want the ones I already have to be stronger, and I want to discover and develop new ones. I want to see more of the world. I want to see more of myself. I want to see more love, and less pain. More growth, less fear. I want others to see me for me, and not for who they hear I am. I want to see what I am capable of. To see what I can do with these tools that I was given: humor, compassion, generosity, sincerity, trust, loyalty.... And I want others to see that too.
Thursday, December 18th, 2003 |
Does anyone have a resume template that they feel is exceptional and would like to share with me? I need a "Knock-Their-Socks-Off" resume, and none of the online guides are quite good enough (10minuteresume just ain't doing it). Any help is needed and appreciated. Thank you! |
Saturday, December 13th, 2003 |
done. did you hear me? i said i'm |
Wednesday, December 10th, 2003 |
oh my god. i am such an asshole! the prompt for my paper is 3 paragraphs long, but i only realized that tonight. i thought it was 3 different prompts, all one paragraph long. so i chose the middle one. lol - i am a fucking retard. after re-reading it (in its entirety) i found out i have a lot more reading to do than i thought. so what am i doing? updating lj. yay! i have to study for my linguistics test tomorrow, and work more on this paper and my last portfolio. i het skewl. |
this is a poem i wrote over a year ago, but i have revised for my poetry portfolio. one of the people in one of my workshops suggested i take the last 2 lines out of the poem...what do you think? Untitled 2002: Revised 2003 I wonder who killed Kurt Cobain; The American DREAM-LAND slain – drunk on pretentious fairy tales and hopped up on cocaine. So vain – I bet you think this poem is about you, and your predictable point of view shadowing the trail of perversion. One and One does not make two; It makes you, and... Super high – American man. Am I Can? Can am I fly? Words juxtaposed – tornadic scrabble of the lobes. The delusion of this illusion Is that you are usin’ what you are using as if it were not using you. It made Ginsberg howl And put you down in a hole with Staley. Self-seeking. Not seeking self. Destroying daily. Two paths diverge and in a clear wood I – I am so high – on American prosperity. Push the plunger through the needle until my veins run dry. “I had a dream!” cried the King. But this dream ain’t over ‘til all of us sing. Tap into my world of pain. So vain – you see? Kesey would claim “YOU’RE ON THE BUS.” I wonder who killed Kurt Cobain – Love killed; so vain. |
2 pages of my 15 page poetry portfolio done. and in better news: |
Thursday, December 4th, 2003 |
![]() ![]() |
Sunday, November 30th, 2003 |
okay, so i was accidently exposed to the mars volta. and like all you other fucks, i am now hooked. dammit! |
Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 |
But for the record, Kelley made me do it!!! Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com! |
Saturday, November 22nd, 2003 |
today i feel better. maybe. i have a football game to watch, then 2 correspondence lessons to finish, then a packet to read, a movie to watch and a paper to write over the packet and movie. i'm starting to freak out w/ the amount of work there is left to be done and less than 2 weeks until graduation ceremonies. ofcourse, i have finals and papers due up through the 13th, but it's SO almost over. and i'm afraid i might not finish. anxiety much? ask me anything. |
Thursday, November 13th, 2003 |
church-mouse: a homosexual who frequents churches and cathedrals in order to grope or cruise the young men there. Churches are chosen for this purpose not from any irreverance or cynicism, but rather because crowds of people standing and preoccupied people, as in cathedrals, subways, elevators, etc. are ideal for the homosexual's purporse. playing checkers: Moving from one seat to another in a motion-picture theatre to find a willing youth. The homosexual sits down next to a likely subject, and makes either a verbal or an elaborately accidental overture or 'pass', and if rebuffed, gets up and moves to another row, preferably not too close to the previous location, to try again with someone else. tea-room queen: A homosexual who frequents toilet rooms to find persons amenable to his erotic or erotico-financial plans, or to scrawl homosexual dithyrambs or invitations on the walls. dethroned: Ordered by the attendent to leave a public toilet; said of male homosexuals ('queens' therefore 'dethroned') who frequent toilets, parks, subways, barrooms, etc. Those are only a few. They made me laugh. |
Thursday, November 6th, 2003 |
I took Chloe to get her stitches out today and apparently they gave her a shot of "Spiderman" because I just caught the crazy bitch doing this:![]() |
LiveJournal for Katie.