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as white as they get

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Phone Post [Sat Jun 5 17:34pm]

75K 0:25
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hahahahaha [Thu Jun 3 15:26pm]

nf's LJ stalker is perfora!
perfora is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also getting jiggy with your best friend!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
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[Thu Jun 3 2:48am]

[mood | morose]

meeting someone, initially thinking they're gay, later reconsidering and deciding that they are not in fact gay, feeling stupid for thinking that they were gay. MONTHS PASS... learning that the person is indeed gay.

i heard "loser" by beck on the radio today. man, he sounds fucked up.

once again i feel like i've fallen into some weird fucked up rut in my life that i can't for the hell of me find the motivation to bring myself out of. and no, i'm not talking about the don and bo show. i need my life to be less like an episode of "small wonder" and more like a force md's music video.

am i a "goof"?

oh, and fuck you internal revenue service.

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wow [Tue Jun 1 20:30pm]

i just cleaned my glasses, and my laptop screen, and wow, it's like a whole new world!
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hi [Tue Jun 1 12:17pm]

[music |your favorite song]

dear brew crew:

plz remember how to hit


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rock [Sun May 23 1:44am]

and i can't even get real drugs here! (waves can of whipped cream)
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Phone Post: [Sun May 23 1:02am]

165K 0:48
“Something about being HOLY and a drive thru...”

Transcribed by: [info]westballar
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[Fri May 14 13:05pm]

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all/most photos by dj eric andjrejskjzjjjsjjkvkjmicwz )
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[Wed May 12 17:01pm]

[music |pavement - range life]

my highlight of the weekend:

watching a burlesque lady hula-hoop on stage to "milkshake"

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[Tue May 11 23:00pm]

You Are F***-able!

And boy do you ever take advantage of your do-ability. And why not?
If you can score, why not go for it? And no matter how many steamy affairs you have...
Well, you always seem to find more. And no wonder - you are hot from any perspective.
Hot attitude, hot appearance, and hot passion equals tons of hot screwing!

Are You F***able?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

i really had to lay off the " Miss him or her like crazy, and try to console yourself with a Buffy marathon" answer, though
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surreal [Mon May 10 22:50pm]

sitting on a couch next to a window, i overheard a car sitting an at intersection. "raspberry beret" was playing. the radio was switched to a country station.

the end.
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a seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenseeeeeee of priiiiiiiiiiideeeeee [Wed May 5 12:51pm]

Blender magazine's top 50 worst pop songs. Bold the ones you actually like... )
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[Sat May 1 13:30pm]

there's a trucker hat giveaway day for the kansas city royals. proof.

if america's pasttime has caught up with a trend, then by definition it can no longer be trendy, right?
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[Thu Apr 29 21:35pm]

while looking behind my couch, i found not one, but two baseball hats.
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remorse [Thu Apr 29 3:28am]

i clearly remember saying "if the brewers win this one i will shit my pants".
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Phone Post [Thu Apr 29 1:09am]

130K 0:36
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Phone Post [Thu Apr 29 0:58am]

138K 0:42
(Help)(no transcription available)
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[Tue Apr 27 17:48pm]

this would be a lot more interesting if it removed the most common words.

word usage )
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bleh. [Sun Apr 25 19:34pm]

they wouldn't let me take my broom into the ballpark.
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