some june day's Journal

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Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
12:00 am - just so you know

mark courtney leigh ernest sparks

current mood: pleased

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Tuesday, March 4th, 2003
5:47 pm
claire gets a bookbag full of hip-hop cds from the bookstore,
we walk back from her car through a cemetary,
it is midnight but looks like a blue mercurian midday.
my mary janes match the steps her boots take,
there is a symphony, a harmony.
the smoke from her cigarette pours out
of her mouth like words.

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Sunday, February 2nd, 2003
11:44 am - noctornes %chopin +empty bottles, ashes
dream that my typewriter ate my brain
out of my skull like cereal
out of a bowl and spit
words out on yellow, thick paper aft

(writing in crayon
when you are triping makes sense.)

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Monday, January 13th, 2003
12:27 pm
i whine, i pine
for vassar.

i can last five days.
i can last five days?

my feet are always cold here,
and my hands,
everything is broken.

i wear my grandmother's ring.

i miss.

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Friday, January 3rd, 2003
1:27 am
in my other worldy euphoria,
i didn't want to forget the most beautiful night.

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Sunday, December 22nd, 2002
2:10 pm
there is no christmas, this year.

(my grandmother's in the hospital
i haven't eaten anything but tea and
crackers since thursday i sleep 12
hours a day and breathe smoke forever.)

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Thursday, December 19th, 2002
1:26 pm
going back to pennsylvannia on friday.
a month is too long of a time.
much, much to long.

my stomach twists inside of me when
i look out the window and imagine
not seeing this place until january 18th.

i try to think of movie theatres, old friends,
bubble baths and time to read.

(i miss him already it hasn't even been 24 hours).

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