The Monster Under Your Bed's Journal

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Thursday, May 13th, 2004
12:03 pm - Welcome to the world of higher electric bills.
Finally broke down and turned on the AC. It's huuuumid. We're supposed to have a cold front blow through tonight or tomorrow. The high today? Upper80's. Tomorrow? 68*.

Skye will be staying inside today, she needs to rest and making her stay inside is the only way to do it. That and we're expecting storms today (80% chance) and she freaks over storms.

current mood: awake

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9:52 am - Skye Update
A tired Wench greeted 7AM with eyes wide open. I've been up and down with Skye most of the night. Just checking on irrational urge to make sure she was still breathing and just sleeping. I'm sure she was getting rather annoyed with my hourly visits.

We had no more seizures last night. The second bowl of water I put down is dry and this morning she's back to her normal needy self. I took her out front with me this morning while I called the vet. She did her business and then came back to the porch, laid down and put her head in my lap while I talked to the vet and then called Mom.

The vet said this may be the only seizure she ever has. Or she may have two or three a year. It's when she has them frequently that we need to think about medication. Granted, she's the most physically fit dog I know....not an ounce of fat on her, but she just has to realize that she's not a puppy anymore and stop the insane chasing of cars around the back yard.

As I told [info]pooka last night, a little boredom would be nice right about now.

current mood: awake

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1:10 am - Update
Well, she's finished one 20oz bottle of water. She's spent an hour on my bed in front of the fan, being wet down on the belly and feet with a cool wet rag intermittently. I decided to let her out, for a potty break and to check her mobility and when I asked her if she wanted to go Outside she lept off the bed and trotted to the door.

Hopefully this is a one time thing and merely due to the heat. It got up into the 90's today and I just don't think she had enough water. Tomorrow this will be remedied before we go to work.

current mood: pooped

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12:10 am - Good thoughts needed
We just got home from work about 45 minutes ago. I went out and fed the pups, added water to their bucket, as it was almost empty, and let Skye and Kyree in to feed them. Skye started eating and then she started darting around the bedroom.

At first we thought she was chasing something...a flea on her butt maybe. She gets weird like that when she's got an itch. But then I noticed as she came around the corner of the bed that neither front leg was going in the same direction and she was having trouble staying upright.

Before she fell I caught her and layed her down at my feet. She lay there, semi-stiff and just kept jerking. She never really *lost* her ability to focus. She looked at me the entire time. All 14 minutes.

I called the vet, started timing her, and as I talked with him, she started coming around. Wagging her tail as I shhhh'd at her. By 11:53 she was laying in TMF's lap giving him kisses.

She seems fine now, tired and a little wobbly. She can walk fine, she just seems weak. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen again.

She doesn't have a fever, her pads are hot though and so we're wondering if she isn't dehydrated to the max. By the time I made it home, the water bucket was too far down for the dogs to reach. And she's been jumping in the pond, which is gross, so she may have an infection. (note to self: get your ass in gear and pull it out)

When it was all over I got a cool wet rag and wiped her down, laid it on her belly and tried to cool her a bit. She's panting to beat the band. The vet said it might be a pre-emptive seziure...not quite full blown since she didn't go rigid. She maintained her lucidity and during the episode she was able to open and close her mouth and move her tongue.

We're going to keep an eye on her tonight. She's currently in my bed, laying in front of the fan. I've brought water in to her, she's had about 10 ounces so far and I'm going to try and push a little more before I turn in for bed. TMF's crashed in the living room, so it looks like it's me and Skye in bed tonight.

Her nose is cool and wet, her gums are pink, she's wagging her tail and looking pathetic. Assuming this is her only episode, I'm afraid she's going to end up spoiled. I'm bringing her water to bed. But my baby is sick. What can a Mother do?

current mood: scared

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Tuesday, May 11th, 2004
11:10 pm - Murder/Suicide becomes more of an option as the days go by....
I think I'm going to take some quiet time. Process my thoughts on paper for a while. Something I can carry with me. We've turned the truck over to the mechanic. I told him to fix it, make it run well, and have it inspectable. I have an idea of how much it's going to cost me, and he's aware he is going to have to wait for his money.

Maybe I should switch mechanics, but I'm just so tired of fighting. It's not in me anymore.

current mood: depressed

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1:26 pm - When it rains
After my last post we left to get the Jimmy. The mechanic/owner told me that all of the things that were wrong weren't part of *installing* the engine. How this can be, I have no clue. So I asked him to print me an itemized bill and we left. We stopped 3 blocks down the road at McDonalds for lunch. We ate, we went back to the vehicles, we got in, the Jimmy wouldn't start. Apparently the starter went from fine to drained. It's not dead. It's trying. But the damn car won't start. So we went back to the shop. The owner had gone to lunch and won't be back until 2. I know this isn't going to be their problem either.

TMF has left to take Mom and Demon to their respective places of work or swim class. I am going to sit here and cry.

current mood: depressed

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10:52 am - Gaming, Kink, Cars, and Stuff.
Gaming )

Kinky stuff )

Car Stuff )

Work stuff )

current mood: okay

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Sunday, May 9th, 2004
5:38 pm
I sincerely hope that more than PFC's and a few Sargents are brought up for court martial for this. Let's look higher up the ladder that left these soliders alone and understaffed.

Read more... )

current mood: angry
current music: NBC Evening News

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11:02 am - What a difference 4 inches makes.
Got my hair cut the other day. I went in for a trim and while the lady was combing out my hair she mentioned that my hair had grown into a point. The tip being centermost. She said that it would look fuller if it were cut straight across in a block shape. I said, go for it. I knew it needed it and I knew I was loosing at least 2 inches anyway.

When it was all said and done, I was the owner of newly blocked hair. And minus 4 inches of hair in general. The point grew that much farther down from the sides.

Now, it didn't all get whacked off. It still comes down to the middle of my back. Just not quite as far as it used too. Feels good too. I'm noticing less loss in my hair brush or when I run my hands through it. The block shape is interestingly cute. I have yet to try and throw it into my usual single braid, but that will come later today.


TMF went to church with his Mother today. Mother's Day Luncheon or some such business. I'm here, half dressed, waiting on my shorts to dry so I can get ready for drumming circle. Rumors are that there'll be a TV crew out today.

Happy Mother's Day for all you who have spawned miniature progeny. Happy Almost Mother's Day to [info]pickychicky1979 who is almost there. And an especially welcome Happy Mother's Day to [info]ravenhart who is having what I think is one of the most grateful and overwhelming Mother's Day's of her life.

current mood: awake

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1:53 am
Even though I've been in a pretty rancid mood lately, I can still play one kick ass Kender.

current mood: giggly

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Saturday, May 8th, 2004
6:42 pm - Gaming Night
Very shortly there will be a Kender in the living room.

Be afraid.

current mood: mischievous

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Thursday, May 6th, 2004
12:32 pm - Updates
Well, we have the Jimmy back now. Only the transmission doesn't want to shift out of first gear until it hits 50MPH, and the speedometer isn't reading speed correctly since I follwed TMF home at 65MPH and the Jimmy said he was going 50. So he's installing the breather and we're going to take it back to the mechanic. I didn't pay $997 for a busted ass car.

Someday, when we get it back, and in hopefully running condidtion, we'll be able to get it insured, tagged, and inspected.

[info]pooka, while I have no idea what Jenn and Jeff are doing this weekend, I can almost promise you that TMF and I will not be leaving the house. However the commission from my chainmail should be reaching your paypal account soon. Have some blackberry wine on me. For me. Heh, on me, literally in June maybe.

I came home Tuesday night with a stress migraine from hell. On top of the car I found out my brother is going to Iraq on June 10th. Baghdad. Then I found out that the phone, bill due the 5th, had been shut off. No phone, no car, no brother....

I called it quits around 8 that night and came home. Jenn and I talked and we figured out a way to pay the Jimmy completely, pay bills tomorrow, pay remaining bills next Friday, and pay for TMF's teeth at the end of the month. We should be able to get everything paid off but the mortgage and I can pay that on the 28th.

Things here have been holding stable, but insane. TMF's blaming himself for buying the engine when he says he now could have figured out a way to fix the old engine. (10,000 miles and sticking rockers....uh, no.) He called me a couple of times from work, in near tears. This weekend is probably going to be spent keeping him out of bed and his spirits bolstered.

Just wondering when it's going to be my turn to have some good things happen.

current mood: contemplative

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12:08 pm - Jupiter goes direct in Virgo
Read more... )

current mood: awake

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Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
10:49 am - Money Woes
Read more... )

current mood: crappy

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Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
7:22 pm - Disfunctional Drumming
Just ranting a little bit....we have a weekly drum circle here where I live, it just started a few weeks ago, and it's driving me mad. We play 2 doumbeks and 2 djembes...with what knowledge we've picked up in our years in the SCA.

The gentleman who started this circle we love for doing so. But he only knows ONE freaking rhythm. We keep trying to teach others. Start the circle with one beat and he'll follow along for a bit...but before you know it...back to that same old beat.

Can't even dance well to it.


current mood: tired

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12:14 am - Infomercials
It's interesting how, for the low, low price of 4 easy payments I can not only loose 2 dress sizes and 10 inches in 10 days, BUT I can also read 1500 words a minute, invest in real estate with no money down, make a 6 course dinner with one easy (dishwasher safe) machine. All from one little pill!


The one I'm listening to now involves fiber pills that expand in your stomach and trap fat before your body can digest it.

Do people not realize that if your body doesn't digest has to come out somewhere?!?!?


current mood: nauseated

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Saturday, May 1st, 2004
8:58 pm - Acomplishment
I have a bedroom. AND a bed. All that's left is small picking up and putting away. I would have more room for things if I cleaned out my closet, but I think I have tempted fate enough for one day. I did finally stop and sit down when I suddenly realized that the carpet was a quick upward motion.

Silly me hasn't eaten since 2.

But, pizza arrived, I have pigged out, and now I am off for the rest of the dishes.

When I get most of those done I am going to shave Skye and give her a bath for the pagan picnic tomorrow.

current mood: busy

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6:12 pm - Pack Rat
The next time I complain that my bedroom needs cleaning...someone slap me and remind me to just pick a path out. I'm delving into boxes of junk that I haven't touched in well over a year. I've hung bookshelves. I can't see my bed. I have no idea where I'm going to put this stuff that I've dragged out of the forbidden corners.

I'm a packrat. And you know what happens when you disturb a packrat's carefully placed junk?

You get a roomfull of messy crap that no one has any idea why the packrat saved it!!!!!!!

In my defense I have to say that I've thrown out one large box of trash, have filled one 35 gallon trash bag of crap, and am working on sorting the rest into manageable plastic storage tubs or am throwing it away.

Where I am going to put the tubs, I have no clue. But at least it'll be broken down to 3 or 4 sealed tubs instead of overflowing shelves, cardboard boxes, bags, and baskets. That's progress....right?

I can see things I crap. Drug company stress toys...why did I save them? Because...they're brains. Literally. Foam brains. Am I going to use them, not likely. Am I going to keep them....

That remains to be seen.

Stuffed toys, keychains, variuous change bags, art supplies....

I guess the point's my nature to be a packrat and this is some hard work...sorting through things kept. Kinda like Archeology.

I wonder what a Social Archeologist would think of me.

And I know I'm posting when I should be cleaning...but I needed a drink and a breather after spending 45 minutes on my knees. No comments from the peanut gallery.

current mood: busy

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5:10 pm - When we last left our intrepid Heroine......
Wench kisses TMF and sends him out the door. She would push up her sleeves resolutely, but alas, she is wearing only a sports bra. So, she instead resloutely shifts her bodacious tatas more securely in the sling and sets to cleaning. Laundry flies, baskets are flung, trash is heaved. She sits back and notices that one area is clean, but there is an ominuous dark growl from the bed.

Wench tackles the pile of items. She finds implements of sewing and puts them in the sewing box. She finds items of clothing and sends them to the washer. She discovers an army of Sharpie markers and after a long, colorful battle manages to get them secured with a hair band and placed with the other subdued art supplies.

Feeling a rush of accomplishment she turns to TMF's side of the bed. It is then that she senses a problem with cleaning....alone. For the socks are deep. And the soda cans bespeak of a life of stoner living and frat parties galore. It is as if a 2nd year co-ed has moved in to this side of the bedroom. Steeling herself against the worst she dives into the fight. Only to be beaten back by an empty bag of Fritos. While she is grappling with them an IBC rootbeer bottle jumps from the end table and proceeds to beat her about the head.

Wench fights bravely, but she can feel herself weakening. It is too much, she would nap...but the bed is covered with clean folded laundry...

Stay tuned for our next exciting episode of BED WARS: Attack of the Funyuns

current mood: busy
current music: Tom Petty--Freefalling

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3:44 pm - Score!
TMF's going into work for a few hours. This means I'm home alone. Time for some major kicked up music and some serious bedroom destruction! Where's my ripped fuel?!?!?!

current mood: bouncy
current music: Hey Baby--No Doubt

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