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uh. duh. [Jan. 26th, 2004|11:34 pm]

You are Marijuana!

Laid back, dreamy, and maybe a little stinky from skipping a shower.

You rather hang out on the couch watching That 70s Show than go clubbing.

All you need is a big joint, TV, and some Twinkies covered in chocolate syrup!

What Drug Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
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[Jan. 20th, 2004|10:46 pm]
You are one of the few out there whose wings are
truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and
divine, you are one blessed with a certain
cosmic grace. You are unequalled in
peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of
Light your wings are massive and a soft white
or silver. Countless feathers grace them and
radiate the light within you for all the world
to see. You are a defender, protector, and
caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver
of the wrong, chances are you are taken
advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often.
But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in
everyone and so this mistreatment does not make
you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will
try to help misguided souls find themselves and
peace. However not all Angelics allow
themselves to be gotten the better of - the
Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting
for the sake of Justice and protection of those
less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever
change - the world needs more people like you.

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

the results are the same as [info]caswell's, but i posted them just the same.
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[Jan. 20th, 2004|12:23 am]
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[Jan. 17th, 2004|12:26 am]
Why would I die in a horror movie? by toxicninja
Killed bycleavered in the face
Killed becauseyou cheated
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

uh oh....
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link link linkage... [Jan. 16th, 2004|09:57 am]
someone just sent me thislink.

it's rather funny, if you're interested in the current political situation.

thanks to [info]desscorp for my initial exposure.
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[Jan. 14th, 2004|11:10 pm]
this commercial.

is making my brain hurt.

it's a nice little mail-order cd commercial. worse yet, the name of the album is 'thug nation'.

a couple of good songs on there, but the reason my brain is swelling in horror is that the announcer for said commercial has what is probably the whitest-sounding voice. ever.

it's frightening.
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[Jan. 7th, 2004|05:53 pm]



anyone who tells you otherwise is just blowing sunshine up your ass.
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bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine. [Jan. 6th, 2004|11:28 pm]
[mood |all of the above]

i'm sleepy. i'm crampy. i'm bitchy. i'm slightly bloaty. i'm bleeding. i'm whiny. i'm lonely. i'm bored. i'm tired. i'm frustrated. i'm headachy. i'm nauseous. i'm hungry.

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[Jan. 4th, 2004|11:49 pm]
i went to the mall today.

[info]fleshhead and i went to go register for our wedding at a few places. we decided to wander down to the food court to get a snack. the food court is home to a few isolated non-food kiosks, and two or three actual true shops. hot topic is one of these shops.

now i know that most people my age are all anti-hot topic, because it's made an original style mainstream and generic.

what i found incredibly amusing is the sheer amount of 14 year old punker kiddies hanging out down there. this makes me sound old. but i am old. i remember mtv with no commercials. the bands these kids blazon their apparel with and style themselves after with their cut and resewn black levi's and their bondage and/or bullet belts have members that have died before their parents were ever brave enough to buy condoms.

these kids were born AFTER mtv started playing commercials. not only had punk died punk's not dead) before they were born, the muzak version of punk (namely new wave) had died as well, or at least was on its last legs.

but apparently retro is original and doc martens and mohawks make the man, er, child.

this post is not intended to insult punk in any way, shape, or form. just the little kids who sit a table away from mommy and their little sister so they look tough and hard.

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and so starts 2004.... [Jan. 1st, 2004|01:03 am]
[mood |neutral.]
[music |eddie izzard - dressed to kill]

yeah. happy new year. whatever.

semi-unhappy semi-ramblings )

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[Dec. 31st, 2003|10:17 am]
[mood | blah]
[music |blah blah - the blahs]

another year is dead and gone. almost. (14 hours from now)

and i can't help but wonder... has this year been squandered?

have i done anything worthwhile with my time?

the wedding date is fast approaching. things need to get set in motion. dresses need to be chosen. cake needs to be tasted. floral arrangements need to be picked out. save the date cards need to be sent. invitations need to be selected. money needs to be paid.


it doesn't look like i have any plans for tonight. nothing to do, no one's really throwing any parties.... looks like it'll just be me throwing things at dick clark on the television screen. possibly getting drunk. dunno.

everyone i live with works tomorrow morning, so i'll have new year's day and the rose parade all to myself tomorrow. whee. go me.

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new meme for the sheepie i am [Dec. 30th, 2003|08:19 pm]
viciously ganked from [info]glaukopis who ganked it from others.

LiveJournal Slut Score for ~tellura
Percentage of your friends you've met 47.62%
Percentage of your friends you've kissed 9.52%
Percentage of your friends you've sexed 6.35%
Percentage of your friends you fancy 12.70%
Slut points 70
(Based on 63 LiveJournal friends)
Take the LJ Slut Test by ~skx comment here.
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[Dec. 24th, 2003|10:03 am]

Journal Name
How bad does it suck?

Let me guess... you're being insightful, and making people think. My ass you are.

Take the meme at t3knomeme

at least this meme's accurate.
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[Dec. 23rd, 2003|10:18 am]
i'm in a surprisingly good mood today. perhaps it's the inevitable approach of christmas and i'm merely happy because i know that soon my sense of greed will be somewhat assuaged.

or maybe i just realized that i didn't get the holiday blahs this year.

anyway, i woke up this morning to rain. this made me happy, because it isn't the violent pounding kinda rain we usually get this time of year. it's a nice rain. i got a decent amount of sleep last night, so i'm not all tired-grumpy.

i only work 4 hours tomorrow, christmas eve, then i have christmas day off. how lovely. i get fed twice, which will mollify my sense of gluttony. and i get presents! (there's greed again)

so yeah. i like the holidays this year, i guess.

but i won't be so jolly when i get my credit card bill.
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[Dec. 22nd, 2003|10:06 am]

everyone... click on THIS!

the sad thing is, i recognize some of these pictures from [info]non_uglies and [info]the_exalted and just plain good ol' ljdrama.org.

and probably some irc people too.
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[Dec. 21st, 2003|05:39 pm]
[mood |masculine]


that is all.

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[Dec. 21st, 2003|02:49 pm]

i feel all fat and sloppy and gross today.

that is all.
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money and credit and debt oh my [Dec. 19th, 2003|09:55 am]
[mood | awake]
[music |the cult - she sells sanctuary]

it actually kinda looks like christmas in our house. we have a little tree on our table. surrounded by presents. pretty decent haul, i'd have to say.

now, they're not all for me. they're not even mostly all for me. there's family presents, roommate presents, and presents exchanged between lovers.

it's kinda nice.

this is also the first year i've owned a christmas tree. that's neat too. being a jew, christmas is all shiny and pretty and wrapped up in bright red paper with a bow. it's new! it's exciting! i'm not all jaded about it like i am with chanukkah.

but anyway, before i start sounding (more) like a retard, i go now.

so. merry christmas, happy chanukkah, blessed solstice, happy kwanzaa, etc. etc. etc.

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slept-over thoughts [Dec. 18th, 2003|10:09 am]
[mood | okay]
[music |misfits - hybrid moments]

kinda got torn up a little bit last night.

had something put into perspective for me. sometimes you just need to listen to the viewpoint of someone who was there, but uninvolved, to really get the full picture. i'm not going to bash myself, because we're all self-centered to a certain degree, because we all see things from our own perspective. it's easy to try to be objective when you're dealing with a political situation, but when your own feelings and desires are involved, objectivity is a rare thing to find.

i took everything that was said to me to heart, but i didn't let myself get hurt by it. it's the past. it was just kinda nice to have things sewn up for me like that.

i made a hard decision a few years back. i have, on occasion, wondered if the decision i made was the right one. it's nice to know that even though it was highly unpleasant, it was for the best, for everyone involved.

anyway, i think i've used up all the descriptive words that i can without revealing any details on this situation. so i'm gonna cut off here because i would like this to remain vague.

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hahahahaha if this isn't a huge load of S H I T [Dec. 17th, 2003|12:42 pm]
[mood |laughing]
[music |my tummy gurgle gurgle]

i told the truth.

i did!

i even took the 'most accurate' version of the test.

and this is what i got:

he don't know me very well, do he?
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