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Current Music:rooney - blueside
Current Mood:[mood icon] confused
Time:02:54 pm
two people shouldn't converse with one another on serious matters while both are not in a normal state of mind.
last night was a long night.
a long, scary night.
but it ended up okay?
i'm hoping for the best.
cross your fingers and hope with me.
i'm just trying to stay happy.
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Current Music:Incubus
Current Mood:[mood icon] happy
Subject:Oh happy day
Time:08:54 am
I have my own room.
I just have to get the last of Kris's stuff out. I'm saying I since she probably won't want to help (again).
Not a big deal.
I can now see the full pattern on my rug. I remember why I bought it now - it's cute.

Today will be good, I think.
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Subject:I'm sorry I can't be perfect.
Time:08:38 am
I am such an idiot.
Apparently I still have my vodka tolerance.
I found that I like Rolling Rock.
I think I scared him.
Drinking while upset can be okay, but it sure as hell wasn't on Saturday.
I wish I knew how to just keep my mouth shut.

Where in teh fuck did this emotional rollercoaster come from?!?!?!
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Current Music:Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
Current Mood:[mood icon] aggravated
Subject:The concert
Time:07:22 pm
The concert last night was awesome. Just awesome. I wasn't in the pit, or even on the bottom level, but we had decent seats. :)
If I ranked the performances from best to worst, it'd be Linkin Park, Hoobastank, Storyoftheyear, and POD. Basically, POD kinda sucked. soty was awesome! But Hoobastank was just a bit better.
I am sore ALL over - and I was basically in nosebleed - what's that tell ya? ;) We were rough up there :p
I finally can talk normal again. But if it comes to me shouting or whispering, I have some trouble with that.
Nate just went to the George Strait concert with Big Nate and Stacy and Marion.
I'm going back over there later to finish my conversation with Stacy.
I like her.
She's a keeper.
She's a good one to talk to.
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Current Music:Linkin Park
Current Mood:[mood icon] ecstatic
Subject:Forfeit the game before somebody else takes you outta the frame and puts your name to shame cover up
Time:02:03 pm
can't. contain. the. excitement!

Megan and Jennifer are going with us too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linkin Park in approximately 5 hours!
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Time:06:02 pm
This place is more dead than on a Saturday.
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Current Music:Blink182 - I Miss you
Current Mood:[mood icon] happy
Subject:What a turn around!
Time:04:54 pm
I went to history today, excited about getting my test back that we took last Monday. I studied all fucking night for that thing!!! Sadly, I was one point away from a B. His grading scale is slightly skewed (87%-100% A, 77%-86% B).. I got a 76%. Ouch.


Of course, I procrastinated my paper until 1:00 today. But man, I got it done (10 minutes late for class.. eh, it's not a big deal with that class) and it's a fine paper, if I do say so myself, at least for a last minute deal. Now that I have time to review it, it'll be even fuckin better.
I'm feelin great.
Oh, and the test we took in there like a month ago? 92.5! It made my fucking day.
Now I just have one more thing I want to do today and everything will be great :)

One line from this song describes perfectly my idea of the feelings someone has about me: Don't waste your time on me you're already a voice inside my head.
It's not real cheery, but life goes on. Time has passed, and there are things you gotta put behind you. If you're reading this (which you just might, I don't know anymore) I understand, and have a nice life. Hope things go great for you.
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Current Music:Gary Allen - Songs About Rain
Current Mood:[mood icon] giggly
Subject:Yes sir, you are welcome!
Time:08:00 am
It took longer than I expected to reach this state again. The 'I hate the ITC prof again' stage. He just.. annoys me.


I'm excited. ^.^

I have a paper due at 3:00 today, comparing the traditional view of family to my personal view of family.
I have yet to start said paper.
I have yet to come up with the two 'artifacts' that are required for said paper.

I think it's funny to see Opie flying out the front doors when he's in a hurry over to the house.
I'm glad he's enjoying himself so far.
I don't think he's ever been drunker.
Corey still has my damn tie.
I think it's too big for him.
I'm still annoyed by prof. lev. Still.

I hate when he's trying to explain stuff. He takes 10 years!
Oh my god
Make him stop.

Are you Ron "Tater Salad" White?
Yeah. You caught me. You caught the tater.
My son, Tater TOT, is covered in moles...

PS: I bowled a fucking 151 on Monday. :D
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Current Music:Brian McComas - You're in my Head
Current Mood:[mood icon] happy
Time:12:31 pm
You're in my head
You're in my heart
You're in that song on the radio in my car
Even in my dreams
I feel your skin on my skin
Out of breath each day ends like it begins
You're in my head


Today is a better day.
Friends make all the difference in the world :)
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Current Music:Linkin Park - Crawling
Current Mood:[mood icon] pessimistic
Time:11:48 pm
I hated it so much then.
I thought it was useless, that it didn't really do anythin but 'label' me.

How wrong was I?
I'm slowly allowing myself to return.
I have good friends, I don't know why I doubt them so much.
I have a GREAT boyfriend, I don't know why I doubt that so much.
Why do I have to be so fuckin analytical of everything?
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Current Music:the exies - calm and collapsed
Subject:I don't feel anything... isn't that amazing?
Time:01:10 pm
Letter to the portrayer of filth and lies:

Why do you feel the need to spread such utter bullshit? Is your self-esteem so low that you have to put others down so you feel better about yourself? You're just a common bully, picking on the weaknesses you know about others so you seem more important. Well fuck you, you manipulative bitch. I'm not blindly believing you anymore. You raise unneeded, unwanted drama that we don't need to go through! Everyone is so sick of you coming around and poisoning our minds with your twisted tales. The smart ones got away quickly; we were oblivious and stayed with you. But now I can see, and your words mean nothing to me. Nothing. Everything you say will be doubted from now on. Everything. Don't expect me to be here for you anymore, because you can't even be there for me (or anyone else supposedly "important" to you); I don't know if I will be. I can't trust you. I don't think I even want to. You’ve had your chances; I've stuck around and waited for you before, but fuck that. I'm through with you. Have fun on the rest of your roller coaster called life.

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Current Mood:[mood icon] worried
Time:12:11 pm
What do you do when someone close to you contemplates suicide, and you know they aren't kidding?
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Current Music:?
Current Mood:[mood icon] crappy
Time:11:27 pm
What exactly is love?
Is it supposed to hurt?

and on somewhat related note.
Is it wrong to want to hate someone who spits lies like saliva?
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Current Music:Unwritten Law - Rescue Me
Current Mood:[mood icon] exhausted
Time:12:17 pm
running off 10 minutes of sleep sucks.
But on the upside, I think I ACED my WHII test.
*lopsided grin*
Only thing is now.. I have a break until 3.
But I can't go to sleep now. :/
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Current Music:Paul Oakenfold - Password Chord Remix
Current Mood:[mood icon] amused
Subject:Just a touch of cimanimanimanon
Time:04:13 pm
I'm sitting here, in review. I'm reading old entries from.. 6 months or so ago.
Trying to figure out where I went wrong/right.

There are people that I want to talk to. I want to go back and fix stuff. But I know I can't. And I know I probably shouldn't talk to them now, because
a) they hate me
b) their friends absofuckinglutely hate me
c) i'm a pussy.
What can I say?

Nothing, I know.
Besides. I was told that when said person was ready to talk to me again, said person would call ME. Not the other way around.

Home cooked meal tomorrow @ my house! woohoo! Not to mention all the food mom brought me yesterday :D
Someone saw all the food and said "Your mom must really want you to be a stoner." *pfft!*
I miss my Pirate.
I went swimming the other night for the first time in a while. It was nice.
I printed out cheezy valentines for the girls on my floor. More obligation than motivation.
I haven't seen my roommate since... 2ish last night. It's now 14 hours later, and, what's that? No one has seen her? Ok.
I'm not worried. Yet.
I have $10. At least 5 of which I am saving for pool. :)
I have got to get out of my room.

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Current Music:The Offspring - Hit That
Current Mood:[mood icon] distressed
Time:09:18 am

First, my alarm - which is set for the correct time AND is set to buzz (not auto, not radio, not off.) - doesn't fuckin go off. Again. I wake up by myself at 8:30. Strike one.

Second, Kris' and my good ol' car won't fuckin start. AGAIN. Strike two.

I seriously dont want to fucking fail this semester - I don't want to get dropped from Lev's class because of absences. I don't know if I have the ability to make up 4 fucking games of bowling during the upcoming classes because my 10:00 would have to be cancelled for that, and it has been cancelled one day and one day only - the first. And no, I can't go to the bowlin alley at any ol' time I want to - it has to be during my class so he has the class scoresheet for me.

I'm sick of bein sick. Everytime I think I'm starting to improve, something else goes wrong. I wake up and something fucking else is wrong.
Yesterday and today have been: Oh, well wow, my throat feels tons better! No wait, my ears are so fucked up my balance is screwy and they hurt when I fucking B R E A T H E. I should probably have that looked at, no?

I'm so frustrated that I am fuckin crying. Over somethin being this upset. But then it just makes me more upset because I'm getting upset over nothing in the first place. It's really nothin to cry over, but I'm trying really hard not to fuck up this semester - you know, go to all my classes, do all my homework - and I'll admit, I'm not doing a very good job of that. :/ Granted, I have been sick as a dog for the last week or two...


I hate this.

Can I just go to sleep and wake up 10 years later, and have my life already working out the way everything was planned?

PS: To add to list of stuff to piss me off: My computer is running slower than my grandpa's - and his is about 5-6 years old. What the hell is wrong with it now? ?????
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Current Music:Oakenfold - Starry Eyed Suprise
Current Mood:[mood icon] bored
Subject:again, stolen from mr. balderas :o
Time:11:34 am
List of movies, bold the ones you've seen...

1. X-Men
2. The Craft
3. X2
4. Swimfan
5. Fellowship of the Ring
6. Finding Nemo
7. Peter Pan
8. Home Alone
9. Aladdin
10. The Ring
11. 10 Things I Hate About You
12. Not Another Teen Movie
13. Spiceworld
14. 8 Mile
15. Bambi
16. Pirates of the Carribean
17. Edward Scissorhands
18. Stepmom
19. My Best Friends Wedding
20. 101 Dalmatians
21. Scream
22. Scream 2
23. Scream 3
24. Big Daddy
25. Billy Madison
26. Chamber of Secrets
27. Sorcerer Stone
28. Heartbreakers
29. Dumb & Dumber
30. Cruel Intentions
31. Scary Movie
32. Look Who's Talking
33. Blade
34. Blade II
35. O
36. Titanic
37. Carrie
38. Carrie 2: The Rage
39. Daddy Day Care
40. Legally Blonde
41. Austin Powers
42. Storm of the Century
43. Oliver and Company
44. Two Towers
45. Return of the King
46. Mighty Ducks
47. Fast and the Furious
48. 2Fast, 2 Furious
49. A Walk To Remember
50. TripleX
51. Beauty and the Beast
52. I Know What You Did Last Summer
53. I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
54. Sound of Music
55. Mary Poppins
56. Tuck Everlasting
57. The Patriot
58. The Wizard of Oz
59. Teaching Mrs. Tingle
60. Crossroads
61. Now and Then
62. Pearl Harbor
63. Just Married
64. Cast Away
65. Radio Flyer
66. Final Destination
67. Lady and the Tramp
68. Shallow Hal
69. 40 Days and 40 Nights
70. Bring It On
71. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
72. The Outsiders
73. The Matrix
74. Perfect Storm
75. Austin Powers 2
76. Never Been Kissed
77. Clueless
78. Bruce Almighty
79. Remember the Titans
81. Girl, Interrupted
82. SWAT
83. Sixth Sense
84. PhoneBooth
85. The Lion King
86. Urban Legends
87. Nightflier
88. Lion King 2
89. Little Mermaid
90. American Pie
91. Center Stage
92. Scooby Doo
93. Bedazzled
94. Mrs. Doubtfire
95. Save the Last Dance
96. My Girl
97. American Beauty
98. Romeo & Juliet
99. Lost World
100. Casper

I'm not exactly proud to say that yes, I HAVE seen a couple of those. Keep in mind, I have a little sister.
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Current Music:korn - adidas
Current Mood:[mood icon] curious
Time:10:11 am
Who wants to come to the date auction tomorrow? C'mon, I know you want to... :)
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Current Music:Oakenfold - Ready Steady Go
Current Mood:[mood icon] contemplative
Subject:stolen from mr. balderas
Time:05:57 pm
[spell your first name backwards] Eimam
[age] 17
[where do you live] Conway, AR
[four words that sum you up] Spunky, Loud, Weird, Smart?
[wallet] blue happy bunny wallet!
[hairbrush] red and black?
[jewelry worn daily] necklace, class ring, thumb ring, watch, friend cord, bracelet, ponytail holder (i consider it jewelry.)
[pillow cover] black
[coffee cup] blue, as soon as i go steal another from the cafe
[shoes] vans rowleys
[cologne/perfume] lucky
[piercings] 3 in ears
[clothes youre wearing now] jeans, tank top, sweatshirt, zip hoodie, socks

more.. )
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Current Music:Blind Melon - No Rain
Current Mood:[mood icon] blank
Time:04:48 pm
Who's actually watching?
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