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*Ill stop the world and melt with you*

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Bah... [29 May 2004|05:19am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | I suck at life... ]

I cant sleep. I cant take this anymore. He is such an ass sometimes. I dont even know what I said or did wrong... I guess im just a fuck up no matter what I do. Maybe we shouldnt move in together... maybe we shouldnt even be together... maybe...

I still work at Home Depot, Just got hired at a second job, Papa Johns... Ill be delievring pizzas. If we dont get an appartment... I can get a nicer car... a Scion maybe, I also like the Honda Element.

I have A Perfect Circle running through my head.

I cant sleep

All this stress is getting to me... my body doesnt want to function properly anymore...

I feel sick.

I dont know what to do.

I miss my sister... alot.

Maybe she is right after all, maybe I need to be single for a while...

Maybe Joey is right... I need to get away for a while...

But I cant do that for a while, with work and all.

I hate working... I hate bills... I hate life in general....

Oh, isnt that a cliche thing to say... FUCK YOU... to whom it may concern

Maybe two jobs will help me cope...

Maybe it is my fault... maybe im the fucked up one...

This wouldnt keep happening if I wasnt... would it?

Im confused... I was tired... I was going to cry... im niether now...

I feel empty and lonely. I hate this feeling...

I talked to Joey again tonight, he doesnt hate me for what happened... maybe it was my fault after all...

I brought this on my self... didnt I?!

Who knows... I dont update this thing very often... maybe thats why I have been having all these aggressive outburts at night...


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blah... [17 Feb 2004|01:32pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | none ]

So, Matt got suspended from school for three days. Needless to say, I am VERY dissappointed. I dont really know how to react to it, he really shouldnt have done what he did. According to his dad, he got into ones of the deans face and was yelling and shit. Thats just not right... I know he has a problem with authority, but he needs to get over himself and learn his place. I dont want to see him get hurt or in trouble... I dont know if I can take this anymore. He doesnt listen to me... so whats to point in trying. I love him dearly... but does he really diserve me?! I mean, im not saying in hot shit or anything... because I am really not... but if he is going to take shit for granted.... he doesnt derserve half the shit he has. He thinks his life is so bad... so awful... not worth anything... well you know what?! TURN IT AROUND. MAKE SOMETHING OF YOURSELF. DONT JUST COMPLAIN, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. God. I went out of my way not to get into a conflict with anyone... he seems to go out of his way to start it. I know he hates school and kinda hates the fact that I sleep in so much, but I did my time. I graduated... I worked , not very hard, but I still worked for what I have. I graduated with HONORS! I stayed in school, I stayed out of trouble. So what if it wasnt cool, if I seemed like an outcast and a loner who let people walk on them... I did it didnt I?! I got accomplished what I had to... I just wish he would do the same. Shut up, do your shit, and get it done with. I think I need to start staying at my house more often... teach him a lesson. I dont think he would get it though.... he wouldnt understand my reasoning... I dont even think I understand my reasoning, but its there... I have nothing but good intentions. I dont know what to do.

We are suppose to hang out with Amber and Jo today, but he and I fight over his stupidity... im going home for a couple of days... or im going to stay at my moms or something... I cant take this anymore. He doesnt want to listen... fine. I just wont talk then.

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beep [12 Feb 2004|01:24pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Lost Prophets - Last Train Home ]

So, Tuesday was my birthday. I got some really really cute stuff (clothes) and my dads girlfriend got me a Hello Kitty cake!!! I love Hello Kitty. There were a few ups and downs to my birthday, though. Matt and I had a really big fight and I almost broke up with him (not during the fight though, later on that night). But on the ups, I met Jo! Jo is a cool kid, thanks for taking me to the mall on my birthday and keeping Amber company. So... yeah. There is a concert today that I would kill to go to (From Autumn to Ashes, Billy Talent, MxPx, Sugarcult, some other guy... ) But I cant afford it... I would only go to see FATA anyways... but its not going to happen. I also wanted to go to the AFI, Thursday, Coheed show on March 9th, but by the time I get money for tickets it will definately be sold out. SUCKS! Hrm... what else is there that I wanted to talk about?! I keep having really strange, realistic dreams. They suck. Blah. Oh well... I hope you guys are all doing okay. Later.

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Only two people have ever called me princess in my life, and oddly enough, they were both named Mike [27 Jan 2004|01:19pm]
[ mood | blah ]

So, life is okay. Work is good, I like working there. I have a few errands to run today, but no biggie. Bleh... I accidently swollowed toothpaste this morning and now it feels like there is a hole in my throat. In hungry, but there is no food here. Matt will be home in an hour, Im just going to watch tv til then.


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wheee... Matt and I's song... [22 Jan 2004|12:03am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | I am Bunnie-less once again... ;_; ]

Nine Inch Nails - We're in this together

I've become impossible
holding on to when
when everything seemed to matter more
the two of us
all used and beaten up
watching fate as it flow down the path we
have chose

you and me
we're in this together now
none of them can stop us now
we will make it through somehow
you and me
if the world should break in two
until the very end of me
until the very end of you

awake to the sound as they peel apart the skin
they pick and they pull
trying to get their fingers in
well they've got to kill what we've found
well they've got to hate what we fear
well they've got to make it go away
well they've got to make it disappear

the farther I fall I'm beside you
as lost as I get I will find you
the deeper the wound I'm inside you
for ever and ever I'm a part of

you and me
we're in this together now
none of them can stop us now
we will make it through somehow
you and me
if the world should break in two
until the very end of me
until the very end of you

all that we were is gone we have to hold on
all that we were is gone we have to hold on
when all our hope is gone we have to hold on
all that we were is gone but we can hold on

you and me
we're in this together now
none of them can stop us now
we will make it through somehow
you and me
even after everything
you're the queen and I'm the king
nothing else means anything

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yeap.... [20 Jan 2004|12:12am]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | I miss my bunnie... ;_; ]

new piccies for those of you that care...

My album

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Brand New - Guernica [15 Jan 2004|01:44pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Ever since I was young your word is the word that always won. Worry and wake the ones you love. A phone call I'd rather not receive. Please use my body while I sleep. My lungs are fresh and yours to keep, Kept clean and they will let you breathe. Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry? I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind. Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these, so I sat alone and waited out the night. The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed. So I'm asking you to shine it on and stick around. I'm not writing my goodbyes. I submit no excuse. If this is what I have to do I owe you every day I wake. If I could I would shrink myself and sink through your skin to your blood cells and remove whatever makes you hurt but I am too weak to be your cure. Is this the way a toy feels when its batteries run dry? I am the watch you always wear but you forget to wind. Nobody plans to be half a world away at times like these, so I sat alone
and waited out the night. The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed. So I'm asking you to shine it on and stick around. I'm not writing my goodbyes. I'm not letting you check out. You will beat this starting now and you will always be around. I'm there to monitor your breathing I will watch you while you're sleeping. I will keep you safe and sound. Does anybody remember back when you were very young. Did you ever think that you would be this blessed?

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[31 Dec 2003|11:20pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Acid Bath - scream of the butterfly ]


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life is like a hell hole... you never know when you are going to get burnt [16 Dec 2003|05:27pm]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Bunnie is playing Max Payne 2 ]

So, Bunnie is sickies... badly. He keeps throwing up and I dont know what to do... I feel so bad.

I had the worst nervous breakdown last night. I wanted to die. I miss everyone from Highschool so much. Jon, Ricky and Ami. I dont know what happened or when or where it all changed... but it did and that part of my life is gone forever.

Work is okay, I seemed to have spent all of my first paycheck already, but its the holidays and I am a giving person...

oh yeah... and I got some new tattoos for myself for x-mas. Merry X-mas to me!! ^__^

School is over for now, I just need to figure out what I am going to take next semester... bleh. I got straight C's in all of my classes... I could have done so much better, but eh... im lazy as all hell. At least I passed them all... =P

I work tomorrow and then Friday til X-mas eve... 6 straight days in a row... SUCKS, but ill be getting plenty of money for it... oh yeah... good thing.

My sister got a job at a Chinese restaruant... funny shit.

I feel neaseaus... so im going to go... later all... keep in touch.

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ha! [04 Dec 2003|12:05pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Drew carey show theme - moon over karma ]

Who are your Celebrity Parents? by opp_girl_4_tp
Your Name
Your MomCourtney Love
Your DadTrevor Penick
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Courtney Love is my mom!! and who the hell is Trevor Penick?!

Who are your Celebrity Parents? by opp_girl_4_tp
Your Name
Your MomDemi Moore
Your DadJack Osbourne
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

Isnt Jack a little young for Demi?! hrm....


so... [04 Dec 2003|11:53am]
[ mood | FAT ]
[ music | Matt is playing his WWE Here Comes The Pain game ]

I went to school today, but not the CPI lab, I need to come up with some way of getting the hours, I think im just going to forge a couple of signatures to get the hours... hey... I need to pass, ya know?! School ends on the 11th of this month anyways... so only a couple of days left, then I have a couple of weeks off.

I dont feel good, but im still going to work, only 5 hours... not so bad. I get paid tomorrow anyways, so its all worth it, I think.

Matt is sickies... worse then me... seeing as I am not that sick... im on the verge of it, so he stayed home today to rest. And yeah, his dad comes home tonight so I may not be able to stay the night tonight... but I dont have work tomorrow, so its school and then wait for Matt to get home and then I go to pick up my check and then we go get Pirates of the Carribean... I promised him I would get it for him. I get paid once more before I have a car payment. On the 20th I owe my mom $100 and on the 24th I have a $226 car payment... an I have to fit x-mas gifts in there somewhere too... I need a credit card... badly... but I dont know if I can trust myself with one... grr. I hate having responsiblities!!!


and so on... [03 Dec 2003|10:14am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | CKY - Flesh into gear ]

I have to work today from 12:30 to 9:30, sucks. Matt and I slept in and I just got done dropping him off at school. I came back to his house to sit around for about 2 hours and then I am off to work. sucks, and 8:30 to 5:30 on Saturday. I have to work from 2 to 7 tomorrow, not as bad... but still time away from my snuggle bunnie. O_o Im still tired though. I cant seem to get any sleep anymore... not until about 5 or 6 in the morning and that is about when I have to get up, so its annoying and I end up sleeping in and not going to school. I havent gone to school in a week and a half. I have to go tomorrow though and Friday. There is not that much school left, maybe a week or so. Then finals and then I have a couple of weeks off to get money and register for some more classes.

Speaking of money, im going to be making pretty good money working at Home Depot, I just dont like these 8 hour days. I like working morning shifts better then night shifts... but oh well, I get what I can and I am happy with that... cause its money in my pocket, but it goes right back out with car payments and insurance and paying my mom and dad back, though my dad said that I didnt have to pay him back and I can just take the $30 I owe him and get my cd player installed in my car. My dad is getting me tires for x-mas... heh... silly present, but a needed one. Speaking of my car, its needs a bath... but not today... soon though... I think.

Well, im going to sign off now... im bored and I dont really feel like being online... I miss my Snuggle Bunnie.

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quizzie! [01 Dec 2003|12:42pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Finch - Worms of the Earth ]

You're Corin Tucker!
Hot Damn!! You're Corin Tucker of Sleater-Kinney
(formerly of Heavens to Betsy)! You are a
feminist, but you are subtly political. You
seem intense and maybe a little bit
intimidating; but anyone who has taken the time
appreciate you knows you have a soft underbelly
that shows through in your creativity. Your
look is very feminine, and there are very few
people who aren't attracted to you. There's one
very important thing that seperates you from
the rest of the indie rock dream've
got a bit of a domestic streak. You are most
likely to settle down first. But that just
makes you all the more irresistable! ALL OF THE
NATIONALS want you. You are THAT amazing!

Which NBN Indie Rock Dream Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

yey... boredom...


what is this.. an update?! [01 Dec 2003|11:54am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Hoobastank - crawling in the dark (dont ask, its on tv) ]

So yeah, Matts dad is out of town all week, so I am staying the week here. I stayed here all last week too... yeah. I didnt go to school at all last week, im lazy.. and I didnt go today, but I will tomorrow... yeah. Home Depot is an okay place to work if I do say so myself... heh. Im still broke though... im broke when I need the money... and that sucks. I get paid this Friday though, so I should be good on money for a while... I hope.

I have to take traffic school for a ticket I got back in October... but you need a credit card in order to take it online... and that is one thing I do not have.

well, Matt is at school and I am being lazy... so I am going to float around online for a little while and then head back to the couch til he comes home...

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Look, I am updating... [28 Nov 2003|05:35pm]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | thursday - division st. ]

indie prick
you are either a record nerd or not a scenester at
all. you are the coolest of the bunch. bravo,

what type of lame scenester are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Im tired, I havent been sleeping well lately, and I had spent the last week at Matts house. Made them all Thanksgiving dinner, it went well... hrm. Matt is in Arcadia camping with his mom and I couldnt go because I have to work tomorrow... you heard me WORK. I now work at Home Depot... lets see how long this one! Well, chicken calls and I am bored and sleepy... drop me a line some time... maybe ill throw it back...


because its damn cool! [12 Nov 2003|10:46pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Anti- Flag - One people, one struggle ]


1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "SIKE."
2. You watched the Pound Puppies.
3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of BelAir"
4. You wore biker shorts under your skirts and felt stylish.
5. You yearned to be a member of the Babysitters club and tried to start a club of your own.
6. You owned those lil Strawberry Shortcake pals scented dolls.
7. You know that "WHOA!" comes from Joey on Blossom.
8. Two words: M.C. Hammer.
9. If you ever watched "Fraggle Rock." - with the original puppets, not the cartoon.
10. You had plastic streamers on your handle bars.
11. You can sing the entire theme song to "Duck Tales."
12. You remember when it was actually worth getting up early on a Saturday to watch cartoons.
13. You wore a ponytail on the side of your head.

14. You saw the original "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" on the big screen.
15. You got super-excited when it was Oregon Trail day in computer class at school.
16. You made your Mom buy one of those clips that would hold your shirt in a knot on the side.
17. ou played the game "MASH" (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House)
18. You wore Jordache Jean jacket and you were proud of it.
19. L.A. Gear...

20. You wanted to change your name to "JEM" in Kindergarten.
21. You remember reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and all the Ramona books.
22. You know the profound meaning of "WAX ON, WAX OFF".

23. You wanted to be a Goonie.
24. You wore fluorescent clothing.
25. You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off... And when he was actually cool.
26. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the only female smurf.
27. You took Lunch Pails to school.
28. You remember the CRAZE, then the BANNING of snap bracelets. (those things were hardcore)
29. You still get the urge to say "NOT" after every sentence.

30. You remember Hypercolor T-shirts.
31. Barbie and the Rockers was your favorite band.
32. You thought Sheera and He-Man should hook up.
33. You thought your childhood friends would never leave because you exchanged friendship bracelets.
34. You ever owned a pair of jelly shoes.
35. After you saw Pee-Wee's Big Adventure you kept saying "I know what you are, but what am I?"
36. You remember "I've fallen and I can't get up!"
37. You remember going to the skating rink before there were inline skates.
38. You ever got seriously injured on a Slip and Slide.
39. You have ever played with a Skip-It. (I kicked ass at Skip-It)
40. You had or attended a birthday party at McDonald's.
41. You've gone through this list occasionally saying "Totally awesome."
42. You remember Popples.
43. "Don't worry, be happy."

44. You wore like, EIGHT pairs of socks over tights with high top Reeboks.
45. You wore socks scrunched down. (and rolled down)
46. "Miss MARY MACK MACK, all dressed in BLACK BLACK BLACK" Or, "Miss Susie had a steamboat, the steamboat had a bell (ding ding) Ms. Susie went to heaven, the steamboat went to... (HELLO OPERATER). duh.
47. You remember boom boxes as opposed to CD players
48. You remember watching both "Gremlins" movies.
49. You know what it meant to say "Care Bear Stare!"
50. You remember watching Rainbow Bright and My Little Pony Tales.

51. You thought Doogie Howser was hot.
52. You remember Alf, the lil furry brown alien from Melmac.
53. You remember New Kids on the Block when they were cool. i was the only one who didn't find them that awesome.
54. You knew all the characters names and their life stories on "Saved By the Bell," the ORIGINAL class.
55. You know all the words to Bon Jovi - YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME.

Whoa... that was fun! Woohoo!! Im pathedic...=/

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Plan A [08 Nov 2003|11:36am]
[ mood | silly ]

Mow lawns, shower, pick up Matt and Cyn... raise hell!


and stuff!


and stuff [08 Nov 2003|10:38am]
[ mood | silly ]

Im suppose to mow lawns with my dad today, but we are getting off to a late start so I will probably end up mowing a few tomorrow too, but I need the money... so no cares. I may go see Matt tonight... if not, then tomorrow. Either way, I will see him this weekend.

Im going to ask my dad if I can stay the night at Matts Monday night seeing as there is no school Tuesday for anyone... I love sleeping next to him and waking up next to him... and his tummy!!

Im still jobless but searching hardcore. MEH!


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Oooo... pretty! *pokes random person in their eyeball* [04 Nov 2003|01:08pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | APC - Blue ]

Dark goddes. You are responsible for all thats bad
and evil in the world. Some would say you were
let out of Pandoras box

What beutiful goddess are you?(with anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

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good mourning.... [04 Nov 2003|08:39am]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | I have had APC in my head all morning... ]

So yeah... I spent the night at Matts house Sunday night and spent all day with him Monday. So, I was with him from 10 Friday morning til 10 last night. Heh... I love him so much.

I need to pull my shit together and control my emotions.

I went job hunting yesterday... and applied at *cringes* Winn-Dixie. They are hiring part time deli workers... which is exactly what I am qualified for... meh. I also applied at Alberson's, another grocery store... for just in case reasons... I hate grocery stores. =P

I have to write a paper today... so from 12 to 2 I will be in the library at IRCC trying to come up with a good paper, print it, and then have it ready to be turned in Wednesday at 9 am.

I am such a slacker. ^__^

While at Alberson's... I picked up Sailor Moon R (The Movie), Akira, and an ECW thing for Matt. 3 movies for $10, you cant beat it! Im still broke, by the way...

Going to see Matrix Revolutions on Wednesday with Matt... its going to be a good good movie... yes. Matt and his obsession with Matrix... its cute... and I dont mind it much cause I like the Matrix too, just not as much as him.

Okay... this entry is long and pointless... so... have a good day.

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bleh... [01 Nov 2003|10:00pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

KiTTiE is very tired, but she cannot sleep because her boyfreind is taping the "jam session" going on outside. She doesnt want to crawl into the tent alone. She is alone. At a party. She is alone.

She also just purposely burned herself with a lighter on the finger nail... it hurt. =/


so... yeah... [01 Nov 2003|09:18pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | everyone is "jamming" out on the back porch... ]

I made it to Tallahassee in one piece. I must say... I am in love with this place... its almost like being in the moutains... great. I get to sleep in a tent with Matt... *wink wink nudge nudge* so yeah... im pretty content! This is a great little vacation for me... I just wish it lasted longer. Tomorrow we head back to the Fort... and Monday I go back to school... same old shit.

Monday i get to go JOB HUNTING! OH JOY!!! *shoots self in temple*

Rum and coke is good kids... does a body good... O_o

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newest pictures (taken today) [30 Oct 2003|01:43pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Anti-Flag ]

<img src= )


I think my head is going to explode... [29 Oct 2003|12:58pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | AFI ]

The Morrigan
You are The Morrigan. She is a goddess of war,
death, prophecy and passionate love. Together
with Badb and Macha she built a triad of three
warlike goddesses.

Find Your Inner Bitch Goddess
brought to you by Quizilla

Your soul is bound to the Yellow Rose: The

"I've travelled through the land of
surrender and seen it all. I throw my heart
out and keep my head up, and now I travel
through the land of peace."

The Yellow Rose is associated with friendship,
intuition, and fun. It is governed by the
goddess Hestia and its sign is The Intertwined
Rings, or True Friendship.

As a Yellow Rose, you always look out for your
friends. You would much rather have strong
ties with friends than a single tie with a
lover and your devotion to your friends is
clear. You may have great intuition and be
able to read emotions clearly, but sometimes
you can seem distant yourself.

What Rose Is Your Soul Bound To?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Form 0, Phoenix: The Eternal.

"And The Phoenix's cycle had reached
zenith, so he consumed himself in fire. He
emerged from his own ashes, to be forever

Some examples of the Phoenix Form are Quetzalcoatl
(Aztec), Shiva (Indian), and Ra-Atum
The Phoenix is associated with the concept of life,
the number 0, and the element of fire.
His sign is the eclipsed sun.

As a member of Form 0, you are a determined
individual. You tend to keep your sense of
optomism, even through tough times and have a
positive outlook on most situations. You have
a way of looking at going through life as a
journey that you can constantly learn from.
Phoenixes are the best friends to have because
they cheer people up easily.

Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

pink passion

Your Passion is Pink!

You're a bit innocent when it comes to sex.

Not that you're not experienced...

You've just prevented your heart from being corrupted.

You're passionate, in time, but it takes a while for your colors to deepen.

What Color Is Your Passion?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

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And the fellowship begins... [29 Oct 2003|12:02pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | AFI ]

So, I get to go to Tallahassee with Matt and his family. Should be a cool thing... it will be.

Im suppose to help my dad mow some lawns today for a couple extra bucks... wont be enough for anything other then gas money... but its more then I have right now... so its all good.

I didnt get to see Matt yet today, but I will see him after he gets out of school because I cant help my dad until 4 or so.

My head hurts... and I miss my snuggle bunnie... =(

5 )

so life takes an interesting turn to the left... [27 Oct 2003|01:13pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | CKY vol. 1 ]

Okay, I didnt die... im still quite alive and kicking... O_o

I got fired from Hot Topic for being too anti-social. I didnt talk to the customers enough... so screw them up their holes! Only problem... im jobless and desperate once again.

On the other hand I have been having the time of my life with Matt. I have stayed the night at his house for the past 4 or 5 days and I have loved every minute of it. Spending time with him makes me so happy... but I think that time that we have apart is well needed seeing as we fight a lot more now then we did before... but nothing too major.

My dad has been out of town for the past 4 or 5 days (he left Wednesday and is suppose to return today, hence the reason I stayed at Matts so much... ^_^) and when he returns I am going to ask him if I can go with Matt up to Tallahassee (sp?!) for Friday through Sunday. (10/31-11/02) I might get to stay in a tent with Matt. Kick ass!!

I visited my mom yesterday in Okeechobee... that was fun... *SARCASIM* Heh... no really, it was nice. I enjoyed talking to her... staying with my dad has made me and my mom get along a lot better... which is really cool. My sister took me out to see the property out there... 7 big fucking acres of pure Okeechobee cattle land!! (lol) Its cool though... big... open... spaces... =P

Im being silly. Oh well... its all good.

School is doing okay... I have at least a C average in all my classes except Eng Comp 2, in which case I refuse to go back to it... damn english... who needs it?! O.o

Im killing time before my extra credit assignment for Psychology (which I took a test in today and bombed... *dies*). I also took a test in math... and I did pretty good considering I sleep through that class every day... and still do better then half the people in that class, I just dont do the homework assignments... Its on my to-do list... O_O;

Welp... how is everyone else?!

27 )

FREIND CLEAN UP TIME!! [19 Sep 2003|01:02pm]

Taira Kittie


and how [19 Sep 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | blah ]

Conscious self
Overall self
Take Free Enneagram Test


I work from 5 to close tonight and 4 to 10 Saturday.


... [18 Sep 2003|08:18am]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | Thursday - War all the time [album] ]

is this how it feels when you don't even fit into your own skin and its getting tighter
everyday and im getting smaller. if i keep holding my breath i'm going to dissapear.

*hangs head*

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ick... [17 Sep 2003|11:51pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

my tummy looks gruesome in more ways then one.

I want to die.

I will lose 10 + pounds.

Matt says everything will be okay, and I want to believe him. He is all I have saving me right now...

Fuck this shit. Im done.

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wooooooooopie doooopie! [16 Sep 2003|11:29pm]
[ mood | FAT... UGH! ]

New layout... JOJ themed this time. Why do I change my journal around so much?! I dunno... im a spaz... I must have ADD or something. =P

Beddi-bye time for Tairas... night all.

I wuvoo snuggle bunnie!!


teehee! [16 Sep 2003|08:43am]
[ mood | discontent ]

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Prowling along the tarmac, attacking with a meaty axe, cometh Xx_kittie_xx! And she gives a mighty roar:

"I'm going to punch you until war is peace, and trade you for a candy bar!!!"

Find out!
Enter username:
Are you a girl, or a guy ?

created by beatings : powered by monkeys

On another note: Im having a very FAT month. =/ I hate my body. I woke up and my inner thighs hurt, my boobs hurt, and my stomach is still bloated, fat and nasty from dinner last night. I want to blow my stomach out with a rifle!! UGH! IM SO FAT!!!

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mew... [15 Sep 2003|10:09pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | AFI - My Michelle ]

I got the job at Hot Topic! =D I worked for 4 hours today... and I work about 4 + Friday, from 5 to close [9 or later]. ^__^ Much coolness!!

Took my algebra test today... I think I did well... hopefully... I also took my psychology test today... that didnot go as well... =/

Oh well... spent mucho time with Matt. Much love!!

I love my snuggle bunnie!!!


so... this is cool [11 Sep 2003|10:11am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | APC - Weak and Powerless ]


take a look at the sky
can you see a god
once when he was there
we had a chance one chance
but a long time ago
he was left alone
by his own mankind
and so he died

~ "Capitol Punishment" from Bunkergate 7

created by xianvox and oizys

Well, I spent 10 hours with Matt yesterday. Much fun, much love. I dont get to spend as much time with him today because I have to mow some lawns tonight and then do some math homework. I need to stop slacking off in that class... im behind on three assignments already... not good at all. I just took a test in my bio class... and I think I did pretty well, if I get anything over a 70%... im calling it good! Oh, I forgot to mention this: I have an interview at Hot Topic at 1:45 Saturday!! Cool, no?! Hell yeah it is!!

Ahem... I hate my body.

My life sucks. I am in desperate need of money. I have a 700 insurance payment due in 5 months... =(. I have a 226 car payment ever month. I know I can make the car payment this month... but even if I get the job at Hot Topic, im not quite sure if I can make the insurance payment in Feburary... which sucks because my birthday is in Feburary... and that would probably be in only birthday present... =(

Matts birthday is coming up soon... and I have no money to get him anything. Im such a loser. I have so many things to do Friday night... but the most important two are mowing lawns and homework. After that, I can either: Show up at Dani's party, hang out with Matt, or take Matt with me and hang out with "the gang" plus Lyle [this cool kid we met at Ozzfest who is coming up to see us!! ^__^] But the money + homework are my biggest things. If I can finish two of the assignments tonight... I should only have to do two or so tomorrow night... and that frees me for a couple of hours... plus its not a school night so I can stay out longer. I get to spend all day Sunday with Matt... and I am going to try to get my dad to let me spend the night over there Saturday... but thats a really slim chance... and im not counting on a yes.

Ah... such is my life. *shoots self in temple*

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Hey everyone!! [09 Sep 2003|01:41pm]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | Godsmack - serenity ]

Check out [info]claim_a_love

I claimed my Matt [[info]cannedviolence].

Claim your love!!

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